In this week's Headlines from a
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In this week's Headlines from a Warming World

July 2024 Becomes Second-Hottest Month on Record, Narrowly Missing Top Spot.

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.15C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

Capitalism is killing the planet but curtailing it is the discussion nobody wants to have

"Capitalism ... has three main defining characteristics: enclosure and artificial scarcity, perpetual expansion, and a lack of democracy, insisting 'democratic principles are rarely allowed to operate in the sphere of production, where decisions are made overwhelmingly by those who control capital'"


Secondo una ricerca pubblicata su nature, negli ultimi anni, la grande barriera corallina ha subito eventi di sbiancamento di massa dei coralli a causa delle elevate temperature della superficie del mare.
Se non si interviene rapidamente per ridurre le emissioni di gas serra e mitigare i cambiamenti climatici, la barriera corallina potrebbe subire gravi ed irreversibili impatti sulla biodiversit dei coralli.

I have written a blog on where I try to give an intro to the large Solar Parks. Please do swing by and leave your thoughts!

Cody Johnston on the modern Pandora's Box if you cannot wait: permafrost:

400-year record heat threat to Great Barrier Reef is real

How Four Cities Are Cooling Down Creatively
"In the middle of a summer of record-breaking , just stepping outside is enough to remind us that the world is experiencing rising temperatures due to "

One of the things I don't understand is how people don't associate degrowth as a strategy to tackle climate change with more leisure time. Ideally degrowth would start by stopping over production. That seems to me to lead naturally to less work and more leisure. Am I crazy for that Is dreaming of leisure that impossible It isn't if we free ourselves from the tyranny of the profit motive.

We are from rural Midwest ("farmed along Salt Creek, a few miles from the town of Chestnut, Illinois, population then 450. Later we moved to the nearby town of Mt. Pulaski, then pop. 1700") . And we agree with these words from Sarah Smarsh:

I winced when political spin and coastal coverage made cruel words that my people would never speak and big trucks that they could never afford the dominant image of , working-class and poor whites., and land stewards have a critical stake in addressing , even if they dont use the same language as activists.People in are often , folks who find creative solutions to problems and are ruled by a sense of to community.

is happening.
"We know what we need to do, she added. We have international agreements in place to limit global temperature rise. I think we just need to put the politics aside and get on with it."

"A majority of U.S. adults remain supportive of expanding nuclear power in the country, according to a Pew Research Center survey from May. Overall, 56% say they favor more nuclear power plants to generate electricity. This share is statistically unchanged from last year."

July 2024 was the second-warmest July globally in the data record, with an average surface air temperature of 16.91C, 0.68C above the already warmed 1991-2020 average for July, and only 0.04C lower than the previous high set in July 2023.

There appears a disconnect between the evaluation of the success of the current major political parties in and scientists' estimates of the probability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation shutting down due to . A shutdown would produce disasterous climate changes.

The estimated probability varies between low (10% chance by 2100) and high (greater than 50% chance by 2060).
The pollies seems to be feeling luck anyway

08.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

An AI-Enhanced Systematic Review of Climate Adaptation Costs: Approaches and Advancements, 20102021

Huge gas fields under a coral reef. Will a rejection on environmental grounds stop Woodsides Browse project

Second hottest July breaks 13-month record streak, EU scientists say

"The way he talks about climate, it doesn't become an academic conversation of let me tell you about these metrics over this period of time. He's able to talk about those real world impacts as something that we're not just susceptible to and can do nothing about, but that those are things we can address and be empowered to do something about."

Climate Change

Fueling the Opposition How Fossil Fuel Interests Are Fighting to Kill Wind and Solar Farms Before They Are Built

The author helps to answer frequently asked questions about the role the fossil fuel industry has played in stoking opposition to renewable energy projects and comes at a time when many of these same opponents are escalating their attacks and seeking to derail the Inflation Reduction Acts historic investment in renewables.

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"some places are not suitable for industrial development and should be left alone. ... Scott Reef has existed as a natural wonder for about 15m years. Woodside and its backers are arguing that is worth risking for a fossil fuel development that will operate, at most, for a few decades." Adam Morton, Guardian 060824.

Clean Energy Investing in America

Between August 2022 and July 2024, the U.S. clean energy industry announced $500 billion in new investments, spurring the American economy and creating tens of thousands of new jobs.

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At a time when we are experiencing the catastrophic impacts of severe , massive , extreme heat waves this is no time to allow a massive thermal to be expanding. Doing so would mean turning the dial to high intensity on the climate impacts we are already experiencing, putting society and Nations at further risk.

Healthy Country, healthy people: how shared knowledge is helping to restore a World Heritage area

Heat pumps report for duty

Heat pumps report for duty

Ron DeSantis rejected $11 billion in federal aid for climate change adaptation because caring about the environment and future generations is too woke.

Meanwhile, today in Florida...

Article: Atlantic Ocean Conveyor Likely to Collapse Before 2050, Say Climate Scientists

temps in Nanaimo might not get below mid 20s humidex tonight, heat warning issued for East Vancouver Island rest of the week

will be rough for people without air conditioning

Thanks for bringing that up, I remember it well! I am a paid subscriber to I love the pods on innovative , , , etc. Totally worth a paid sub, but you can get it for free as well:

08.08.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

It's good that coal mines are being closed - like this one in - but are we prepared for the increasing incidence of spontaneous combustion as the climate warms and there's no-one left on site to deal with it

"Using CO2 to extract oil is ultimately worse for the environment, report says."
well ya dont say, i am shocked by this

Teaching Jordan Peterson That Climate Change Is Real: Part One SOME MORE NEWS

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Global Warming sucks