My pencil pooch has notes on
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My pencil pooch has notes on the branding of . He says what he envisioned was more beach holidays in the sun, but instead he is getting more rain, more storms, more burnt paws and that was not in the marketing brochure. He wants you to know: "This is not fine!!"

Today I discovered:

United Diversity's library on and many other things

Pretty cool!

Three charts based on our ERA5 dataset you shouldnt miss this month:

Monthly global precipitable water since 1940 BenNollWeather
Year-to-date global surface temperature anomalies OceanTerra annalom87
Surface air temperature anomaly for Aug 2024 CopernicusEU

Find out more about ERA5 reanalysis and other datasets available in the Climate Data Store CDS .

Plant trees and save the planet.

60% of Consumers Back National Policies to Reduce Meat Consumption
Anay Mridul
1113 minutes

5 Mins Read
In a global climate change poll, 60% of consumers said theyd support government policies encouraging meat reduction to lower greenhouse gas emissions

big, fast carbon surge:
ice melts, oceans heat and rise
air warms by decades
Gregory C. Johnson

NEW Paper published in

A 9-day-long signal was caused by a triggered landslide followed by a mega-tsunami in

More on this story

: finds will increase the risk of the food-borne illness eg. impacting large populations of people. Help forests, and protect animals by simply changing what you eat! Be

California Farmers Willing To Cut Back Groundwater Usage When Charged
<-- shared media article
<-- shared paper

Sun et al propose a hypothesis for the trigger of the devastating Permian-Triassic boundary extinction. They suggest that volcanically induced CO rise caused the duration of El Nio events to increase from months to years, as a consequence of the collapse of meridonal overturning circulation. This caused the climate to become unstable, leading to long periods of drought punctuated by extreme rainfall.

Pour un numrique plus responsable - Alt IMPACT, Bonnes pratiques, vnements, actualits Toutes les infos pour allger nos pratiques numriques sont ici !

Thawing ice and permafrost, increased precipitation etc caused by causes unprecedented events.

Landslide on Greenland caused the earth to vibrate for 9 days

I was saying the very same thing when I recently trolled Barratt on Fb for their so-called (but without heat pumps or solar panels) homes

" urged to change regulations so new homes incorporate , , high-grade insulation and battery storage

homes can save 1,341 in bills and should be compulsory, study shows Real estate The Guardian

Massive Greenland tsunami shook Earth for nine days

Antarcticas Deep Vulnerability Exposed at 11th Scientific Conference

A paper published in Science last month reviewed 1,500 climate policies around the world, and found that only 63 have delivered significant benefits. These include fuel taxes, carbon floor prices, bans on damaging technologies, renewables mandates, energy efficiency mandates, strong building regulations and higher industrial performance standards.

My least favourite solution to the and induced

The one where we ourselves to and with and before the gets so bad it leads to even worse and massive

Its everywhere: The disturbing rise of the worlds most-rampant forever chemical

Carrie Fellner
September 13, 2024 5.00am


- Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) is a little known substance scientists say has been accumulating at an alarming rate in human blood, drinking water supplies, household dust, plant-based food and rain.
- TFAs rise is being driven by a new generation of gases used in air-conditioning and refrigeration, introduced in the 1990s after earlier types gouged a hole in the ozone layer.
- Its classified as a forever chemical by the OECD and will never break down in the environment, meaning levels are expected to continue to balloon indefinitely.
- Scientists are divided about whether TFA poses a threat to human health but there is concern over a recent industry-led study which found it causes severe birth defects in laboratory animals.

Scientists are disturbed by the rise of what is now the most rampant forever chemical on the planet, with air-conditioning and refrigeration believed to be propelling its rapid accumulation in human blood, drinking water, household dust, plant-based food, rain and the oceans.

Experts are calling for urgent research into trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), which has recently been linked to toxic effects on reproduction, as levels increase exponentially across the globe.

Climate Catastrophe Smashes Heat Records, as Plutocrats, Politicians Twiddle Their Thumbs

"Very rapid sea level rise has been documented in the past and so: is it possible to get that again We are certainly perturbing the climate system enough."

78% of Trump voters support Bidens clean energy incentives

The greatest trick in politics is to get people to vote against their own interests and policies

13.09.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Nature Climate Change: The Ecological Footprint of the rich is drastically underestimated. The difference in CO2 emissions between poorer and richer people is usually misjudged. The rich cause more and the poor less CO2 emissions than they themselves estimatebased on a survey of c. 4,000 people from four different countries. Most people misjudge how big the difference is between the CO2 emissions of richer and poorer people.

A landslide and mega-tsunami in Greenland in September 2023 triggered by the climate crisis caused Earth to vibrate for nine days. The seismic event was detected by earthquake sensors worldwide but was so completely unprecedented that the researchers initially had no idea what had caused it. It demonstrates global heating already had planetary-scale impacts.

"basically presents a wish list that certain industry groups have been touting for years"

"Consider the fact that in Norway, they tax the fossil fuel industry and give kids free university education, in Australia we subsidise the fossil fuel industry and charge kids a fortune to go to university". Ricard Dennis, Australia Institute, National Press Club, January 2024. Cited in Joelle Gergis (2024), Quarterly Essay. Issue 94,p.57.

One year ago, a 200-meter tsunami that originated in a remote fjord in Greenland reverberated around the world, unseen. A team of 68 scientists pieced together what happened.

This tsunami source was so energetic that the seiche radiated seismic waves globally, shaking the planet for nine days before it petered out.

Out of 1,500 global climate policies, only 63 have really worked. Thats where green spin has got us George Monbiot

South America is being ravaged by fire from Brazil's Amazon rainforest through the world's largest wetlands to dry forests in Bolivia, breaking a previous record for the number of blazes seen in a year up to Sept. 11.

My illinformed and unfounded, novice opinion is that this may be the least worse of all the -engineering proposals.

Partly because it is what "natural" process of increased and from induced will cause in future.

Unlike other geo-engineering options it could also address PH levels and may mitigate .

Article mentions drawing from the but I believe it consumes CO2 and . Allowing oceans to then absorb more

I'm going to blame for this, as there could have been snow there by now if the weather was historically accurate. (I saw the cameras for the lookout last night & today, so sad to lose such an important local historical & cultural site).

If a structure designed almost 100 years ago to survive a wildfire is gone, what chance does anything else have to survive the

"What we eat plays a role in the health of our environment. Here are some things to consider when trying to make doable changes to improve your impact without breaking the bank."

Summer 2024 for Alaska overall was cooler than most summers in the past decade, but prior to 1985 this would have been the sixth warmest summer. That's the power of the trend.

Lawsuits Are Exploding. Are Homicide Charges Next

The courts have become one of the most important battlegrounds in the fight over planet-warming . Here are prominent cases to watch.

Flooding in Barre, Vt., last summer. Around the world, lawsuits are targeting oil companies and governments over global warming.Credit...Hilary Swift for The New York Times

Karen Zraick
Sept. 12, 2024, 3:44 p.m. ET

Lawsuits against companies over are piling up. Legislators and activists are pushing prosecutors to pursue criminal charges. Children are suing governments, arguing that their right to a healthy environment is being trampled on.

Welcome to the new universe of climate litigation, where the courts have become one of the most important battlegrounds in the fight over the warming the planet.

Around the world, both innovative and old-school legal arguments are being used to go after companies and governments to seek redress or forestall future harms. At the same time, the fossil fuel industry and its allies have powerful new legal grounds at their disposal to challenge climate rules. A number of cases could be taken up by the highest courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court and The Hague.

There are myriad lawsuits, which fit into several important categories. Heres what to watch in the coming months.

A top official with Milieudefensie, right, in 2021 after a court victory over Royal Dutch Shell. Credit...Remko De Waal/EPA, via Shutterstock

Lawsuits against giants are spreading.

At least 86 lawsuits have been filed globally against the worlds biggest oil, and producers, according to a report published Thursday by the advocacy and research groups Oil Change International and Zero Carbon Analytics. The vast majority of those were filed in just the past nine years since the signing of the 2015 Paris accord, the landmark agreement among nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

About 40 percent of the lawsuits examined by the group sought compensation for climate-related damage to the or communities. Others challenged what they called misleading advertising claims, or alleged that the companies had failed to sufficiently reduce their emissions.

So far, no oil and gas company has had to pay liability claims exclusively for damage associated with climate change, according to Oil Change International. But, it says, such lawsuits could dissuade investment in fossil fuel infrastructure by increasing the financial risks.

The cases include:

A major victory for environmentalists: A court in the Netherlands ruled in 2021 that Royal Dutch Shell must reduce its emissions by 45 percent by 2030. The case was filed by Milieudefensie, the Dutch wing of Friends of the Earth. Similar cases have since been filed in other European countries. The company, now known as Shell, has appealed. A Shell spokeswoman said the company believes that smart policy from government and action from all sectors is the way forward on climate change, rather than court action.
A Peruvian suing in Germany: With the help of a German nonprofit, a Peruvian farmer, Sal Luciano Lliuya, sued the German electricity producer RWE in 2015, alleging that the companys emissions contributed to the melting of a glacier near his home and that the company should help pay for a dam to protect him and his neighbors from flooding. His case was dismissed, but Mr. Lliuya is expected to appear at an appeals court hearing in Germany next year.The company expects the suit to be dismissed again, a spokeswoman said on Thursday, in line with decisions by German courts in suits against car companies that relied on similar claims.

Canadian CEOs worry about : survey CTV News

Climate change threatening water, sanitation facilities

Well this is only mildly terrifying.

Clever science.
Entire Earth vibrated for nine days after climate-triggered mega-tsunami

Out of 1,500 global policies, only 63 have really worked. Thats where green spin has got us

But, humans are so honest! especially when is involved. How did climate 'spin' become the norm

OK, sarcasm also isn't the highest form of intelligence. But, if the 'glove fits'. Besides, l'm sure we will all get very serious about when it's too late to prevent the worst of it.

That's how we do business (as usual)

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh want to end the carbon pricing rebate meanwhile Canada is one fire as is California.

Today this woman walked through the wildfire in Orange County--watch the video and think, is this what you want for your family

Video shows woman walking through flames to waiting firefighters

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks