London's history is coming to an
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London's history is coming to an end.
Read this book. Its science not fiction.

It sure looks like muck-spreading might be in this publication, judging by that trailer. That means farm animals ate a LOT of crops at considerable and avoidable greenhouse gas emissions. Manure pollution will run down that slope in the rain into that river, killing aquatic life. Lovely.
Green manures, please.

View map to compare year on year.
I remember July 1976 being a hot year in the uk. In the global scheme of things this was a barely seen as imperceptible increase (0.2). Welcome to 2024, the global temperature is already 1 degree warmer ...

For our information. As well as all the past data, it predicts where the climate is going and how soon we will breach the 1.5C limit, and then 2C. You can call up the region where you live, so it is specific to what is happening to you and your family and all the more disturbing for that. A separate part called Climate Pulse intended particularly for is easier to operate.
But heating & tipping points are happening far faster than the models predicted.

The Devil May Need Air Conditioning: Belief in Hell Declines as Earth Gets Uncomfortably Warm

Alfred-Wegener-Institut /Helmholtz-Zentrum 27. March 2024

Antarctic Circumpolar Current: flow speed over 5.3m years

"...during glacial periods, the current slowed during interglacials, it accelerated. Consequently, if the current global warming intensifies in the future, it could mean that the Southern Ocean stores less CO2 and that more heat reaches Antarctica."

Is Altering the Earth's Rotation, Affecting Global Timekeeping

The Earth is spinning slightly faster than it was a few years ago, but the rapid melt of polar ice is keeping that acceleration in check, with consequences for timekeeping, a new study finds.

We keep finding new ways to try and break this planet, even if in tiny increments.

There is so much information on the newly launched Copernicus Climate Change Service atlas: As well as all the past data, it predicts where the climate is going and how soon we will breach the 1.5C limit, and then 2C. You can call up the region where you live, so it is specific to what is happening to you and your family and all the more disturbing for that.

- change could affect timekeeping, study says

Extortionate Easter eggs and shrinking sweets: fears grow of a chocolate meltdown

**Poor harvests in extreme weather conditions have led to a tripling of cocoa prices but farmers have seen no benefit**. Around the world this holiday weekend, people will consume hundreds of millions of Easter eggs and bunnies, as part of an annual chocolate intake that can exceed 8kg (18lb) for every person in the UK, or...

So I wake up to yet another day with rain in it.

And yet nobody is even noticing it, let alone remarking on it curiously. It's as if it is normal.

"The focus on a single, globalised, view of the world generated by climate modellers, has led to mono-causal climatic explanations of past & future events, which outweigh many other factors that condition climates influence on society. "

The villagers of have built a wall: a 15ft (4.5 metre) that snakes through barren land for nearly a mile, with an equally long trench dug beneath it. The wall passed its strength test last year when it stopped rainwater runoffs, and the trench channelled the water to parched farms in the -prone region of in north-west .

Explore the impact of on in and their in the face of extreme events.

Green Our Planet

Climate change has slowed Earths rotation and could affect how we keep time

Melting ice solves leap-second problem for now

"By the end of last year, 31 countries had surpassed whats become a pivotal EV tipping point: when 5% of new car sales are purely electric. This threshold signals the start of mass adoption, after which technological preferences rapidly flip."

# CarbonIntensive

Check Your Flood Risk From Global Warming With This Free 3D Simulation App

Schau dir das mal an

According to a recent paper, due to fluctuations in the rotation of Earth's core, Earth's rotation is speeding up. The final minute of 2026 would only have 59 seconds in order to keep UTC synchronised with Earth's rotation.

But has melted so much of the polar ice caps that the distribution of Earth's mass has changed. This has delayed the negative by three years, to 2029.

Original (paywalled):

is ground zero for and rising sea level. But failing governor Ron DeSantis, not content with passing "Don't Say Gay" laws, is now passing "Don't Say Climate Change" laws.

"As if weren't a wicked enough problem on its own, a great many of humankind's chickens are coming home to roost at the same time as a result of how we've just always done things in spite of longtime expert warnings, being another perfect example"


Its basic physics: hotter, thinner air allows baseballs to fly farther and has juiced overall home run counts since 2010, according to an analysis of over 200,000 hits

And hey this isnt just a fun fact. Rising temperatures will threaten the health and safety of players and fans. And this is just more reason to stop .

If people want to email a submission on reforms to Australia's environment law the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999. Heres the email
or you can go to website that will take you through the steps and provide online submission link:
Closing date tomorrow. I adapted my letter based on that information.

Charting the mightiest and fastest current on the planet 

Continuously swirling around the southernmost continent, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is by far the world's most powerful and consequential mover of water.  Driven by powerful winds, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current swirls clockwise around the southern continent. Hotter colours represent higher velocities red dots are drill sites. Image credit Gisela Winckler In recent decades it has

This is really good.

Natural Gas Is Scamming America

40 min video by Climate Town

Solutions for

Yes,and in combination with raised-field () could solve many challenges of the in certain regions:

Natural Gas Is Scamming America Climate Town

It carries more than 100 times as much as all the worlds combined. It reaches from the oceans surface to its bottom, and measures as much as 2,000 kilometers across. It connects the , and , and plays a key role in regulating global .

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

These landfills belch methane, a powerful, planet-warming gas, on average at almost three times the rate reported to federal regulators, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science.

The study measured methane emissions at about 20 percent of about 1,200 large, operating landfills in the United States.

everything is fine

How might the changing polar ice caps impact global weather patterns and ecosystems

Senator Bernie Sanders laying it out:

"These are extremely difficult times for our country."
by Bernie Sanders inc Eng subs

Quotes: a lot of them, but they are strong JdeB
"what our strengths are and what the obstacles are that are in our way"
"let's acknowledge that our political system is corrupt and broken dominated by Big Money interests"
"this JdeB existential threat to the planet there is virtually no discussion on the flore of the house or the Senate let alone major action"
" Israel's JdeB campaign of Total War and destruction against the Palestinian people hundreds of thousands of children face starvation in Gaza, yet despite the efforts of some of us, almost no discussion"
"Other internal topics of poverty JdeB no discussion"
"American people are hurting they want action they want it now and they're not getting it and that is the bad news, and there's no way to sugarcoat it, it is the BAD NEWS"

"well there is some very GOOD NEWS and that is the working people all across this country are standing up and fighting for economic Justice and against corporate greed" UAW unionizing UPS nurses Starbucks JdeB
"we have to go forward with a two part strategy: short term and long-term"
Short term:
"we have to work hard in this campaign and reelect President . Yes many of us have disagreements with Biden on a number of issues including Gaza"
"but on his worst day in office President Biden is a 1000 times better than Donald Trump if you believe in democracy"
"if you believe in science if you believe in and if you believe that have the right to control their own bodies if you believe in a country free of .... Trump must be defeated"
"we also have to work hard to make certain that our strong Progressive friends in the US House are reelected"
"we need to elect up and down the ballot at school boards at City councils at and Across America"

Long term:
"we have to stay focused on our .
An agenda that is strongly supported by the American people"
"billionaires and super packs must not be able to buy elections and undermine our democracy"
"where Health Care ../ is a right"
" An agenda that treats as the existential threat to the planet that it is"
" An agenda that takes on the greed of the class and demands of the Rich and large corporations start paying their fair share of taxes"
" That agenda won't be easy, it won't happen overnight. And to accomplish it, let's be clear, we're going to have to take on some of the most powerful special interest and powerful people in the entire world"

"There is nothing that can defeat , so let us stand together let us go forward. Let us win !"

Tia Flores, an artist from Reno, was stranded in for three weeks during the height of the pandemic. It took a special flight chartered by the State Department to get her home. Recently, she went back to document the effects of and on three remove villages there.

New electrochemical technology could de-acidify the oceans - and even remove carbon dioxide in the process

Albertas social studies curriculum design has gone woefully wrong

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks