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Many thanks for the enriching exchange! Experts from 13 nations visited the IW during the information tour Adapting to in Germany by the Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut.

Jesko Hirschfeld: It became clear that climate change presents us with similar challenges worldwide, albeit with very different intensities and capacities.

Read more:

U.S banks face significant data & modeling challenges in predicting the impact of on their loan books, the Federal Reserve has warned after its first analysis on the issue

Hawaiis Observatory captured ominous signals about planets health
"Atmospheric levels of planet-warming aren't just on their way to yet another record high this year," reports WashPost.
"They're rising faster than ever, according to the latest in a 66-year-long series of observations."
This year "is more than 50% above preindustrial levels and the highest in at least 4.3 million years" -

Can't help but wonder how much worse these floods have been made by all of the deforestation in Brazil

"Devastating and ongoing flooding in southern Brazil is forcing some of the half million displaced residents to consider uprooting their lives from inundated towns to rebuild on higher ground."

Garzweiler lsst gren *hust*
German Lignite mines

Appel urgent la prservation des haies

Interpellons nos dputs !
lassociation Agir pour lEnvironnement prvoit de contacter les dputs et snateurs en leur adressant une lettre ouverte accompagne dun gland.

Cette dmarche vise les sensibiliser et les inciter prendre des mesures immdiates pour protger nos haies et prserver notre biodiversit.

Climate change has become a pressing public health crisis around the world, as disease patterns worsen and emerge in regions where they did not exist before.

Health experts are particularly concerned about the role of climate change in the rise of vector-borne diseases in Africas low- and middle-income countries.

By Juliet Akoth Ojwang

Extreme solar storms sweeping the Earth, shocking at the same time worrying

Extreme solar storms sweeping the Earth, shocking at the...

Derrire lextraction des mtaux pour dvelopper les nergies  vertes , un immense cot cologique matriser 

Research by the Dutch research insitute RIVM shows that the already negatively affects human health (in Dutch):

Nearly all major car companies are sabotaging EV transition, and Japan is worst, study finds

You just cannot make it up... :blobdisapproval:

Fossil fuel firms forcing countries to compensate them, Mary Robinson says Fossil fuels The Guardian

One of the tutors on the weekend was Lucy Huzzard, who is not just a great teacher and player but an engaging and passionate activist. Shes trying to get her musical career going, and is enough people like this YouTube video for her to win this climate song competition is shell get some cash thatll help get her started.
Take a look and give it a like!

14.05.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

When published its update "April 2024 was warmer globally than any previous April in the data record" I heard it in a casual radio message, followed by an update on football.

Even though I have to deal with professionally, the realization that we are in an uncharted climate territory does not make it any less mind-boggling. Casually mentioning this unfolding threat to our civilization in between the really relevant news and sports borders with denialism.

"New Orleans" by David Rovics, about hurricane Katrina. I'll never forget meeting the new students at school that came from New Orleans after the storm, our very own climate refugees.

"Preparations must be made, they said
Now is the time
It was years ago they shouted
Inaction was a crime"

"Thousands and thousands of people
Abandoned by the state
Abandoned by their country
Just left to meet their fate"

"And the people died
And then they died some more
They drowned inside their attics
An army of the poor"

"And now the city is in ruins
A massive toxic sea
Scattered through the nation
Half a million refugees
Here we are
In the richest country on the earth
Where the color of your skin
Determines what your life is worth
Where oil is the king
Where global warming is ignored
Where the very end of life
Is the place we're heading toward
Where it's more than just a metaphor
The flooding of the dike
And if we don't stop this madness
The whole planet will be like

New Orleans, New Orleans, New Orleans"

In addition, Mexico is undergoing major droughts and the water supply of Mexico City is under never before seen stress.

- those living near glaciers
- those living near forests
- those living on flood plains
- those living in landslide-prone areas
- those who's living depends on climate and/or weather
- those living in counties that all those other people are fleeing to

The front lines are already here for most people, they just haven't noticed and/or they've misattributed the cause.

if you watch hockey playoffs, or frankly any sports, it's amazing how blatant disinformation commercials flood the experience for 'recycled' supplied gas furnaces and pop bottles - total brand greenwashing

Incorporating Climate Change and Climate Policy into Macroeconomic Modeling: Proceedings of a Workshop.

Plant trees and save the planet.

Incorporating Climate Change and Climate Policy into Macroeconomic Modeling: Proceedings of a Workshop.

A stark illustration of the poorer parts of the world grappling with climate change and the pivot from fossil fuels. From my privileged position, my immediate thought was, "why don't they just put solar panels on their houses and do everything on electricity" Of course a PV installation would be way beyond their lifetime budget. The cow poo would soon be atmospheric methane anyway - lesser evil to burn it to CO2.

Europe Ahead: ECRs Hoogeveen on why EU needs deregulation

Europe Ahead: ECRs Hoogeveen on why EU needs deregulation

Big Banks Have Given Nearly $7 Trillion to Fossil Fuel Companies Since Paris Agreement, Report Says.

The funny thing is, all this complicated policies for and environmental protection, that needed decades to be made, can be quit within a month

And for sure, time will come. This is pretty obvious. The problem is, the -Left never understood and neither .

And that's also why they can't see, how much they align with the companies they intend to fight. Meanwhile it is really nothing more but an intention.

We Already Have the Resources for an Equitable Energy Transition, We Just Need to Redirect Them

New poll at bottom.

In my last poll () nearly 60% of people who voted for Labor at the last election said they did so believing that Labor would not take effective action re climate change. Moreover, over 10% indicated they did so believing Labor would do stuff to make climate change worse.

I'd really like to understand what people's motivations for voting this way are.

To those over 70% who voted for Labor despite knowing they would do nothing or act to make climate change worse, did you do it because,

Leanpub book LAUNCH! Surviving Other People's APIs by Phil Sturgeon

Coal-fired killing 800 a year in Oz

Corruption Trump is more than happy to fulfill the oil and gas industrys wish list if hes reelected but he has an asking price.
Trump reportedly solicited top oil and gas executives to give $1 billion

Banks are propping up the fossil fuel industry to the tune of 6.5 trillion, new report finds.

Barclays, Santander and Deutsche Bank were among Europes biggest fossil fuel financers in 2023.

Michigan wants fossil fuel companies to pay for climate change damages.

Harms include severe weather, crop failures, and economic hits from lack of ice and snow.

Michael Mann: Defeatism is as much of a threat as climate denial

The renowned climatologist on net zero and the fight for democracy.

Climate situation report: May 2024.
Situation: this is fine.

This is fine.

You may have seen some of the news reporting of severe world weather events spread over the past few weeks.
When you group them all together the situation is a little more evidentiary to the impending badness of climate change. Remember, this is only mid May. The northern hemisphere is yet to enter the full impact of summer.

Heatwaves are currently being experienced in China, Japan, Vietnam, Pakistan, the Philippines and India. .

Mexico: experiencing a heat dome with hot dry weather persisting over the country. Hottest ever recorded temperature for May in Gallians at a spirit melting 51.1C. .

United States: severe tornado season unfolding with at least 267 confirmed tornadoes across 17 states.
La Puerta, Texas recorded the hottest temp ever in May at 46.6C.
Houston recorded almost 61cm of rain over a couple of days resulting in flash flooding.

Canada: Dozens of wildfires (40 listed as out of control) resulting in evacuations and air quality alerts. .
Half of Canada is already reported as being in drought.

China: Continuing torrential rain in southern China impacting already flood damaged areas. A large section of expressway in southeastern China collapsed following heavy rain killing 36 people and injuring 30 others.

Africa: Temps of 47C in Senegal, Mali and Chad. In Mali, minimum temps of 35.0C and maximum temps of 46.9 were recorded. Heatwave is expected to spread to Libya and Egypt next.

Brazil: torrential rain resulting in extensive, catastrophic flooding, population displacement and death (143 deaths and counting). It is reported that 2 months rain fell in a few days. .

Bangladesh: unprecedented heatwave impacting crucial crop production with sustained daily temperatures of 4243C. .

Meanwhilethe banks.

The Guardian Newspaper reports that the worlds top banks have funded the fossil fuel industry nearly SEVEN TRILLION dollars since the Paris Agreement in 2016.

Researchers for the Banking on Climate Chaos report, now in its 15th edition, analysed the worlds top 60 banks underwriting and lending to more than 4,200 fossil fuel firms and companies causing the degradation of the Amazon and Arctic.
Those banks, they found, gave $6.9tn in financing to oil, coal and gas companies, nearly half of which $3.3tn went towards fossil fuel expansion. .

To put that in context.if I were to donate one million dollars to a fossil fuel company every single day since Jesus was born.I would still not have spent ONE trillion.

The banks gave SEVEN.



#climateChange #healthcare #OnlyWords

14.05.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

If I were to donate one million dollars to a fossil fuel company every single day since Jesus was born.I would still not have spent ONE trillion.

The big banks have given SEVEN trillion to big oil since the Paris agreement.

Hotter seas meet weakening climate goals - POLITICO

I dont think anyone is born a parasitologist. No one grows up wanting to study worms, Wood said. Somewhere along the way, I like to say, they got under my skin. I just fell in love with them. I couldnt believe that Id gotten that far in my biology education and no one had ever mentioned to me that parasites are incredibly biodiverse, ubiquitous, everywhere.

CW: Story has an animated GIF of a parasitic worm gyrating in a Petri dish.

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