JFC- that's 5 people putting out225
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JFC- that's 5 people putting out
I wonder if the next generation of guillotines will be engines.

Extraordinary Heatwave In Antarctica Left Scientists Baffled. What They Found

"Mind the Gaps: How the UN Climate Plan Fails to Follow the Science"

under nearly all circumstances, EVs cause far less CO2 to enter the atmosphere than ICE cars do. Thats the point of EVs. The idea that 50% of car pollution is from tires and brakes, so EVs dont matter, (and EVs arent as hard on their brakes) ignores the outsized importance of CO2.

Climate Change

Record levels of heat were absorbed last year by Earths seas, which have been warming year-on-year for the past decade...

Isn't fun!

Well, obviously not, but worryingly there are still people thinking that we can engineer our way out of the problem, rather than do what the scientists have been telling anyone who would listen for the last >30 years, and stop the extraction and use of fossil carbon

Astounding ocean temperatures in 2023 intensified extreme weather, data shows

The worlds renewable energy grew by 50% last year to 510 gigawatts (GW) in 2023.

"The impacts of on security and stability go beyond political and national boundaries, and addressing this issue requires a collective endeavour," writes Nafisa Mirzojamshedzoda in her on and water security in :

World's renewables grew 50% in 2023

Renewables grew rapidly in 2023, but must grow faster still to meet climate change target, IEA says

The amount of renewable energy installed around the world last year grew at its fastest rate in the past 25 years.

US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction

Campaign pushes idea oil is vital to global security and capitalizes on war in Gaza to escalate production, climate advocates say

It's a time for looking back and looking forward! Check out the Story of our second year as Transition Together and where we'll focus our intentions in 2024...

I've regularly heard people say that you can't blame people for because "it's the industries fault"

Yes, but, I've been around long enough to know that l can't trust most people's, as it's turning out, opinions about the weather, so definitely not about the of, & what to do about, climate change

So,who can l trust Well, myself as it turns out. Because l do study the science, &, wait for it, l do not lie to people (usually)

Podcast: Taking power.

A fresh paper is out on how we can use to study slope instability and the risk of earth slide due to heavy rainfall:

A fresh paper out on how we can use to study the risk of ecotoxins (shit is spread by heavy rainfall and flooding):

Ah yes, here it is.

This is the Wikipedia community actually getting it right on a supposedly controversial topic (this will interest you too, Ruth). I think the explanation is that the topic itself, , isn't actually controversial from a scientific point of view and thus CAN be solved under Wikipedia's Neutral Point of View-principle.

Astounding temperatures in 2023 intensified extreme weather, data shows

For a sec there I thought this was about Canadian Conservatives accepting sea level rise induced by climate change on the basis that the destruction of the world as we know it will usher in the second coming of Christ.

Im clearly too Canada braind for this

Berkeley Earth's Annual Climate Report was distributed to media late yesterday.

It will go public tomorrow.

If you are a journalist and still want an early copy, please email mediaberkeleyearth.org

Committee chief to step down

Chris Stark has served as a top Government climate adviser for six years.

Mr Stark was critical of Rishi Sunaks rollback of policies, saying the Government was slipping further off track from meeting its legally binding 2030 targets.

The Prime Minister announced in September a delay on a ban on new petrol and diesel cars by five years, the axing of efficient requirements in homes, and the weakening of the plan to phase out new gas boilers.

EverythingElectricShow:The MUST-HAVE Low Cost Home Energy Tech of 2024!

The small under sink heat pump looks interesting!

Chris Stark - the head of the UKs independent body, who has been consistently critical of government efforts, has quit the role at a time when the nations 'climate leadership' under the Conservatives has been questioned

Will hotter heat pumps win converts

World cant rely on tree planting to limit climate change, says report

Nature-based climate solutions, such as planting trees, wont be anywhere near as big a part of the worlds solution to climate change as governments currently plan for, and relying on them is risky according to a report.

via Kings College London

Timely acknowledge it is the most significant threat facing humanity, and agree to take immediate action

Scientists outline a bold solution to climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice

"We're arguing for radical incrementalism: achieving massive change through small, short-term steps."

"The income share variable extends back to 1820 and shows how the top 10% have consistently received at least 50% of all income, illustrating global economic inequality over the long term."

'Valuable contributors to society' escape conviction for blocking world's largest port
By Keira Proust and Bridget Murphy

A NSW magistrate says climate protesters who stopped coal ships during a blockade of the Port of Newcastle in 2023 acted out of "genuine" concern for the environment.

Lowest low forecasts arent good. Keep as snug as you can in your frozen world.

In comparison although we are into our coldest spell (and thankfully also the driest) of our winter so far, the occasional night is getting down to -4C/24F days are still 5C-6C/41F-42F. Weve barely had a frost, let alone a hard frost.

US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction

... "The campaign comes amid record fossil fuel extraction in the US, and as the industry is attempting to capitalize on the war in Gaza to escalate production even further, climate advocates say."

We cant pretend the ecological crisis is separate: the economist thinking differently about climate breakdown

... "The idea that we can all have an electric car is, according to him, just not possible: There is not enough copper on the planet We cant get the lithium to produce the batteries, these things cant actually happen."

How the ultra-rich are driving climate change

The world's richest one per cent produced more carbon emissions than the poorest two-thirds of humanity in 2019.

There is quite an encouraging chart in a recent IEA newsletter on the shift in investment flows across the world energy sector:

"Five years ago, for every $1 invested in fossil fuels, $1 went to clean energy. But today, for every $1 invested in fossil fuels, $1.80 goes to clean energy."

Climate change is shrinking snowpack in many places, study shows. And it will get worse AP News

The Bureau of Meteorology has identified the first nine days of 2024 were Victorias wettest since records began in 1900, with an average of 62mm falling across the state since 1 January. The area-average of 62mm of rain from 1 January to 9 January beat the previous opening nine-day record of 50mm set in 1970. New Rainfall records were set.

To her credit Premier Jacinta Allan acknowledged driving more and said it justifies being undertaken by Victoria.

"Part of the problem is that the way we talk about climate action tends to emphasize nature and the nonhuman world. We think of organic produce as the green option and cotton tote bags as more natural than plastic alternativesbut when we really look at the numbers the benefits are much less clear."

Climate change behind sharp drop in since 1980s

A new study confirms that spring snowpacks across the Northern Hemisphere have shrunk significantly over the past 40 years due to human-driven , putting hundreds of millions of people worldwide at risk of a crisis. The Southwestern and Northeastern U.S. saw among the steepest declines, with more than 10% of the spring snowpack lost per decade.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks