If we take what's rightfully theirs,
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If we take what's rightfully theirs, they rightfully take what's ours. We shouldn't even have the right to complain about it.

Me: Human society is killing itself with cancer capitalism.

Society: Oh wow, have you tried just not fucking worrying about it

#climatechange #remix

Africas famous Serengeti and Maasai Mara are being hit by climate change a major threat to wildlife and tourism

Hopes for green hydrogen fading as energy giant Origin walks away from flagship project
By Daniel Mercer

A project held up as a flagship for Australia's fledgling green hydrogen industry loses its biggest backer as Origin Energy abandons plans for the fuel.

As global warming causes more severe weather, authorities are having to give an underground flood management complex in Saitama Prefecture a major upgrade.

When The Comening does happen, the entire universe gets swallowed and regurgitated as we see doubles intermingling as they listen to a recording of Jimmy Carter (and eventually two Jimmy Carters in tandem) talk about progress and the growth of America. It explicitly even mentions the rebirth of the American spirit as we essentially watch a videocassette play for the entirety of the episode. The whole universe is basically chastised and educated to become everything they werent. It serves the purpose of fixing everything thats been wrong for three series now. Its essentially a lecture for America."

"a study released Monday by the worlds top climate scientist in this discipline, Dr. Michael Wehner, found that climate change increased Helenes rainfall by 50% in some locations. That means a storm in 1900 that produced 20 inches, can produce 30 inches today. In this way, climate change transforms an already severe flood into a catastrophic one."

Inside the World of

Get to know the donors and taxpayer-subsidized charities that promote climate change and stall urgent action.by Helen Flannery, Bella DeVaan, and Chuck Collins

03.10.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

now that is a visible footprint of

How climate change is changing the borders of countries just ask Switzerland
By Esther Linder

The increasing rate of glacier melt has meant Switzerland's border with Italy has been redrawn here's why, and how.

The planet is warming at a record pace. So why are many companies retreating from their targets CBC News

It might be an year, but you won't get to for these lawmakers: and companies.

lobbyists advocate stricter anti-protest laws, resulting in harsher penalties for activists.

45 US states have considered new anti-protest legislation since 2017, while 22 "critical infrastructure" bills levy tough criminal charges for trespassing on areas like pipelines.

Why do extraction corporations care so much about civil liberties It appears to be "a nationwide strategy to deter people frustrated by government failure to tackle the from peacefully disrupting the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure," according to the Guardian.

Read the disturbing full investigation:

The Collectors Tour continues with a visit to one of the OG collectors in the Collectors Tour array.

In this visit Cluster member describes why long-term field sites like this one are essential in environmental science and we see a hike on a lovely fall day in Utah.

Dust 2 was installed at the site you see here in 2011. Two years later, at , Munroe presented findings based on some of the first samples collected here:

Plant trees and save the planet.

For folks who think that 'Climate Change' means higher high temps, that is 100% not the real peril. No, the actual danger to continued human existence isn't peak seasonal temps--it's the never-ending heat for months and months on end.

This is some good solarpunk stuff this! Balkonkraftwerk refers to a small, electricity generating, balcony power system, popular in Germany. It consists of one or more solar modules, mounting material, an inverter, a low-voltage connecting cable and a plug for connection to the end circuit in the grid of a final consumer. The electricity generated can be used immediately, with unused electricity flowing unfunded into the public grid from the consumers connection. (Via Wikipedia )

Its been said many times We need to treat Climate Change like a war effort, looking at every part of the economy and society and getting everyone to muck in on the solutions. This feels to me very much part of that spirit. And very SolarPunk, allowing everyone to participate in sustainable solutions.

Yes, we still need to change the whole economic system and we need to go after the worst CO2 polluters and this isnt not going to make a big dent in CO2 emissions but its good to see. Its nice that renters can get some benefits from solar, and this framework makes it reasonable easy to install. There are also more emotional benefits, as mentioned in this article For lots of people, energy is just something that comes out of your socket, Holenweger said. You never think about how it gets there or how it works. The systems dont include battery storage, so the juice they generate must be used immediately, leading people to plan the best time to, say, run the washing machine to ensure theyre using renewable energy. In that way, it becomes something of a game. Many balcony solar kits feature an app to track daily energy generation, providing what has, for many people, become a scorecard. They screenshot that, they send it around to their Facebook groups, family WhatsApp groups. Theyre super proud, Grndinger said.

There are technical caveats too. People should only be doing this on the right balconies with reasonable sunlight to ensure is good, but imagine if we started designing all our homes with this in mind or got better at retrofitting older buildings with Solar. Residents could also start adding home storage, aggregating and sharing their resources via P2P networks. A bit like what we are seeing in developing countries: That would be cool.


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#Balkonkraftwerk #climateChange #energy #OWGF #renewableEnergy #SocialJustice #solarPower #SolarPunk #sustainability #Urbanism

"o clima vem apresentando eventos cada vez mais extremos, e regies como o Centro-Oeste provavelmente se tornem inabitveis entre 2030 e 2050, registrando temperaturas insuportveis", revelou pesquisadora

Hurricane Helene wasn't the first big hurricane and won't be the last. It's hard to attribute exactly how much of this one is Climate-caused, but not hard to say Climate is playing an ever-bigger part in our weather and our lives. Still, I worry about the language we use in talking about such events. I think it affects whether and how we respond to Climate. The effects were described as "unimaginable".

I wrote about this recently on Mastodon, but have moved those remarks to my blog, expanding them slightly in the process:

Look at leading with empathy, resources and solutions!!!! Comforting those in need rather than making it all about herself.

Something that strikes me about aftermaths of fire (and other disasters) is that compared to early human societies where things were made out of compostable things that were mostly not toxic, a major fire or flood dumps oil, gas, plastics, asbestos, and more all over the landscape.

So it's not as simple as building up again immediately. It's a hazmat situation and can cause health problems as people are trying to survive the initial event

The death toll wreaked on the Southeast U.S. by Hurricane Helene reached 180 on Wednesday morning, October 2. The toll pushes Helene above 2022s Hurricane Ian (156 U.S. deaths) and makes it one of the three deadliest hurricanes of the past half-century across U.S. states and territories. The only hurricanes in that period that took more lives than Helene were Katrina (2005) and Maria (2017).

Six Of Nine Earth Planetary Health Boundaries Have Been Broken

Each is a bit like a cog in the machine that helps the planet to stay stable and resilient, allowing humanity to continue surviving and thriving. Once a boundary is breached, the risk of permanently damaging Earths life support systems increases

Planetary boundaries:

- climate change
- novel entities
- stratospheric ozone depletion
- increase in atmospheric aerosol loading
- ocean acidification
- biogeochemical flows
- freshwater change
- land system change
- change in biosphere integrity.

Lessons from Cyclone Gabrielle: 5 key health priorities for future disaster response

Inside the World of
Get to know the and -subsidized that promote and stall urgent action.

Shared carbon capture networks would cut costs, reduce disruptions to local communities

How a mega dam has caused a mega power crisis for Zambia

China Renewable Boom Puts Ambitious Climate Goals in Reach: CREA

Chinas rapid deployment of clean energy has made it possible for the nation to achieve more ambitious goals to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, according to the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air

From climate change to landfill, AI promises to solve Earths big environmental problems but theres a hitch

AI is supposed to make us more efficient but it could mean we waste more energy

UNICEF Official: Climate change has massive impact on childrens health

One billion children worldwide live in countries highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. For the past 30 years, children have not received the necessary attention, but in the last two years, the impact of climate change on children has come into focus

For International Climate Action Day, the Nelson-Tasman Climate Forum would like to present the Take The Jump! grassroots initiative during a lunchtime webinar on Thurs, Oct 24, 12:30-1:30pm. Come one, come all! Be inspired to become more sustainable in your everyday life!

Will the Earths changing climate make TB spread faster - Bhekisisa
Linda Pretorius and Nicole Ludolph
1215 minutes

The world wants to end tuberculosis (TB) by 2030. But with our planets climate changing, this might be an unrealistic goal

WA Labor government accused of shelving climate laws as emissions continue to rise

Bill to formalise state net zero target for 2050 left off list of legislative goals ahead of March election

Its October 2 and 100 degrees here in Northern California, and I feel what we all need to do here is deny that its October 2 and 100 degrees

Ireland's 'get by' climate plans threaten progress - EPA
George Lee
56 minutes

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has warned that progress, economic prosperity, and health are all threatened unless Ireland increases the scale, pace, and ambition of environmental action

so, the Pacific is kinda sorta looking more like a La Nina is developing. finally. (Equatorial temps roughly south of Hawaii)

but sea surface temps are still very high in general.
or at least they were when we last got a look at them before the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) data center, which is located in Asheville, North Carolina, was knocked offline by Hurricane Helene

what a world.

03.10.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

I want to ask a difficult question. Here is a topographic map of the Asheville District. This, Swannanoa River Road, and other areas look like they were low enough to be flooded. What does it mean for city planning for areas like this to be vulnerable Do large areas need to be set aside for drainage and flood events I live near Chicago, and huge areas near the Chicago, Des Plaines, and Fox rivers would need to be set aside.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks