Massive climate win - it looks
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Massive climate win - it looks like Biden is halting the biggest fossil fuel expansion on earth.

Leading Climate Science Denial Group Registers Lowest Income for Seven Years

"Founded by the late former Conservative chancellor Nigel Lawson, the GWPF has attracted criticism for its use of a subsidiary, Net Zero Watch, to front its campaigns. While the GWPF is a registered charity, and is in theory bound by Charity Commission rules limiting political activity, Net Zero Watch is a private company."

Just got these delivered today, my new album coming soon
Music For Airports In The Age Of Climate Change
20 copies on cassette / digital released via on 2nd February.

Green Our Planet

EU fossil fuel CO2 emissions hit 60-year low
Fossil emissions finally back to 1960s levels, say analysts, but they warn levels are still falling too slowly

"Aquifers are supposed to be reliable banks of water, safely locked underground where the liquid cant easily evaporate away. Theyre a rainy-day fundor, more accurately, a dry-day fundavailable to tap into in times of need, like during a drought."

There are cases, although they are rare, where groundwater level declines have turned around,

The climate crisis is supercharging extreme weather across the planet, but the extreme Amazon drought is a stark and worrying example because the rainforest is already thought to be close to a tipping point into a drier state. This would result in a mass die-off of trees in the worlds most important store of carbon on land, releasing large amounts of CO2 and driving global temperatures even higher.

A struggle to show the lilac buds but here they are. I think they are already vulnerable if we get another cold snap.

Zombie beliefs that just won't die!

It's such a simple minded way to think about , to paraphrase "See! It's snowing so global heating can't be real!" (When they live in temperate climates)

Obviously, this zombie myth was spread by the US fuel industry lobbyists (it's not a common myth in the UK)

The 'snowball' 'zombie' myth is so hard to 'kill' because it's easy for the simple minded to accommodate it (& 'infect' others with it. Like a virus)

Dites la sphre

Avez-vous dj vu une frise montrant en quelle anne ont t battus les diffrents records de chaleur et de froid, par exemple pour les grandes villes de France

L'ide est de montrer visuellement en un coup d'oeil que la plupart des records de froid sont vieux et qu'on bat des records de chaleur chaque anne.

Great interview re: cracking down on environmental defenders

Looking to save water Here are some of the top ways to do it

(This is why if youre not you cant really call yourself an )

"EU must invest about 1.5 Trillion a year to meet net zero targets, says Brussels"

My latest article for just went live

Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Bob Dylan

Discovery raises hopes of more temperature tolerant wheat

Gene-editing techniques have helped to identify a temperature tolerance factor that may protect wheat from the increasingly unpredictable challenges of climate change.

via John Innes Centre

Image: Wheat field. Credit: CCO

This might interest you folks

Mikko Puumala argues that ordinary morality which takes into account the demandingness-objection, may in extraordinary circumstances (e.g., the New Harms) entail extraordinary moral imperatives. It's just that an individual's myopic and tribalistic intuition is not often capable of grasping the consequences of our (in)action. We are not morally equipped for the modern world, so to say. Therefore, our duty would be to support science-based institutional measures which can do something even against our minute will (and maybe voting behavior).

But do study the dissertation yourself, if you can. It's a treat!

This is what a failure to invest in & support looks like.

Across the UK fail to reach the accessibility level for by public transport that are achieved across the rest of .

Once again it needs to be stressedL there cannot be a fully effective without significant and wide-spread investment in public transport.

We need to recognise its value & its contribution to responding to !

Discover how 1400 families of Amnat Charoen Organic Community Enterprise Network benefited from community restoration project, cofounded by fairtradede in Thailand!

Our contribution to a cleaner world: How Kenya found an extraordinary power source beneath its feet The Guardian

> The 1970s oil crisis helped pave the way for to utilise its vast geothermal resources beneath the Great Rift Valley

with the new stresses that -energy fueled weather events we can expect going forward, we really need to be better.

I don't know whether to scream, laugh, or cry after reading this. What a farce this all is. They give zero fucks and will squeeze every drop of oil out of the earth if it makes them richer.

The United States is producing more oil than any country in history

Scattered tree death contributes to substantial forest loss in California.

Scattered tree death contributes to substantial forest loss in California.

"According to Environment and Canada, is set to see a high of 18C to start next week, which is hard to imagine, given how cold it was earlier this month.
If the high for Saturday holds, it will be the warmest January 27 in Calgarys history. The current record of 13.2C was set in 2011, with records going back to 1882."

Who's that cool dude in the (courtesy of the GREAT folks at the & the ) That's one of western Canada's best & most prolific energy journalists, the intrepid . Looking good, pal!

My students just learned that the greenhouse effect and role of CO2 was figured out over a century ago. I think they're a little ticked off and confused as to why they've been left with this mess. Fair.

The U.S. Department of Energy has never rejected a proposed natural gas project because of its expected environmental impact, the Times reports. But now, the White House is directing DoE to expand its evaluation of the project to consider its impact on climate change, as well as the economy and national security.

Inevitably the money will make the rest of you at long last care where even the wellbeing of your own children wasn't enough. It's grotesque that's what it takes but it is indeed inevitable.

Climate change could critically harm $253 billion US fishing industry, experts tell senators The Hill

"It's impossible to predict what form it will take or how bad it'll have to get first but the masses will rise, we will hold the bad actors to account & we will force the fix we need."


Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science Blazing a trail to the Moon
via PodcastAddict

There's nothing more important than getting off this rock.

Weather-obsessed farmers now have a dedicated agriculture decision support team at BOM
By Fiona Broom

Talking about the weather is a farming pastime, and it's dominating conversations after summer storms hit. A new Bureau of Meteorology team dedicated to agricultural decision-making will give farmers even more to talk about.

USGS tracks this for certain aquifers in the United States. They use well point data really deep wells dug for agriculture. You measure the depth to water in each well. You then : (surface elevation - bedrock elevation) - (depth to water) to get saturated thickness. If you do this for thousands of wells, you can make a statistical model of groundwater levels. Really important for and impact studies :

Bill McKibben:

"Biden is halting the biggest expansion on earth...

NYT says the White House has decided to pause permitting for new LNG terminalsif its true... this is the biggest thing a U.S. president has ever done to stand up to the fossil fuel industry.

This decision is brave, because Donald (the man who pulled us out of the on the grounds that is a hoax) will attack it mercilessly."

"The American lobby has launched an eight-figure campaign this week promoting the idea that are 'vital' to global security...

The ad blitz... comes after US reached a record high in 2023, which was also the hottest year ever recorded."

Planetary Boundaries defining a safe operating space for humanity

Climate change is one of three high-risk Planetary Boundaries transgressions.

LLL EWE: Japan Winter Snow Storm Disrupts Traffic in Sekigahara, Gifu.

In the space of two minutes had a hail storm, the most ferocious rainfall Ive experienced here, then sun. Its no wonder weather forecasts are all over the map and contradicting one another. Thanks

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Global Warming sucks