How much do rich countries owe
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How much do rich countries owe in climate aid Thats the trillion-dollar question.

As COP29 climate talks approach, developing nations are pushing for a huge boost in decarbonization and disaster funding.

MyNotes: Trashing the Earth :

German minister threatens indefinite driving bans on weekends #Aidanddevelopment #Riskandcompliance #EnergyandClimate #Germanpolitics #Climatechange #Environment #Climatelaw #Parliament #Elections #Emissions #Transport #Highways #mobility #Payments #Refugees #Mobility #Politics #Carbon #Rights #Roads #Cars

What will tropical rainforests look like in the future What are their main threats Will there any be left in the future

Prof Bill Laurance - leading scientist in rainforest ecology and conservation from U Cairns - shares his view on these questions.

New Episode is in the queue. Welcoming 1 Million EVs to UK Roads & Your Ultimate Guide to Going Electric
Out on Sunday, or you can listen to it Today if you are a Patreon supporter.

Plant trees and save the planet.

Extinction revised today
22 x 28"

Window view of red fish in turbulent river - framed by ochre-red tree limb

I've already boosted this, but it's a great and important longread:

"For hundreds of years, various manifestations of imperialism, such as slavery, settler colonization, neocolonialism, and the forces of globalization, have promoted a mindset of class privilege and wealth. Motivated by profit, the mechanisms of industrial capitalism have pursued relentless resource depletion and unsustainable plunder of the natural world."

What is the cheapest way to beat

Really time we stopped throwing taxpayer money at Hydrogen vehicles when they prove time & again they're a white elephant. , , , , , , , , , , ,

Next steps for the Equinox Process - The II reaffirmed the vital role of scientific in informing policies & actions to combat . Dr Barbara Botos, Hungarys Ambassador at Large for Climate, has invited Equinox participants to discuss the integration of into at the forthcoming high-level ambassadors event, organized under 's Presidency of the Council of the European Union later this year.

Fascinating look at "wasted GDP" of the US. Comparing US citizens quality of life to other countries with lower GDP indicates the additional US GDP is wasted because it's not lifting the quality of life of US citizens. The climate change angle: wasted GDP leads is a cause of unnecessary CO2 emissions

In recent years, the issue of microplastic pollution has emerged as a forefront concern in environmental discussions. Studies have increasingly revealed the pervasive presence of microplastics, even in the worlds most remote and pristine locations, including Antarctica...

A couter : le long chemin du numrique responsable

From my colleague Ralitsa Hiteva:

"A forced me from my home... I have now experienced first-hand something I have noted in my research: theres a huge gap between what best practice for policy should be, and what is currently happening."

"local governments in the arent prepared to cope with extreme or unexpected weather driven by and lack the capability to respond to emergencies which require whole systems thinking..."

Report finds WLTP hugely over-estimates car fuel economy

You're interested in the US making its best to fight the process that will make our planet inhabitable for us

Then please sign here.

Have a wonderful day.

April 10, 2024 Oceanography
Rahmstorf, S. 2024.
Is the Atlantic overturning circulation approaching a tipping point

"...the studies discussed here ... point to a much larger risk than previously thought"

"...the only action we can take to minimize the risk is to phase out fossil fuel use and stop deforestation as fast as possible"

Ready to unearth some linguistic gems of

Rising temperatures, heat waves, droughts & extreme events due to
will negatively affect crop yields & food security.


But what is
according to

Billionaires fleeing to Space after they've ruined the world

Is renewable energy cheaper than fossil fuels

"'...the most widespread and most severe mass bleaching and mortality event ever recorded on the Great Barrier Reef.'"
Terry Hughes, emeritus professor and reef bleaching expert, James Cook University


Trillions of tonnes of carbon locked in soil has been left out of environmental models and its on the move

Food security threatened by extreme , farmers warn

Record-breaking over the past few months has left fields of crops under water and livestock's health at risk, adding to pressures on producers.

The flooding and linked to will undermine UK food production unless farmers get more help, the National Farmers Union said.

Uncharted territory: a record hot March

Looking for an Earth Day event in

Check out The Heavy Metal Suite.

A concert with commissioned works from international composers, each based on a mineral resource in their country important for the energy transition.

Shoutout to my UBC colleague Philippe Tortell for putting this together. Brilliant idea. More here:

Wow! I'm intrigued, this seems like a very useful and effective innovation.

Boaty McBoatface (also known as Boaty) is the British lead boat in a fleet of three robotic lithium batterypowered autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) of the Autosub Long Range (ALR) class.

Hybrid immunity is a farcical escape term used by public health officials to justify reducing measures - it is in reality saying infection is better for immune protection than vaccination as the take up rate globally is disturbingly low - when the science is clear, repeated infections radically increase the likelihood of chronic, long term, even permanent organ and immune system damage

Covid and Climate - keep punting for profit

Michigan approves 'extremely toxic' copper mine just 100ft from Lake Superior - which locals fear could destroy one of America's most beautiful state parks.

shareholders have an interest in understanding the financial risks posed by the company's response's lawsuit is purely an intimidation tactic to try to stop shareholders from continuing to raise concernsinvestors, like California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS)the largest US pension fundare calling on ExxonMobil to drop the lawsuit and weighing whether or not to keep their investments in light of these tactics. Add your voice.

Deaths caused by the mosquito-borne dengue disease have more than tripled in so far this year, according to data from the South American nation's government, which is redoubling efforts to contain an epidemic that has hit poor areas the hardest.

Experts say it is exacerbated by climate change.

Not if, but when: Crews battle simulated North Shore wildfire
Crews from 20 different agencies gathered in North Vancouver on Thursday to battle a simulated wildfire ahead of the summer season.


In the Arctics Last Ice Area, 500 nautical miles from the , a scientific team is on a rare mission to measure the worlds oldest ice floes.

Hauling loaded kayaks, the team struggles to follow a route that had been navigable only years earlier.

The science is scuttled: bearing witness to Earths most pressing existential threat, what matters now is survival. They must escape the chaos by traversing a

We are hiring for a full-stack software engineer at Open Earth Foundation. Come help us build software to fight !

The Associated Press: awards $830 million to toughen nation's against

: Boom times for US as federal cash flows in

"'s IRA and BIL are massive investments larger than the related provisions in the . There is a clear sense that America has become more serious about transitioning to a cleaner economy... in the 2023 fiscal year, the federal government invested approximately $34bn into "

Not if, but when: Crews battle simulated North Shore wildfire
Crews from 20 different agencies gathered in North Vancouver on Thursday to battle a simulated wildfire ahead of the summer season.

Denmarks tough stance on migrants plays well at home. In Brussels, it could be a different story. #Europeancommissionerhearings2014 #EuropeanParliamentelection2024 #Councilpresidency #Societyandculture #Climatechange #Neighborhood #Immigration #SocialMedia #Corruption #Investment #Elections #Migration #RuleofLaw #Refugees #Politics #Borders

In North Sonora, , Yarrow is my Canary. Also, the Western Oriole families that stopped returning 25 years ago (speaking of birds)

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