More things being fixed by the
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More things being fixed by the Treaty Fairy

Now the Tories have discovered that they can turn Rwanda into a safe country by the power of a wish from the Treaty Fairy, what else can they fix It is the season of magic and wonder and they are wondering how far they can push it.

"no amount of magic is going to make that happen"

Green Our Planet

101: An Explainer

"I used to be a believer in what mankind was doing to address the issue of climate change.

Today, I am convinced it is nothing but smoke and mirrors for governments to placate concerned citizens.

The COP28 was a perfect example of this!"
- Aure

What Did COP28 Really Accomplish

At the end of the dayor record-hot yearwhat matters is not what language countries agree to but what they actually do.

On a hillside overlooking cabbage fields outside the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai, researchers are using drones to better understand forests and their role in the battle against climate change.

Extremely heavy rains lash South Tamil Nadu

Holiday has been declared for educational institutions in rain-hit districts and a septuagenarian was killed in wall collapse at Ramanathapuram district.

In recent years the pace of global efforts to curb climate change has been increasing. One of the initiatives in this direction is the Freshwater Challenge which is the largest challenge of its kind in the world and in history. Its goal is to ensure the restoration of 300,000. km of degraded rivers and 350 million hectares of destroyed wetlands.

! makes

People should think about whether they really need to go on a plane to travel anywhere. Flying and tourism is so bad for the environment. I understand needing to travel to see family, but for sightseeing, it seems a complete indulgence when the climate is in such a bad shape.

Hawaii's gotten more snow this winter than New York City, Boston combined

Update for Flying high-tech laboratory: as part of a dfgpublic programme to equip the HALO aircraft with new instrumentation, UniLeipzig has secured 4.6 million Euro to contribute innovative equipment.

Update for Flying high-tech laboratory: as part of a dfgpublic programme to equip the HALO aircraft with new instrumentation, UniLeipzig has secured 4.6 million Euro to contribute innovative equipment.

Battery pack prices hit record low

Climate: why disinformation is so persistent

A research team has tested six psychological interventions to combat climate misinformation. It shows how difficult it is to combat these messages, which are resistant to scientific information.

via unigeneve

the implications of an already weakening Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) as a result of are that Britains winters will probably get much colder and more like Canadas.

. "Cairns has received more than **2m** of rainfall since the weather event began"

"cyclone has dumped a year's worth of rain on some areas"

"Daintree River ... exceeded the previous record by 2m, after receiving 820mm of rain in 24 hours"


Sadly, this is what it will take to persuade many people that is a real thing. Looks like that may happen quite quickly.

For & classrooms

activity for grades 5-12

Graphing Sea-Level Trends

Seaworthy solution yields green energy, fresh water.

A model that not only cultivates green energy, but also desalinates ocean water for large,
drought-stricken coastal populations.

For and researchers.

First Global Maps of Surface Minerals in Arid Regions

Dear Reader,

"Outside the office of Aure Free Press, we are expecting up to six inches or more of rain tonight and tomorrow, very high winds, and a high temperature Monday of 60 F.

The record high is 50F and the average high for today is 37F! The average low temp is 18F.

Climate change is pelting my window as I type this"
- Aure

Storm drenches Florida and causes floods in South Carolina as it moves up East Coast

The Earth is currently warming at 0.5C per decade. By 2050, we'll be at 3C over baseline, global collapse levels. 4C by 2070. You'll live to see it. It'll be within your lifetime. Most humans will die.

Cheers! Happy holidays! Enjoy this coolest year of the rest of your life!

no, it's 2020, 21, 22, 23 all over again

and bet we'll be posting this again in 2030

while we neither meet Covid mitigation, and climate targets

Climate change denying area of the largest coal exporting state in the world hit by climate change.

I expect theyll blame drag queens and Aboriginal people

Far North Queenslands torrential rains result in record-breaking floods in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Jasper. The cyclone has caused more than 2m of rain, leading to severe flooding, forcing evacuations and leaving residents stranded.

Hundreds evacuated as floods ravage northeastern Australia News Al Jazeera

Despite declarations of unity and progress at , the Alliance of Small Island States expressed disappointment in the final agreement, citing loopholes and a lack of representation for small island developing states.

These idiots think they can hide in a hole away from .

Just ordered:

Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture: Sustainable Solutions for Hunger, Poverty, and Climate Change


Storm havoc across the globe: US to UK and Australian weather crisis

North Queensland's (Australia) record-breaking floods are a frightening portent of what's to come under climate change

>Some rain gauges in the Barron and Daintree River catchments recorded more than 2m of rain over recent days, and more rain is expected.


Definitely soggy up there.

Dig more coal I guess , use those holes as flood mitigation reservoirs /s

North Queensland's record-breaking floods are a frightening portent of what's to come under climate change

ends when carbon pollution stops (Mann, M. E. (2023) Frontiers in

*Long-term warming will largely be determined by CO2 emissions but aerosols & short-lived, human-generated greenhouse gases such as methane must also be considered

*At this point, the obstacles to are neither physical nor technological but political, which means they can be overcome with the right sense of urgency.

Climate campaigners launch legal challenge against UK oilfield approval

Vast majority of fossil fuels must stay in ground to stem climate crisis

North Queensland's record-breaking floods are a frightening portent of what's to come under climate change

Rosebank oil field stirs UK climate pledge controversy amid COP28 strides

Climate change emerges as pivotal issue in UK politics, overshadowing economy and NHS

New report shows western Kansas water supply continues to decline, pushing state to act.

New report shows western Kansas water supply continues to decline, pushing state to act.

A new study has shown a number of academic papers have made misleading claims regarding emissions and pollution from the animal agriculture industry.

Published in Environmental Research Letters, the article points out that these so-called "climate neutral" claims are too good to be true. The study found that an alternative method of quantifying the impact of methane emissions (GWP100 vs. GWP*) has led to a number of industry-friendly findings that the livestock sector seems to be using to claim climate neutrality as they continue to pollute the planet.

The full study, authored by Caspar Donnison and Donal Murphy-Bokern can be read here:

Dead mall America, the end of 2023 and the precipice of nothing.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks