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I've accidentally joined an SE demonstration against fast fashion greenwashing on my way to the office in .

Smoking gun proof: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents show

Shocker: Fossil Fuel Industry Knew of Profound Climate Risks In the 1950s

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Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists : What you can do to turn back the hands of the Doomsday Clock

1954. For 70 years or more, the fossil fuel industry has worked hard to bury the science they themselves helped fund and derail any action.

It may be a myth that ostriches stick their heads in the sand to avoid danger, but humans sure are good at it.

70 years of denial of the science. 70 years of willful inaction and distraction.

And many still have their heads in the sand.

Wind turbines are friendlier to birds than oil and gas

Norway has made a vital climate leap. This is how Britain can do the same via Guardian

Last days have been feeling like spring here. are out looking for food, sun is shining, temperature around 12C. At the end of January, which normally means the coldest time of the year is here.

Graphs of whole-lake ice concentration this winter compared to the average ice concentration over the last 50 years show the story of not much ice. This isnt a secret with the second-warmest December on record across most of the Great Lakes region.

Im planning on 90s in May. New normal.

'The Daily Tire' huh...

Entre guerre et climat, gopolitique dEl Nio.

Premire partie : lEurope en tat dhyper sige

Depuis 2022, de lUkraine Gaza en passant par le Ymen, la guerre stend. En 2023, de nouvelles limites plantaires ont t franchies. El Nio est au croisement de ces crises.
Jean-Michel Valantin lance une vaste tude sur les consquences gopolitiques dEl Nio.

Available in &

Jan.19, 2024 Arctic News Sam Carana

Potential temperature trends

"As illustrated by the image below, sea ice was very thin near the North Pole on January 24, 2024, indicating there is very little left of the latent heat buffer constituted by the sea ice to consume incoming heat. "

Chile megadrought: NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
Combating a megadrought with space based obs.

Why are UK seas so important Take a look at part 3 in our mini series to find out.

If you missed the previous posts, you can catch-up on all 24 reasons here

Is Saskatchewan being warmer than South Florida in January - and both of them over 20C - a sign of anything seriously off that should concern us for our personal and societal future, or not

I guess we just can't know.

Fonterras $36m electrode boiler welcomed in Southland

The real story should be that they still have 3 coal burners...in 2024. But at this point, with this government, I'll take the wins any way I can.

Green Our Planet

Mean rain % changes compared to 1995-2014:

I have finished adding paleo sea level data from the western Mediterranean to my global sea level database, GAPSLIP. With this, the database has coverage for almost all of Europe. The peak of the last glaciation happened about 20,000 years ago, and the global average sea level was over 115 m lower than present. By 6000 years ago, sea level was near present day levels as most of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets had fully retreated.

almost certainly not a benign gesture to the need to rapidly decarbonise

More likely a squeeze on supply to increase the price and impose some inflationary pressure on any government naive enough to be contemplating a shift away from fossil fuels

If you wanted a good argument for why firms cannot be at the centre of our response to , then this might be it:

There is overwhelming evidence the oil & gas industry has been misleading the public & regulators around the climate risks of their product for 70 years. Trusting them to be part of the solutions is foolhardy...!

No wonder they are now seeking to disrupt the COP meetings....

Already may be compromised, as was

WOW... incredible expose from the Guardian on the fossil fuel industry complicity in destroying our world.

The hu-mans have wrecked the Earth. Daleks must prepare for the future climate with a new survival course. This Dalek has failed and been dessicated!!

EUs new fiscal rules impede fight against climate change: report

EUs new fiscal rules impede fight against climate change: report

Bina Venkataraman: What it will take to make clean energy affordable for everyone

"Real progress on this front could be imminent. This year, the federal government is set to roll out, state by state, tens of billions of dollars in energy incentives that could help more families break free of energy poverty, improve air quality in their communities and cut planet-warming emissions. The incentives include rebates for electric home appliances that reduce the use of oil and gas, and grants for community solar targeted at low-income communities.

But whether Americans will successfully transition to clean technologies like these or get stuck running their homes on fossil fuels will hinge on what states and communities do to encourage uptake."

Ecocidal disgrace: activists sabotage Quebec battery factory site in protest

... "...a dispute around the plant, in a forested enclave near Montreal, has pitted environmentalists and First Nations against the company over fears construction will destroy 170 hectares of wetlands and woodlands, killing or displacing at-risk species."

Smoking gun proof: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents show

... "Experts say the documents show the fossil fuel industry had intimate involvement in the inception of modern climate science, along with its warnings of the severe harm climate change will wreak, only to then publicly deny this science for decades and fund ongoing efforts to delay action on the climate crisis."

FFSour Minister for Resources (Madeleine King) basically called climate science radical extremism on the ABC this morning. Labor are really a barely moderate right-wing party these days.

The apocalypse will never come. It will be organized and profited from to the point it will look like business as normal to you or me. The "most important" never seem to get any hurt until it's too late.

But in other news, you can always hug your friends or pets (most of the time) and do what you can. Be kind, don't blame yourself for those who took too much and won't give back. Fight, but don't fight yourself. We will win, we have to.

"Experts say the documents show the fossil fuel industry had intimate involvement in the inception of modern science, along with its warnings of the severe harm will wreak, only to then publicly deny this science for decades and fund ongoing efforts to delay action on the climate crisis."

We shoot ourselves in both feet and everywhere else

Smoking gun proof: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents show Fossil fuels The Guardian

Just bundled up to go outside and check the mail as if I were going out in a blizzard (on a day where we actually had record highs in some of the state).

Why Warmer than usual winter means the mosquitoes are out in force already.

2024 State of the Center Woodwell Climate Research Center

Climate Change, Society, And Pandemic Disease In Roman Italy Between 200 BCE And 600 CE
<-- shared paper

Abbotsford Canadas hot spot as temperature records topple across B.C.
Abbotsford International Airport reaches 18.2 C on Monday, breaking single-day record from 1960

I am used to hearing a record has been broken by a degree or less, but these kinds of records seem crazy.

the issue is that these fossil fuel executives knew about the effects of their business model and then chose to suppress and denigrate the science. Pretty much an ethics free industry.

Im sure that the scientists working on the problem would have known about the early research and so would have the fossil industry.

RT HokkaidoUnitwitter.com

Climate simulations examining the potential effects of stratospheric aerosol injection on ice sheet melting show that it could confer some protection to the .

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WMG Outlines Plans to Minimize Companys Environmental Impact in New Report

Check it out!

Q&A: What does Bidens LNG pause mean for global emissions

"Citing his reasons for the pause, said there is now an evolving understanding of the market need for , the long-term supply of LNG and the perilous impacts of on our planet. Indeed, there is already more than enough LNG export capacity to meet global demand for the fuel, if countries meet national and international goals."

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks