Its 26C in my bedroom at
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Its 26C in my bedroom at 10.45pm as i contemplate bedtime. The fan is spinning so fast i could start a wind farm
in here.

Climate change - gotta love it!

I was just wondering if this tool () might be helpful to coordinate and announce activities against or .
After the report there seems to be a beginning of mobilization against in Germany. But at the moment these are small and local. They are lacking a coordinating element and a platform for announcements.
But I am not sure if it suitable for this. Might also be better on a different / dedicated instance
Haven't done any testing yet ...

There you have yet another evidence of how robust our understanding of the effect of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is.

"The spectral trends predicted by the climate change simulations identify three bedrock principles of the physics of climate change in the satellite record: an increasing greenhouse effect, stratospheric cooling, and surface-tropospheric warming."

"Although I did not enjoy the cold seasons at their most intense, I had come to agree that there was a rightness about them, that there was a natural order in such things. The absence of this order, the absence of cold when it ought to be cold, was something I now sensed as a sudden discomfort."

A note on climate change in Teju Cole's 2011 novel Open City, which I finally got around to reading

thank you for sharing this concept.

This applies PERFECTLY to the COP process, which should address climate change but has failed again and again to do so over 30 years.

System Change, not !

Explore Michael Lewis's thought-provoking article on the need for transition in the face of escalating emissions.

Can we chart a course towards a secure and sustainable future for all

Engage in the ongoing dialogue surrounding a just transition for a more sustainable society.

Discover more about this critical topic here:


Nice graphic. However I think an additional level is missing inside the inner circle. The origin of why we have so many greenhouse gases, land use change, etc.

At the core is overconsumption ( ) , dependence on fossil fuels and enslavement of our economies by the growth imperative. All of them endorsed by the deeply rooted cultural belief that humans are separate from, above of, and owners of nature.

are looking at the and cheering it. Finally those got what they deserve. We are doomed!

This infographic shows very well he drivers of climate change, changes to climate systems and consequences.

Mmmm...just heard a radio advert imploring us to set our washing machines to 30C to save energy and money. This in a country where the current (sic) PM famously had the electrical grid connection to his home upgraded to allow his swimming pool to be heated.

Just published:
", , and in the Anglophone : A Scoping Review"

Led by Sonja Myhre with Michelle Scobie Eija Merilinen Unni Gopinathan.

Indeed, "magic" sounds right.

I find it ironic that the same organization that warns about the dangers of comes up with ever new ways to burn fossil fuels.

It's one of the reasons I stopped listening to with Neil deGrasse Tyson. The cognitive dissonance was unbearable.

Comment devenir plus malin avec son smartphone - Qu'est ce qu'on fait

Good call

pretty nasty out there.

No, we will not fix that with "net zero till 2050". Not even with absolute zero immediately. We screwed it up irreversibly.

"Earth's Energy Imbalance W/m2 the past 150.000 years"

I find it interesting that "making commercial supersonic flight possible" is part of NASA's mission.

The plane will be fully electric, carbon-neutral, I'm sure. It's not like scientists and engineers from NASA forgot we're in a climate emergency.

- Climate, Biodiversity & Planetary Health - Sandrine Dixson-Declve, Club of Rome - Auguste von Bayern, BIOTOPIA - Eckart von Hirschhausen, Stiftung Gesunde Erde Gesunde Menschen - DLD Munich 24 - Dare to know - Digital Life Design Conference - January 11-13 2024 - Youtube

Humanitys actions are scorching the earth. Twenty twenty-three was a mere preview of the catastrophic future that awaits if we dont act now. We must respond to record-breaking temperature rises with path-breaking action. -
Antnio Guterres

At this time of the year, Gulmarg Ski resort in Kashmir (Himalayas) should be covered in snow and tourists. Apparently it's the world's third highest ski area.

This year, thanks to climate change, a ski resort with no snow is just a town.

Green Our Planet

I'm not, nor do l try to be, your average communicator. That's because, your mean person, isn't your average eco-scientist (far from it). Show me a science graph, that shows the world is heating up, l care enough, to want to try to prevent it. Even if science said, the most harm wouldn't happen, until after l was dead. If the thought of being dead unnerves you & If the thought of doesn't deeply concern you, that's why l think differently than the mean person

Monthly climate data update from MetOffice HadCRUT5 for the month of December 2023. Hottest month of December since 1850. Hottest year since 1850.

, Edmonton, AB BRING IT! Coldest place on the planet.

This year could be hotter under El Nino's influence than the record-shattering 2023, the United Nations warned Friday, as it urged drastic emissions cuts to combat climate change.

"What troubles me the most is the profound sense of climate anxiety and grief that has settled into the hearts and minds of the young people I work with due to feeling like the political class and other adults around them are failing them. " Carly Dober, a psychologist living and working in Naarm/Melbourne. Guardian, 130124.

The gas isnt natural, its just methane and its killing us.

The problem is, in practice, the messy reality of human greed complicates the abstract elegance of offset economicsBut what if average, everyday people could palpably benefit from carbon offsetting

A solution High emitters offset by paying for peoples low emitting equipment

Mmmm, I'd be interested to know what you decide. Our first step is going to be a rain barrel next year, and this would be the next step. We're in the , it's only a matter of time until we start getting really bad shortages. Sigh

I heard like 10 yr ago from different progressive persons and the shows that when the STOP or CHANGE, maybe 1 or 2 billion people will die (lack of food, fishing, war, drought)

This science article (above posts) says, an estimated result will be a 5C degree drop in areas. This happened 12k years ago

same as above

Nasa unveils quiet supersonic aircraft in effort to revive commercial flights

Wouldn't the money spent on developing this monstrosity have been better spent on some form of electrical plane

"2023 Was One Of The Coldest Years Of The Rest Of Your Life

Three global assessments confirm last year was by far the hottest in recorded history. Were frankly astonished, one scientist said of the findings."

impacts on Indigenous Peoples and local communities are ongoing, tangible, widespread, and affect multiple elements of their social-ecological systems.

A timeline of Earth's average temperature since the last ice age glaciation (20,000 BC)

I understand why famous standup comedians & pop "stars" don't take a proactive stance on

They're always flying to different venues & is for a niche audience (the solutions aren't "mainstream")

But, the aviation industry's carbon offsetting schemes are a

Planet critical - is
How can you take action if you dont know what the fuck is going on

" manage what is manageable to teach coping strategies, to encourage connection to nature and social relationships, to channel their grief into sustainable action that feels meaningful."

"I constantly return to the message that there is so much beauty and life in the world that can be saved - and is absolutely worth fighting for."

"I talk to them about connection with like minded peers, and joining a local climate action group."

"I talk to them about nature based therapies- hiking, swimming, listening and watching wildlife, attending beach clean ups and tree planting days."

"I talk to them about choosing financial institutions to bank with that rule out funding fossil fuel projects."

Starbucks faces lawsuit from US consumer group over claims its tea and coffee is ethically sourced.

The US consumer group says that the company's claim of ethical sourcing for its tea and coffee is false and misleading.

Winters warmer than -8C are making snow disappear - and threatening Europes water supplies.

Since we are talking about cold, this pretty much explains a lot of the dumb commentary we're hearing now

military industrial complex wasting your money

NASA Lockeed spending god knows how many zillions of dollars on supersonic air travel

total boondoggle

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks