Longest recorded heatwave in Austria devastates
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Longest recorded heatwave in Austria devastates agriculture amid climate change concerns

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Climate Change

Robert Bolton, Puritan minister, writes on greed, which grow like gangrene on the heart, squelching the fear & grace of God. Its a fire that burns any natural affection to family, friends, acquaintances, even beasts.

Do we treat this with equal seriousness today or could we even find more preachers who preach against preaching against greed

How can you practice fear of God and affection to kindred, friends, and beasts today

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 0.97C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

Para los que todava siguen dudando, o quitando importancia, al desastre climtico que se nos viene. Una noticia que parece sacada de una pelcula postapocalptica, pero no:

Indonesia est terminando de construir su nueva capital debido al cambio climtico. Resulta que su actual capital, Yakarta, ya tiene el 40% de su superficie por debajo del nivel del mar, y estn construyendo de la nada una ciudad nueva, entera, en el interior para hacerla la nueva capital del pas.

Vete acostumbrando porque empezaremos a ver muchas noticias as. Los que siguen argumentando motivos econmicos para no hacer los cambios necesarios no son conscientes del ingente coste econmico que llevar aparejado el calentamiento global.

Not only is the heating sooner and greater than forecast, turns out the calculated risk of economic damage has been significantly underestimated.

damages of are likely six times worse than previously estimated. A 1-degree Celsius rise in global temperature, they say, would lead to a 12 percent decline in world .

We are already at 1.5c increase, so about an 18% impact on global GDP.

Climate Changes Crippling Costs

What is the Economic Impact of Climate Change on Global GDP

Erin O'Donnell

Economists, including the late research professor of economics Martin Weitzman and William Nordhaus of Yale, began in the 1990s to consider the potential economic effects of change. By their rough estimates and a large body of subsequent work, each 1-degree Celsius rise in world temperature would reduce world gross domestic product (GDP) by 1 to 3 percent.

But for assistant professor of economics Adrien Bilal and his collaborator, Diego Kanzig of Northwestern University, these estimates were at odds with the dire warnings from climate scientists who predict that climate change will profoundly affect our lives and livelihoods, Bilal explains. We were puzzled by that disconnect.

Economic Impact Estimates

Estimating the economic damages of climate change is critical it allows policymakers to prepare for shifts in the and to make informed choices about efforts to reduce Bilal says. If climate damages are low, standard cost-benefit analysis will conclude that expensive policies are not worthwhile, he says. Yet if climate damages are high, such analysis will recommend bigger efforts to reduce he adds. Modeling the economic impact of climate change can also guide decisions about the resources society might invest to adapt to these changes, with greater investment in sea walls or air conditioning, for example.

Bilal and Kanzig take a fundamentally different approach to modeling the economic impacts of global climate change than their predecessors. They argue in a recent working paper that the economic damages of climate change are likely six times worse than previously estimated. A 1-degree Celsius rise in global temperature, they say, would lead to a 12 percent decline in world GDP.

From the bush to the burbs, insurance costs are rising. Meanwhile, the companies causing the problem are making billions of dollars in profit.

Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action are working hard to change this.

Join the campaign at
(Kelly & Jo would really appreciate it)

Been waiting for years to see this clip get recirculated

I'm really starting to hate the word "billion"

"Trump Asked for $1 Billion to Do Big Oil's Dirty Work"

"Half a billion children suffer double the number of extreme heat days their grandparents did"


The Guardian / The Age of Extinction / Environment / Explainer
Phoebe Weston Thu 15 Aug 2024 06.00 CEST

This year has been dead: where have Britains insects gone

"Surveys suggest that wet weather and habitat deterioration are among the causes of devastating population declines, but there are ways to help"

Thanks for the reference! It shouldn't be too hard to denaturalize the idea of lawns, when you think about it. People put so much money and physical effort into getting the perfect lawn and complain that groceries are so expensive.

Helllooooo, what do you think people used to use land for

As climate change continues, every decade it gets warmer, the impact is larger and the consequences are greater, Schmidt said. So in that sense, we are already in uncharted territory with respect to climate and with every decade we go more further out on a limb.

One of the projects I'm involved in (EMS-FORE, www.geomar.de/en/ems-fore) is all about using the as an early warning system for how are going to be under (or, for my interest, Earth) - and that alarm just keeps ringing more loudly.

On the Pasterze Glacier in the Austrian Alps. The first photo shows my daughter standing on the glacier 10 years ago. In the second photo, 10 years later she couldnt stand in the same place - she would have been in the middle of a new lake. In another 10 years the glacier will be gone

Questo strumento OPEN SOURCE potrebbe essere cruciale per prevedere meglio i cambiamenti climatici e sviluppare politiche di adattamento e mitigazione pi efficaci.



  / , :  

un nuovo modello di che combina simulazioni basate sulla fisica e per migliorare la precisione delle previsioni climatiche. 

A differenza dei modelli tradizionali, NeuralGCM in grado di analizzare grandi quantit di dati e correggere gli errori, permettendo simulazioni rapide e dettagliate anche su computer meno potenti. 

This is still A Thing in 2024

Cheap flights are a big problem. We need to be paying the same rate of tax per litre of jet fuel for passenger planes as we pay per litre of fuel for passenger cars. Plus we should be paying a decent fixed per person per flight tax - say 50.

If you want a weekend away, get on a train and stay at a hotel. Don't fly to Ibiza and stay in a residential home converted to short stay rental. FFS.

18.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Turn out the lights...
The party's over...
They say that all good things must end...
Call it a night, the party's over..

Harris and Trump offer worlds-apart contrasts on top issues in presidential race

Heres where each candidate stands on 10 top issues

Yet again, the far left in the States is just centrism and the status quo everywhere else.

Watching the new "Secret World of Sound" documentary, presented by Sir David Attenborough. I hope I can still wander through woodlands and admire birds when I'm almost 100 years old.

...I hope there are still woodlands and birds at all when I'm almost 100 years old.

DN Debatt. Kraven S br stlla fr att slppa igenom ny krnkraft

Drought in US West Has Cost Hydropower Industry Billions in Losses - CleanTechnica

Renewable energy helps make farms more financially secure because it pays the farmer drought-proof income without compromising agricultural productivity.

Another blow to the US offshore wind ambitions - The Verge

Revolution Wind is now expected to start running by 2026 instead of next year, rsted announced today. The problem lies on land. rsteds partner on the project, Eversource Energy, is building a substation on a former naval station where lingering soil contamination is apparently going to take longer to clear than expected

Marine prokaryotes (bacteria and archea) seem like they will be climate change "winners": "future marine ecosystems will have lower overall biomass, and will increasingly be dominated by prokaryotes. This could divert a greater share of available nutrients and energy toward prokaryotes and away from fish, reducing the supply of fish humans eat.

We discovered another important change. For every degree of warming, we predict prokaryotes in the top 200 metres of the worlds oceans would produce an additional 800 million tonnes of carbon per year.

This is equivalent to the present-day emissions of the entire European Union (after converting CO to carbon)."

A month more 100 degree days: Climate change will roast Las Vegas

The irony in this image is palpable.
A Polluting industrial facility overlaid by AI generated lyrics about suicidal thoughts.

Reckless Battery Burns was made 6 months before OpenAI unleashed environmental destruction upon the Earth with ChatGPT.

The database of GPT-2 (2019) is stolen text from webpage links on reddit. Yet the plagiarized song got millions of views.

It shows how many didnt and still dont understand the true nature of AI.

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock (repeat) Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

The top UN court sets a December date for the start of hearings in a landmark climate change case

18.08.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

I would have never thought of applying to . That's genius!

Discover how forests play a hidden but vital role in methane mitigation.

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Global Warming sucks