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Nature will solve the problem.

Not so sure humanity (and most other species) are going to like it, though.

: World's oceans reach record temperature, prompting fears of worst mass coral bleaching

One thing I did decide over our winter experiment is while absolutly nobody should be forced by their lack of money to live without heating or without adaquate heating ,but especially ther vulnerable and those with children .I think maybe people need to stop feeling they have the right to be warm inside year round in indoor clothing .I havent felt hard done by or even noticed most of the time except mid winter when heatings essential

Est tan chungo el panorama del , que el fantasma de las pasadas puede llegar cuando menos te lo esperes.

Exon says public (it mislead) is to blame ...

5 things we learned from the EUs big (and first) climate risk report

Plant trees and save the planet.

Oil industry has sought to block state backing for green tech since 1960s

This is a warning of things to come
The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Administration () has issued warnings indicating a or feels-like temperatures of 41 degrees Celsius on Monday to 40 degrees on Tuesday in some areas in .

Rising temperatures prompt class suspensions in 4 cities, 2 towns in

I need to reiterate.
The 12-month average now sits at 1.5C above pre-industrial levels - after the first year-long breach of 1.5C warming was confirmed last month.

News articles STILL cite out of date reports calling for net zero by 2050.

Think we need policy to address climate destruction

Protesting In this climate
They really dont understand business
Fiona Katauskas nice polite strategies get nowhere

The European Environment Agency - has published the first ever European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA)

" 2023 was the warmest year on record over more than 100,000 years globally, at 1.48C above pre-industrial levels "

(Available in multiple languages)

The European Environment Agency - has published the first ever European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA)

" these risks have already reached critical levels and could become catastrophic without urgent and decisive action "


- European Climate Risk Assessment - "Extreme heat, drought, wildfires, and flooding, as experienced in recent years, will worsen in Europe even under optimistic global warming scenarios and affect living conditions throughout the continent. The EEA has published the first ever European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA) to help identify policy priorities for climate change adaptation and for climate-sensitive sectors." - European Environment Agency (EEA) Report No 1/2024

The oil industry has fought against government support for clean technologies for more than half a century, the Guardian can reveal, even as vast subsidies have propped up its polluting business model.

In the words of science writer and author of The Uninhabitable Earth David Wallace-Wells, No matter how well informed you are, you are surely not alarmed enough.

Net zero meets the NIMBYs: Inside the battle for the UKs biggest solar farm #EnergyandClimateUK #EnergyandClimate #Electricitygrid #Renewableenergy #Infrastructure #Climatechange #Electricity #Solarenergy #Buildings #Democracy #Emissions #farmers #Netzero #TradeUK #Carbon #Energy #Policy #Data

- boosts dividends despite profit fall

Costruiamo ancora
come se nulla fosse cambiato

If you've been hoping that somehow we'd reach net zero & halt the spiralling temperature(s) associated with climate change, sadly the EU's Environmental Agency doesn't agree with you.

The Agency is warning of much higher average temperature(s) & associate disruption(s) as we approach mid-century.

Given reports that we're already further along this slope than we had thought, non of this looks implausible...

We had our chance & we blew it the young will be picking up the pieces

The EEA report says several climate risks have already reached critical levels. If decisive action is not taken now, it says, most climate risks could reach critical or catastrophic levels by the end of this century.

This should be the final wake-up call.

Costruiamo ancora
come se nulla fosse cambiato

This video is for the people who already know how hosed we are in terms of .

This video talks about things that are happening to improve the situation TODAY, not promises of "net zero by 2050". It is a glimmer of hope, that incentives can be aligned so it makes more sense to completely burn instead of flaring it off, or worse, just allowing it to leak into the atmosphere entirely.

Please don't be scared off by the title, hear it out.

1.5C heating passed in 2023

It's not the distant future, it's now.
Our government is prioritising commercial interests over a duty of care to our children.
If you're in , sign up to act on your concern, here: If you're not in Melbourne, but you want to come down, billets abound so get in touch. First action tomorrow.
Most Thursday -Saturday

5 things we learned from the EUs big (and first) climate risk report #CommonAgriculturalPolicy(CAP) #Majorandchronicdiseases #agricultureandfood #AgricultureandFood #Aidanddevelopment #Naturerestoration #EnergyandClimate #Infrastructure #Sustainability #Climatechange #Lossanddamage #Manufacturing #Biodiversity #Energysupply #Foodsecurity

Best known Facts of what to expect of of your on

I think this is a good story, if not a particularly good article.

There's a hint of "both sides", and also "Isn't this funny that the teenager wants to do something" in the article... but I'm ignoring that.

Externalities Theory: Hidden Costs and Benefits in the Space Economy

#AsteroidMining #Astronomy #ClimateChange #Constellations #Earth #EarthObservation #EnvironmentalImpact #Insurance #Investment #Launch #Materials #OrbitalDebris #Propulsion #Robotics #Satellites #SpaceDebris #SpaceEconomy #SpaceExploration #Technology #EditorSPicks #Noteworthy #PolicyLawAndRegulation #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy

Public Goods Theory and the Emerging Space Economy: An Essential Nexus

#ActiveDebrisRemoval #Business #BusinessModels #ClimateChange #Defense #Earth #EarthObservation #Economics #Equity #Government #GPS #Infrastructure #Materials #Navigation #OrbitalDebris #PlanetaryDefense #Policy #Research #Satellites #Science #SolarSystem #SpaceDebris #SpaceEconomy #SpaceExploration #Technology #EditorSPicks #Noteworthy #PolicyLawAndRegulation #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy

The Economics of Innovation: Driving Growth on Earth and Beyond

#AsteroidMining #Business #BusinessModels #ClimateChange #Competition #Earth #Economics #Energy #Government #GPS #IntellectualProperty #Life #Manufacturing #Materials #Patents #Policy #Propulsion #Research #Robotics #Science #SpaceEconomy #SpaceExploration #SpaceSector #SpaceTourism #SpaceTravel #Spillover #STEM #Technology #VentureCapital #EditorSPicks #Noteworthy #PolicyLawAndRegulation #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy

New evidence that an extraterrestrial collision 12,800 years ago triggered an abrupt climate change for Earth

#Asteroids #Canada #ClimateChange #Comets #Earth #Extraterrestrial #Materials #NASA #Research #Timeline #UnitedStates #EditorSPicks #IndustryReportsPapersAndEBooks #Noteworthy #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy

The food systems that will feed Mars are set to transform food on Earth

#Agriculture #Astronauts #Canada #ClimateChange #Earth #Energy #Gravity #Life #Manufacturing #Mars #NASA #Policy #Radiation #Research #SpaceExploration #STEM #Technology #YouTube #IndustryReportsPapersAndEBooks #SpaceEconomy

We worked out what it would take to wipe out all life on a planet and its good news for alien hunters

#Asteroids #ClimateChange #Earth #Energy #Exoplanet #Life #Nuclear #Radiation #Research #SolarSystem #Sun #IndustryReportsPapersAndEBooks #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy

We've already passed 1.5 degrees. It's not just the future, it's here.

If you're in , sign up to do something, anything, here:

If you're nervous or have questions, you can DM me, or join the signal chats and ask the group.

If you're not in Melbourne, but you want to come down, billets abound so get in touch.

First action is tomorrow.

Edited: billets! Definitely not bullets, my goodness what a typo

Explore the critical issue of in 's systems and the urgent need to address to prevent .

Explore the impact of and in 2023, highlighting the urgent need for and resilience measures

Learn about the unprecedentedly powerful caused by and the advocacy for a new on the .

The effects of lead in leaded gas, which was added to early gas to make engines run quieter and was still around when I was a kid, have long been known. Now there's a study that shows how bad it really was, and that they are still causing issues. Don't let anyone tell you that fossil fuels are necessary. Ever. It's time to end Big Oil, no matter whom it angers.

Space ship Earth, third planet from the sun Sol in the Milky Way galaxy. A unique and beautiful blue marble we are fortunate enough to call home.

Is it ours No, no it is not. We share it with the other inhabitants - thousands of species of microbes, plants, animals, birds as well as the creatures of the sea. We inherited custodial rights from our parents, and we will leave those to our children. We, are merely visitors.

Humans have ravaged this planet as our population sky rockets out of control.

Some would have us believe that Mother Earth has infinite carrying capacity if we tech the shit out of it while they monetize everything.

When will enough of us take a stand and say: no more, it stops here, now. We need to find another way - because what we've been doing - is not working.

Very interesting paper on how best to target with lessons from the Black civil rights movement.

"the movements power stemmed not from majority support, which it never possessed, but from the ability of a minority to impose direct costs on the elite sectors that had influence over government"

Saudi Arabia and allies outside of OPEC keeping production and supply down to boost global oil prices

Aramco, Saudi's oil giant, made $121 billion in profit in 2023 and $161 billion profit in 2022 -- likely the largest ever reported by a publicly traded company

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks