January 2024 Temperature Update
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January 2024 Temperature Update

2024 was the globally warmest January that has been directly measured (i.e. since 1850).

It was also warmest in the ocean, 3rd warmest on land

Strong El Nio continues, but weakening & likely ends mid-year.

Very likely 2024 becomes the warmest or 2nd warmest year.


Quite radical: the feeling of is key to tackling , says author

author says how we feel and the state of the earth are connected

and in
with 30 degree drop in
sure is

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And the ecosysytems collapse is happening right now as well. My blog describes how SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising.
Risks are many times smaller than impact and manageable

Please read the blog before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough

It was over 70 F yesterday. Why is there snow on the ground This is the weirdest February ever.


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Nothing like being woken up at 5:00 AM to a tornado warning in February.

Plant trees and save the planet.

have produced the first detailed estimates of how much sediment is transported onto the shores of islands, and how that might enable them to withstand the future threats posed by change.

shrinking fish

weight in the western North dipped in the 2010s due to warmer water limiting supplies. Researchers analyzed the individual weight and overall biomass of 13 species of fish. In the 1980s and 2010s, the fish were lighter. They attributed the first period of weight loss to greater numbers of Japanese , which increased competition with other species for food.

"Sea surface temperatures at the end of Feb 2024 - warmest ever, for any month:"

Daily Sea Surface Temperature, World (60S-60N, 0-360E)

World Leaders Tackle Climate Change Aboard Private Jet, Claim It's to Stay Above Rising Sea Levels

Its quite scary, partly because Im not hearing any scientists that have a convincing explanation of why it is weve got such a departure, he said. Were used to having a fairly good handle on things. But the impression at the moment is that things have gone further and faster than we expected. Thats an uncomfortable place as a scientist to be. -- Rob Larter, a marine scientist who tracks polar ice levels

kills 20% of whales

"Although the specific consequences vary by region and habitat, the overall message is clear: rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are needed to restore Holocene-like climatic conditions."

Major users in the industrial, energy, transport and agricultural sectors will need to get involved to successfully integrate water efficiency and resource conservation more in the article!

Only the lynchpin of Labours green electricity by 2030 smoke & mirrors, the biggest carbon emitter in the Uk, continues to burn timber from virgin boreal rainforest.

And lie about it

99 wildfire researchers completed a questionnaire on past fire regime, current fire regime, future projections and management actions.


This is true for Take some action. Because our government clearly isnt.

Shocking but, somehow, not surprising in the least

Drax: UK power station still burning rare forest wood

A new species of dolphin is spotted in Faxafla

The light species of dolphin (lat. delphinus delphis) was spotted yesterday in Faxafli during one of the excursions of the whale watching company Special Tours.

Edda Elsabet Magnsdttir, lecturer in biology at the University of H, sees this as a sign that exotic species are looking for a new home due to climate change.

Read more here

Campaigners Applaud UK Exit From 'Climate-Wrecking' Energy Charter Treaty

"The Energy Charter Treaty was a major barrier to the progress of a just transition," said one climate action group.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) issued a disaster declaration for dozens of counties across the state on Tuesday as wildfires scorched more than 250,000 acres, and prompted evacuation or shelter-in-place orders for thousands of residents.

Extinction Rebellion protests against climate blind Gatwick Airport expansion

#extinction #rebellion #xr #rebelforlife #climate #climatechange

Bruxelles, le 27 fvrier 2024 - le Parlement europen a franchi une tape dcisive pour restaurer et protger de la biodiversit en Europe en adoptant le rglement sur la restauration de la nature, malgr une campagne de dsinformation sans prcdent et de multiples tentatives de torpillage du texte.
Ce rglement vise restaurer 20% des terres et mers europennes dici 2030, avec un objectif ultime de 100% des espaces dgrads dici 2050.

The idea of using wind-powered pumps to refreeze the sea ice has been proposed by scientists as a possible way to slow down the effects of
The pumps would spray seawater over the ice during the winter, creating a thicker layer that would last longer in the summer.

It's similar to what S.K.R presents in his book The Ministry for The Future. The novel shows the challenges & risks, as well as the political and social conflicts that arise from it.

Mission Salva Nuestro Planeta Pianeta / Erde Earth - Klimawandel Changement climatique Cambio Climtico Cambiamento climatico

Politicians are vowing to roll back green policies & downplaying ahead of key elections on both sides of the Atlantic, casting doubt on whether countries can 'maintain momentum' in the 'transition away' from

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Environmental pollution Science Facts - Pollution environnementale Umweltverschmutzung Contaminacin ambiental Poluio ambiental Milieuvervuiling

Drax: UK power station burns wood from rare forests

A power company that has received 6bn in UK green subsidies has kept burning wood from some of the world's most precious , the BBC has found.

Papers obtained by Panorama show took timber from rare forests in Canada it had claimed were "no go areas".

It comes as the government decides whether to give the firm's Yorkshire site billions more in environmental funded by bill payers.

Everything is interconnected, yet we still believe we can isolate and solve problems with tech. Sea-level rise resulting in the loss of valuable sea-grass.

I have a couple of genuine, caring but regretfully Petrol Head F1 fanatic friends.

They have no clue how their opinions about cars, particularly EVs are formed by vested interests in the European motor industry, oil companies and the motor industrys client journalism.

Politicians are vowing to roll back green policies and downplaying climate change ahead of key elections on both sides of the Atlantic, casting doubt on whether top polluters can maintain momentum in the transition away from fossil fuels.

A good text for

"The where, how, and who of mitigating - A targeted research agenda for psychology"

- : UK power station burns wood from rare forests

... could work


This afternoon in Wichita, KS it was 78 (in February!!!). It is now 26. Were all gonna die.

Victorias fire alert has knocked Australians out of complacency. Under climate change, catastrophic bushfires can strike any time

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