Interestingly for myself, it appears the
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Interestingly for myself, it appears the eruption of the Columbia River Basalt Group played a major role in the mid-Miocene warmth. I went to high school within 50 km of the westernmost eruptive vents and live atop lava flows from it (though theyre under locally sourced lavas and Missoula Flood deposits).

The idea that were pumping as much GHGs into the atmosphere in a few centuries as .8 mil years worth of mind boggling lava flows is hard to conceptualize.

Something that stood out to me at AMS is that without significant change to GHG emissions, were likely to see CO2 levels around those of the Miocene within the next 50 years or so.

Temps during the Miocene were 3-4C warmer on average than today. Iceland had a subtropical , Greenland was ice free.

It will take temps time to catch up with GHG content, but us changing the atmosphere this rapidly was shocking to me. This CO2 concentration is likely to occur before I die.

Sage intelligence

Dr. Hansen - seven years ago - on the enormous gap between what scientists know and what the public needs to know

How it could be equitable to promote the climate change mitigation based on trees planting

These are criminal enterprises - existential threats to a livable future.

Putin's Russia

and other propaganda outlets.

...this may explain why some politicians, CEOs, billionaires don't care about reducing GHG emissions.

They may think that when the heat waves, droughts, hurricanes and floods get too much to bear, we will go for solar geoengineering: deploy a fleet of planes that will put SO2 in the stratosphere to deflect solar radiation. This could even push the Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI) into negative territory.

A great presentation by David Keith:

I think once you are confronted with the reality of our climate & biodiversity crisis its impossible to look away, Giblin says.
Sadly many are looking away.
In case youre like Sally, here are some suggestions. Climate Action Network Australia lists more than 150 groups.

Climate change and the failing structure of farming and food supply threaten near-term shortages and future hunger: what can we do Alan Simpson

Schnappschuss der Ozeantemperatur-Anomalien, Stand 16. Feb 2024. Die Aufheizung vor Westafrika ist strker, als die von El Nino beeiflusste Westkste Amerikas.

Welche Auswirkungen das auf das kosystem im Meer und das konomische System an Land hat und haben wird, habe ich bis jetzt wenig rausfinden knnen. Nicht mal, wer dort eigentlich die Fischereirechte hat. Nur dass dieses Gebiet durch ausgeplndert wird.

what actually is saying is that rate of warming is accelerating.

- : mega-leak went on for months

: another reason why Trump should NOT have a 2nd presidency : according to GOP policy advisers, he would end a pause on new LNG export permits, scrapping electric vehicle mandates and once again withdrawing the US from a UN pact to fight global warming, they said.

Lake Geneva threatened by record water temperatures

Do as I say, don't do as I do.

It's been over 45c since about 10am. Currently just saw 48.1 at 11:10am. I just went out to spray down the chicken coop and the quail cage to help them cope. Holy shit it's hot.

The most important decarbonization chart you'll see this year.

Startling data in climate expert Nat Bullards annual report signals that carbon removal is not scaling fast enough to limit the climate crisis.

Groundwater levels are falling worldwide but there are solutions.

New research shows how to protect the aquifers that hold most of the worlds fresh water.

How Google Will Help Track and Measure Methane Emissions From Space

Bangkok in the grips of dangerous air pollution.

Authorities in Bangkok, Thailand, are urging people to work from home as dangerous air pollution troubles the capital. Smoke from burning crops outside the city, combined with vehicle emissions, have caused smog levels to spike.

"However, the actions of FortisBC and other Canadian gas utilities against municipal efforts to eliminate the fuel in residential and commercial buildings suggest they will not accept a curtailing of their home heating distribution system without a fight."

FortisBC: "Municipal rules limiting industry access to future customers make it hard for the company to "build the infrastructure we need in B.C. to provide ample energy."

Can these economists turn things around for Australia's betrayed generations
By Gareth Hutchens

Professor Ross Garnaut says Australia's economy experienced a "lost decade" from 2013 to 2023. Can these ideas turn things around, asks Gareth Hutchens.

FIX: "We wouldn't log the way we do. We'd keep our forests intact. We wouldn't mine near our headwaters or mine near places that could pollute the water that goes to all of our major centers or populations...there's just so many ways to do it better"


Intense and in ,

is bringing us increasing

The Spark, boletim informativo sobre clima do MIT Technology Review, comentou sobre tecnologias que mudam o mundo ressaltando itens de tecnologia climtica.
Leia em Notas de AZ:

A Fortune 500 oil and natural gas company will pay $4 million in civil penalties for unlawful air pollution in New Mexico and Texas, the Justice Department announced Tuesday.

According to the federal lawsuit, Houston-based Apache Corporation violated the Clean Air Act across 23 of its oil and natural gas production facilities in New Mexico and Texas.

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock (repeat) Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

Big firms with $7 tn exit climate investment pressure group

Republicans applaud and double down on punishing ESG initiatives.

Now has categories for the news to make it a lot easier to sort through them.

The homepage also got a bit of a rework for the News section:

TROMnews is now far better than it was before. If you'd like to support this work please consider helping us here

Can these economists turn things around for Australia's betrayed generations
By Gareth Hutchens

Professor Ross Garnaut says Australia's economy experienced a "lost decade" from 2013 to 2023. Can these ideas turn things around, asks Gareth Hutchens.

Developers in England will be forced to create habitats for wildlifeheres how it works

The policy is similar to Singapore's, which requires that all buildings provide more green space than they remove.

You want your coffee. You need your coffee. And you dont want climate change to get between you and your coffee. has this story on a new genetic map of the arabica coffee plant that could help develop more climate-resistant brews.

Only now, we know that any changes in behaviors and norms that were prompted by covid were only temporary.

Turns out, for most people, the desire to was even stronger than any desire to contain the covid virus. Like covid, has mostly long-term consequences that can be dismissed as affecting "other people" and thus easily ignored.


'Hurricane specialist Michael Lowry tweeted that sea surface temperatures across the Atlantic main development region, where most of the US category 3 or stronger hurricanes form, are as warm today in mid-February as they typically are in middle July. Incredible.

'A strong El Nio has pushed temperatures higher, but Francesca Guglielmo, a Copernicus senior scientist, noted this was only one of several heating factors that worked in combination.'

they are probably wasting their time as the habitat has changed. As sea temperatures have risen, its more likely that bleaching events will force coral to go to colder climes.

"Houston We have a problem!"

Green Our Planet

Cutting carbon from cars, power plants and other human sources that burn coal, oil and methane remains the essential solution to halt , he said. Natural of and , where ecologically appropriate, can contribute substantially.

Very cool: trees stalling effects of in eastern US, study finds Trees and forests The Guardian

After 50 years of the U.S. Endangered Species Act, we need new biodiversity protection laws.

Look! I made a list. And stole another one.

Relatedly a group of organizations more focused on climate, accessibility and reducing car dependence are proposing a huge levy. Sadly I dont know that the city will go anywhere near that especially since in the poll they structured it such that its clear city leaders consider many of those priorities not as important as bridges and potholes. Not like climate change isnt demanding massive reductions in car use or anything. :/

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks