'Its the industrys dirty secret: why
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'Its the industrys dirty secret: why fashions oversupply problem is an environmental disaster.

As many as 40% of clothes made each year 60bn garments are not sold. Experts say tackling such obscene waste will require radical changes in production and legislation.

Cop28 deal will fail unless rich countries quit fossil fuels, says climate negotiator.

G77 president Pedro Pedroso warns deal risks failing if polluters like UK, US and Canada dont rethink plans to expand oil and gas.

Great Seal of the Untied States of America 1776
The meaning of Pyramid in Africa on the Great Seal
Humanity symbolism and 12,000 year ago in Africa on the

"Shell faces shareholder rebellion over climate activist resolution"

From AP.com: Panama Canal traffic cut by more than a third because of drought

Israel dropping so many bombs over a small stretch land like theres no tomorrow. US happily providing more weapons for free. Prolonged war in Ukraine. Fighting expanding beyond Gaza. North Korea testing its nuclear weapons under the sea.

Our planet cannot take this. The military is one of the biggest polluters of our planet that contributes to climate change. Wars kill twiceimmediate death for those targeted by bombs and snipers and delayed death for victims of

Whilst we have seen some rain and about average for January, it's not enough. The fields around us are wet, but a few days of sun and that will be gone. We are doing our bit where possible, following the rules but I still see shiny washed cars about and I wonder if a clean car is better than thirst

Grnlands Eisschild schrumpft deutlich strker als gedacht WEB.DE

'The share of UKs oil and gas that is exported has increased from 60% to 80% over the last two decades, according to findings that will intensify pressure over the governments claims that maxing out the North Sea will increase the UKs energy security.'

Chris Skidmore, there is no future energy security in fossil fuels that are extracted by foreign companies, will only be sold on international markets and will have no impact on UK energy security.

The two blast furnaces in Port Talbot contribute to 2% of UK's emissions.

3,000 people may lose their jobs

How many deaths if is not kept at bay

Another good article on PR firms, by the excellent journalist Amy Westervelt. It's not just the Exxons of the world wrecking the place.

Greenland's ice sheet melting faster than scientists previously estimated, study finds - CBS News

The Office for Environmental Protection says the UK is largely off track to meet its legally binding environmental ambitions, including on adaptation, managing exposure to harmful chemicals & safeguarding the supply of clean water

Last day at Davos. Do you feel safer and more optimistic now that world leaders have discussed the risks and challenges of our times

They surely know how to address them, dont they

Das ist nicht die Antwort, die ich erwartet habe. Und wenn es so ist, dann ist es schlimmer, als ich es dachte. 2021

The concept of intergenerational theft & betrayal is a prevailing sentiment among the young people I support.

making millions off climate deniers, report says REUTERS

deniers or people that are simply lying about climate for money, for example, are circumnavigating YouTube's disinformation policies by attacking the climate solutions, rather than explicitly denying anthropogenic

Why would the people that are associated with fuel companies want to attack the climate solutions, such as renewable energy (the answer is in the question)

On don't give in to climate doomerism. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
"If we keep trying rather than surrendering to climate doomerism we can keeping bending the curve of bad things further downward. We can make it crest earlier and much less destructively. We can make it so that when people a few decades from now look back on 2023, it is closer to 'as bad as it gets,' than 'you aint seen nothing yet.

Mais jusqu'o s'arrteront ils
Plus con tu meurs.

The magnitude of climate change can be daunting at times.

ice sheets have become a larger contributor to sea level rise in recent years due to accelerating loss of mass. The year 2023 was the 27th in a row where Greenland lost ice.

Chart by Carbon Brief

To be honest, some men are ignorant therefore reckless

The 'Ars' article, 'Ford pushes the off-road button...' is an example of how social media is heavily biased towards promoting the industries & the individuals that are causing an ecological collapse

- "Ford provided accommodation & flights...so we could attend the...launch of Ford Performance. Ars does not accept paid editorial content" (misleading)

impacts through:
extreme weather events
prolonged winter and summer dry spells.

Jammu and Kashmir's weather department recorded a 79% rainfall deficit in December and a 100% deficit in January. The valley is also experiencing warmer weather.

Kashmir's snowless winter:
adversely impacts:
- the economy: tourism = 7% of Jammu and Kashmir's GDP
- farming and water supply: low snowpack does not replenish groundwater reserves.

Climate change may reduce average life expectancy by half a year, study suggests

Sea level rises could cost EU and UK economies up to 872 billion euros by 2100, study suggests

Green Our Planet

I just wrote an email out-and-out begging my government to not actively make the climate crisis worse, and you can, too! You know, if not too drowned in burn-out and existential despair. Good times

sailed to South America long before European colonists. They invented double canoes to roam the Ocean and introduced chickens to Native . nature scienceadvances wikipedia livescience

I always cringe at the twice as likely label. While it accurately reflects the statistics, many of the average people dont get the sense of urgency that the climate is actually changing.

We wouldnt get the records we saw from El Nino. The records are coming from climate change with El Nino adding a little bit of flavour on top.

Meanwhile in :

An extreme heatwave warning has been issued for parts of northern Western Australia, with the Bureau of Meteorology predicting 50-degree temperatures.

That's Celsius.122 for you Fahrenheit people.

There is so much online anger and tribalism around the terms, , and even plant-based diet.

But it is simple really.
Each meal I ask myself if a choice of meat *in this situation* contributes to animal suffering or climate change.

I'm not silly. I can make the call and respond appropriately. No need to label it anything. And no need to proselytise, self-aggrandize or judge.

Deadliest outbreak ever seen: climate crisis fuels Bangladeshs worst dengue epidemic

... "The increasing frequency of extreme weather events is fuelling the spread of the disease into new locations and extending dengue seasons in countries where the disease is already present."

video AP Explains: Why is the US in a when much of the world is hot

While the U.S. is shivering through bone-chilling cold, most of the rest of world is feeling unusually warm weather. Scientists say that fits with what climate change is doing to Earth

Published 5:13 PM EST, January 17, 2024

Federal rule forces oil states to cut planet-warming methane emissions

"A new federal rule will force oil- and gas-producing states to crack down on methane gas emissionsa major driver of climate change."

Paywall Owners Confront a Harsh Foe:

In freezing temperatures, the batteries of electric vehicles can be less efficient and have shorter range, a lesson many drivers in Chicago learned this week.

As Encroaches on , Solutions Emerge From the

In the , rise due to is already changing what can grow.

: "The Greenland ice cap is losing an average of 30m tonnes of ice an hour due to the climate crisis, a study has revealed, which is 20% more than was previously thought.

Some scientists are concerned that this additional source of freshwater pouring into the north Atlantic might mean a collapse of the ocean currents called the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc) is closer to being triggered, with severe consequences for humanity.

Major ice loss from Greenland as a result of global heating has been recorded for decades. The techniques employed to date, such as measuring the height of the ice sheet or its weight via gravity data, are good at determining the losses that end up in the ocean and drive up sea level.

However, they cannot account for the retreat of glaciers that already lie mostly below sea level in the narrow fjords around the island. In the study, satellite photos were analysed by scientists to determine the end position of Greenlands many glaciers every month from 1985 to 2022. This showed large and widespread shortening and in total amounted to a trillion tonnes of lost ice."

A record 63 billion-dollar weather disasters hit Earth in 2023.

Seven nations had their most expensive weather disaster on record, and the continent of Africa suffered two of its deadliest.

The worlds cities are not ready for climate change.

Urban areas must rapidly become more resilient to rising temperatures.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks