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Love this blog by Tom Murphy:

Do the Math - Using physics and estimation to assess energy, growth, options

Inexhaustible Flows

"All the technologies rely on non-renewable materials. Therefore, inexhaustible flows are beside the point. Its like saying that fossil fuel energy is not practically limited by available oxygen for combustion, so we can enjoy fossil fuels indefinitely. Or that DT fusion has billions of years of deuterium available, when theres no naturally-occurring tritium (thus reliant on limited lithium supply)."

This boat was made from the same steel as Nazi U-boats. It could highlight a sustainable new future for live music
By Niall Edwards-FitzSimons and Sam Nichols

Musicians Grey Filastine and Nova Ruth have lived and performed on the 70-tonne steel schooner, the Arka Kinari, since 2019.

On Thursday's Fiona Bruce highlights Laura Parris and Stella Creasey receiving threats from members of the public.

Whilst no one wants violence, threats will happen more often as worldwide politicians sit on their hands, doing nothing, whilst their country burns or gets flooded again...

and again.

"Fish story" revised
30 x 28"

Alt text: hand-painted and composed - fish and flora forms within blue-greens and pinks ocean water.

The U.N. named Eleni Myrivili its first-ever global chief heat officer... In an interview, she talks about why extreme heat is a health crisis and what cities must do to protect the most vulnerable from rising temperatures...

Another good write up by Art Berman. My question is why do we need the lights to be on ALL THE TIME There is a community in Virginia that set up a DC Microgrid. So, during the day they can operate shop tools etc straight off the solar panels. Only 10% of what they generate gets put into batteries to power lights etc in the evening. We will need to shift away from 24/7 energy use to make things work.

Botanical gardens most effective green space at cooling streets in heatwaves

A new study shows how Americans view by analyzing twitter/X posts.

Like-minded individuals form tight online groups, complicating efforts to correct misinformation.

Climate skepticism is common in central & southern U.S., especially among Republicans and in reliant states. There's a connection between denial and low Covid-19 vaccination rates.

It highlights the need for tailored strategies to engage diverse views on climate change.

Oceanographer Susan Lozier dives into the data, which suggests that ocean overturning is slowing down as waters gradually warm and takes us on board the international effort to track these changes and set us on the right course while we still have time.

Green Our Planet

RT by :

Mount Kenya is home to one of the last tropical ice fields on the African continent

According to a new study, its could soon disappear due to warmer temperatures induced by

image of 17 February

2024-02-23 10:15 UTC

The miracle: a fifth of the country regreened in 10 years

The basin project has reduced soil degradation by 18%, although gentrification and remain threats... is as simple as it is efficient: convince landowners that reforesting their is also beneficial for them."

First it was ging t be the lngest spring fr a lng time. In a week the change was warmest in a lng time, winter flding... It's s grey, n clurs. Just like my life at the mment Waiting the time t make changes pssible. It's slw, still mvement withut mving.
Swedish o =

This may be a controversial opinion, but wine - especially red, is getting far too strong in ABV.

*Which I know is largely (maybe exclusively) due to climate change.

> Since May 2022, Minister Plibersek has approved four new coal mines with 156 million tonnes of cumulative emissions. To put that into perspective, an average Australian family has yearly emissions of between 15 and 20 tonnes. So that means in less than two years, Minister Plibersek has approved coal mining emissions equivalent to the yearly emissions of at least eight million Australian families.

via Prof Dr. Eliot Jacobson

Please take a moment to appreciate this excellent novel graphic by ReesCatOphuls

It shows the rate at which monthly milestones in global mean surface temperatures go from their first appearance to becoming a permanent state of the global climate.

1.75C is next up."

And people with Dementia could be a significant cause of Air Pollution.

An ambitious art project to highlight the climate crisis

- 92 Degrees

Thanks for sharing...As a scientist, it's fascinating to see how predictions based on good science can be correct, even if no one wanted them to be true....As a human, living on this planet, it is terrifying...

A star continuously shoots out more energy than we can ever need at us and that's a problem! Get it together scientists and politicians

So quickly some of us forget that it was wicked hot last year, and when we ran the fans, -tainted air was outside coming in. My memory isn't so short. I know what we went through last year. It's only going to get worse...

I just had a big fight with my partner over stupid things. I ended up saying, "Dude. Why the f*ck are we fighting! It's all about to go to shit! Let's try to enjoy what's left of nature and our lives." He understood what I meant and asked for a hug.

Now unable to extract water from its intake pipe, the Municipal District of Pincher Creek has dug a pit in the river bottom to take subsurface water by truck and emergency pipes, it says.

'Gut punch': As Crowsnest River runs dry, Pincher Creek forced to dig for water Calgary Herald

A letter from the minister of energy clarifying the application of the (ministerial order) carries significant weight, says the regulators Thursday letter.

Alberta cabinet minister is bringing coal projects back from the dead.

Despite the fact they poison what little water we'll have left in the southern part of the province (due to drought).

No, more CO won't help us grow more food

"If southern Albertas drought persists much longer, the reservoir will become a dead pool, creating a water crisis for more of the towns, cities, farms and businesses that depend on the Oldman River downstream of the reservoir.

Residents and businesses in southern Alberta communities, including Lethbridge, Fort Macleod, and the Piikani and Kainai First Nations, rely on water from the Oldman River basin.

: Inside Californias world-leading solar and battery shift

" comfortably leads the world in integration. All solar technologies accounted for 28% of the states electrical output in the 12-months to end-September 2023... The rapid advance of grid-scale is being partly fuelled by incentives in s Inflation Reduction Act"

"I'm really curious if we actually get to a point where government declares Stage 5, if they'd actually use the powers available to compel large water users to change their behaviour or manage allocations differently rather than it just falling on everyday people to shower less"


"The fossil fuel industry has long understood the power of the school system in shaping perceptions around climate change"

This is the most unstable weather! 60s to snowstorm back to 60s within 4 days

Rural communities are considering collective relocation as a means to deal with worsening climate disasters.

The evidence is clear, reducing emissions alone will not make our climate safe.

Tune in to the Climate Cooling Summit today Sat Feb 24, 1pm-2pm and hear David Spratt talking with young Finnish activists about the campaign to cool the Arctic via marine cloud brightening to help avert runaway warming. The summit continues till 4pm with other interesting sessions. Sign up to get the Zoom link.

If southern s persists much longer, the reservoir will become a dead pool, creating a water crisis for more of the towns, cities, farms and businesses that depend on the Oldman River downstream of the reservoir,

Ironically, the Beautiful one day Perfect the next was tourism campaign slogan from the 1980s. In hindsight, we can reflect on how it was a slogan an early anthropogenic climate change era when things still looked and felt beautiful.
And it genuinely felt like that for the following 17-years following the campaign launch until the effects of climate change that we were all warned about back then started come to fruition.

There have been several other slogans coming out of The Slogan State, Queensland (A reputation that developed by the 2010s). But not many would quite captured the inspiration like the 1980s slogan that highlighted the Queensland tourisms golden days of the 1980-90s. Frankly, I cant recall any of the slogans - if any - from th 1990/2000s onward. But for those following environmental sciences, it started to become clear that 2010s was the moment things started to turn.

Queensland, where Australia shines slogan launched in 2010 was soon overshadowed by natural disaster. In 2011, following the Brisbane flood, the campaigns slogans Nothing Beats Queensland' and Days Like This launched in a desperate attempt to say Dont worry about the disaster, come to Queensland.

Following COVID-19, Good to Go launched the reopening push for domestic tourism from late 2020, soon followed by Days like this
But again, in 2022, Nothing Beats Queensland made a come back. This time, following the South-East Queensland floods.

The most recent, from 2023 is Queensland is Calling - apparently an attempt to address Queenslands reputation as the Been there. Done That destination in international tourism.

As some who has closely followed environmental sciences and Queensland tourism since the late-2000s, its hard to hold back the cynic-amused laughter of seeing 20-years of Tourism slogans constantly overshadowed by climate change intensified natural disasters. To finally seeing Queenslands Been there. Done that. reputation addressed but with more slogans, rather than private and public investment. And here I am, enjoying another lovely Canberran day, wondering how long it will take for Queensland is Calling to be overshadowed by another natural disaster.


Ring. ring.

Queensland, Climate Change is calling.

Listening to a podcast and they're talking about the countries they'd like to to (some of which are accessible by , but many require ).
At this point I'm wondering if I'm the only person in the world (apart from a handful of activists like ) who wants to avoid any more until there's a properly way to do so (e.g. , or batteries charged using , not just 2x a la ).

Welcome the the nowhere to run to nowhere to hide world.
News story: Costa Rica headed into soell of extreme heat extreme UV radiation.

We've had another . Floods, bushfires, cyclones, heatwaves, record humidity. Climate change is supercharging our weather and our continuing reliance on is supercharging .
We must move to 100% renewables and cool our planet down!


Does the 'drug dealer defence' still hold up in climate law cases
By Jo Lauder

As Queensland environmentalists continue to fight looming coal mine approvals, Australia's Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek is relying on arguments that have come under increasing scrutiny in climate litigation.

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