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Las Vegas hits 110 degrees for first time in 2024, tying record

It's Early, yet worse than last year, which was a scorcher!

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.28C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

'' to Take Aim at for Funding

"We know that they're enabling the industry, and we know that to end the fossil fuel era, banks like must stop funding fossil fuels," an organizer said.

When you think about it, all over the world now directly fighting to increase is not that odd.

After all, conservatism as an ideology wants to preserve status quo, and if the status quo is increased pollution and climate change... money aside, that is what they want to preserve.

tl&dr: Conservatism can never improve society, it is against its basic values.

Neighbor is gone for the weekend yet their AC unit is still running. The highest high for these two days is 75F. I know billionaires have a greater share of CO emitted, but non-billionaires don't always make the best decisions.

is making the symptoms of certain conditions worse (Lancet neurology: )

Even the small changes of few degreess are worsening sleep, , and .

Full article:

They don't get it, do they Not fighting is going to have a much greater impact on profits, and so dividends and bonuses, than fighting it. In fact it is already, but they just can't see it. By the time they do it will be too late and 4-6C will be locked in for 10,000 years. Oh well, never mind. Just live the rest of your life as best you can Richard. I'm 68 but it's those younger than me that I feel for. Do these people not have children and grandchildren

The Simpler Way: A visit to Ted Trainers Pigface Point (video)

Intetesting discussion about the UK's OBR -- particularly the disonance around long term cost of climate change vs current fiscal rules.

> The Rhodes Center Podcast with Mark Blyth: The expulsion of politics What the UKs Office of Budget Responsibility tells us about the limits of technocracy

Episode webpage:

Media file:

Green Our Planet

The projects wider impacts are like a breath of fresh air. s temperatures fell by 2C in the programs first three years, and officials expect a further decrease of 4 to 5C over the next few decades, even considering

How a Colombian city cooled dramatically in just 3 years

We really need to advocate for ethical climate mitigation.

Exploiting child labor in far-flung African regions to dig up cobalt to fulfill EU mandates is wrong.

Allowing land grabs in Africa to create carbon credit offsets that allow corporations to book their still continuing emissions as a non-issue is wrong and dubious.
Insisting on ignoring unethical mining practices to get all that lithium for car battery manufacturing is wrong.

It's us repeating the same mistakes.

The burning of not only contributes to but also has a significant impact on public , including the spread and survival of infectious diseases.

A recent study led by the University of Bristol has reveals that appears to help keep the particles we exhale at a pH-level that is more hospitable to viruses, especifically SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes

Forest conservation being used as a veil to hide and justify CO2 emissions is insane. It's such a horrible joke and I don't know why green activists keep advocating for it. Advocate for fossil fuel bans you cowards!

The evidence for human-caused climate change is overwhelming the big question now is, what to do about it

Scientists are lobbying for an evidence bank that synthesizes research showing how well different policies from carbon taxes to the promotion of electric vehicles work to address climate change, and under what conditions.

Talking to AI powered Siri will automatically increment the Earths temperature, even if it doesnt find your thermostat.

It just works.

Tipping Risk of the Atlantic Oceans Overturning Circulation

Keynote by Prof. Rahmstorf

"One lesson from your book is that, if youre an ordinary person worried about the climate crisis, the most impactful thing you can do is to band together with others to push for change."

"Yes, that is the biggest impact, for sure...For goodness sake, lets not give up now, were right on the cusp of success."

"... dont imagine that industry is going to do the right thing just because its the right thing to do, thats not their job. Their job is to make money and your job is to hold them to account. "

That's climate scientist Susan Solomon on

Even the United Nations has urged a global shift away from meat and dairy products to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and global hunger.

While eating local has many benefits, even more beneficial is switching to a plant-based diet.

...meanwhile in the OPEC office:
Mankind is currently pumping 102140000 barrels of crude oil PER DAY out of the earth. More than ever before...

No turnaround in sight yet.

09.06.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Cool are Hard to Find : Medium

Long hours at the office could be killing you the case for a shorter week : Univ Sci

are 14 times more likely to die in a than men. Its just one way is gendered : Misc

Check our latest

Not only do I pay more for power because the power company--which has a monopoly, of course, keeps jacking up the prices, and the state the taxes and fees, but also because nowadays, the AC--which I keep at 80F!!!!--runs almost 24/7 for more than half the year.

Climate scientist Susan Solomon: Lets not give up now were right on the cusp of success

Liebe Timeline, ich bin heute um 6:00 morgens aufgestanden, damit ihr whlen gehen knnt. Also bitte, erscheint zahlreich, whlt klimaschonened und menschenfreundlich!

preaching to the choir unfortunately. I agree with what you have said. And we have to get this to the people who need to hear it. And double unfortunately, theyre on Twitter and Truth Social.

Vote Red or Green for.... Me!

: The US installed more solar in Q1 2024 than it did in all of 2018

"new federal investments in are revitalizing manufacturing and strengthening economy... A record-setting 11.8 GW of new panel manufacturing capacity came online in the US during Q1 2024... Once it fully ramps up, it will supply 70% of US demand."

As temperatures rise, schools without AC struggle to keep students healthy and learning

In The District to learn and lobby my legislators on priority 2024 legislative agenda.

Capital Bikeshare is by far the best way to get around and see some sights.

the woman who cuts my hair did not know what was before today. i gave her a brief explanation of the causes and effects. she comes from a poor part of the world so her family will feel the worst effects first. i'll send her an ipcc synthesis for policymakers report on climate change to give her food for thought. i'll take any suggestions for something else that is relatively easily digestible.

Yep. Exactly what I have observed.

My windshield and headlights have been clean for at least 2 decades now.

The lack of insects is the Canary in the above ground coal mine.

Getting Ready for a Post-Fossil Fuel Future Sooner Than Expected

As the world grapples with climate change and depleting fossil fuel resources, the need to transition to renewable energy sources is becoming more urgent. This shift is essential to mitigate environmental damage and ensure long-term energy security.

This problem will be solved. It may not take much longer.

HomoSapiens is an experimental chemistry project that blew up the lab.

Bernie Sanders : In country after country, in continent after continent, temperature records are being shattered. Anyone who denies that we are in the midst of a climate crisis is not living in reality. We need bold climate action and we need it NOW.

I have a crazy, ground-breaking idea: stop funding our own destruction.

Between 2015 - 2022 fossil fuels were subsidized $40 trillion dollars.

Projections for fossil fuel subsidies between 2024 - 2030 is $70 trillion dollars.

Stop this insanity. Fund the solutions not our destruction.

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock (repeat) Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

"Catastrophic" failure of in , a "lifeline" for , with no estimated time for stabilization/repair of the road.

: CO levels are surging!

is accumulating in the faster than ever accelerating on a steep rise to levels far above any experienced during human existence!

"Not only is CO now at the highest level in millions of years, it is also rising faster than ever!"

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks