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The full, highly inspirational address of the PM of Barbados, Mia Mottley, to the UN can be viewed here:

"Europe is the worlds fastest-warming continent and the impact on its glaciers has been stark. In Switzerland, they are melting at an alarming rate. The countrys glaciers lost 4% of their volume last year..."

has been called the generation. :verified:

Yet, at the same time, we have witnessed a meteoric rise of ultra-fast fashion from online, direct-to-consumer retailers such as , and .

There are complexities surrounding Gen Zs shopping habits and how these often fail to align with their values.

What explains this cognitive dissonance


As climate change helps mosquitoes spread disease, critics push for alternatives to pesticides

In response to outbreaks of West Nile virus and EEE, cities spray chemicals to kill mosquitoes. Is there a better way

Climate Change

This year's Arctic peak low ice coverage has passed. We can see the peak low was only slightly less bad than the 2012 record low and for much of the year, ice cover was below or the same as that record low.

This is not good news.

Michael Oppenheimer and Stefan Rahmstorf on the nature of tipping points where we are now what's possible to avoid what is not.

Michael Oppenheimer
Professor of geosciences and international affairs at Princeton University

Stefan Rahmstorf
Professor of physics of the oceans at Potsdam University

EU auditors criticise Ireland for lack of climate ambition in CAP

This article was written about the NSW floods in 2022, but it's just as relevant now for the US in the wake of Hurricane Helene.Climate change is making whole cities uninhabitable, and there are big new hidden taxes we all have to pay for fossil fuel use.

Forestry ambition needed to combat climate stress, wildfires

Around 40 per cent of Europe is covered by forests. The EU has pledged to plant three billion additional trees throughout its territories and become the first climate-neutral continent in its biodiversity strategy for 2030. But forest fires and consumer demand are challenging forestry optimism

Climate-Smart Grazing: Study Shows How Weather Mitigates Nitrogen Runoff

For example, if there is substantial rainfall, we should reduce the number of animal units that are allowed to graze in the area during that time to reduce nutrient runoff

Nations Pressured to Deliver on Climate Pledges Ahead of UN Summit

There is no shortage of public money available for rich countries to pay their fair share for climate action, at home and abroad, Oil Change public finance lead Laurie van der Burg told the Guardian. They can unlock trillions in grants and grant-equivalent climate finance by ending fossil fuel handouts, making polluters pay, and changing unfair financial rules

Maybe time to start referring to:



BBC Boss Tim Davie To Urge The TV Industry To Put Sustainability Content Front & Center: We Have A Huge Creative Opportunity

How the UK is going to get even wetter due to climate change

AnalysisGlobal warming means that the UK will be rainier than ever in the future

is coming faster than most people expected, isnt it I bet a lot of my fellow compadres thought they would die never seeing actual climate disaster at their doorstep. But fires, floods, drought, crop failures, and unplanned migrations are coming faster than you expected. Uninsurable homes are becoming a reality for more and more people you actually know, until its your turn. Those viral videos of weather disasters are going to get closer and closer to where you live, until youre the one taking the video.

This is our reality now. Not in the futureNOW.

(with a nod to Dr. Lucky Tran, the originator of that last aphorism AFAIK)

People dismissing those suffering in a disaster are in heavy denial of the disaster waiting for them next

The fires and floods and earthquakes the rest of us arent prepared for will have us in exactly the same position as the folks in those places people are blaming and ignoring

And well be wishing somebody would come to help dig us out or bring us water when we havent had any in three days

Also fuck Walmart no one should ever shop there again

Is Already Affecting Peoples : Medium

Ensuring Your Efforts Have An Impact : Forbes

These Are Made from Human ($) : Sci Am

Check our latest

Es dauert seine Zeit bis man das unbegreifliche realisiert.

"It was really surreal," she said of the rapid rise of the Swannanoa River.

"Like, at the beginning it was all fun and games. Just watching the water be where it was."

"And then it just kept going up,"

How embarrassingly ironic that we let a minuscule minority of destroy the habitability of our in their quest to profit from machines that think better than we do -- when the most important moral, ethical, and subjective questions can't be answered by machines because they mimic the sociopaths that built them.

Read full story:
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01.10.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

September was a wet month in .

I have a new paper out, in a study led by Matthias Fuchs! We estimated the methane flux for the past 20,000 years from Beringia coastal wetlands. This study uses the PaleoMIST topography reconstruction, which was validated with offshore sediment cores that contain terrestrial peats. This area had spatially variable sea level changes during the deglaciation due to its proximity in the intermediate field of the ice sheets.

Landmark moment as UK closes last coal power station

UKs 142-year history of coal-fired electricity ends as turbines at Ratcliffe-on-Soar plant in Nottinghamshire stop for good

Graphic: meanwhile in the British colonies eg Anthracite and Lignite Party ALP Government expands emissions via three new fossil fuel/coal mines

"Statistics published last September showed that 's glaciers lost 4% of their volume in 2023, the second biggest loss ever after 2022's record melt of 6%."

disgusted me again. The denier does a photo op amidst the destruction lying about the response from the administration. What a deplorable .

The UK began and powered the whole industrial revolution with coal. Coal built the modern age. Ending coal mining in England and Wales caused mass unemployment and mining areas still lack reinvestment and rebuilding for other economic opportunities. But yesterday was a very good day for the planet.

UK to close last coal power station after 142 years

is also changing .

and just redrew part of their alpine border in response to glacial melt under the iconic Matterhorn mountain. loss shifted the topological features that previously defined the border. Although officials described it as a "minor border rectification", it represents a major global issue.

Both countries' are vanishing. Switzerland lost 10% of its glaciers between 2021 and 2023 (the same amount previously lost between 1960 and 1990, indicating swift acceleration). One of Italy's most famous glaciers retreated seven meters in the last year. It probably didn't help that 2023 was the hottest summer on record.

What happens when climate change affects more significant boundaries, between less friendly neighbors When sea level rise reshapes entire coastlines, or drowns entire nations Tweaking the lines around a ski resort is just the tip of the (rapidly melting) iceberg.


Extremes of weather, such as flooding and drought, from Brazil to Vietnam and Australia are threatening sugar, grain and coffee crops and pushing up prices in ways that could eventually flow through to higher grocery bills.

Exactly, and because a whole lot of morons did vote them in they now say they have a mandate to do whatever they like with the economy and dont give a damn about and the huge damage it is doing to our great Country

US Sea Level Change official website has been launched. This is an inter agency information site - I'm rather amazed they're all working together: EPA, FEMA, NOAA, NASA, USACE, DOD, and the USGS.

Check it out, it's great.

(Today I Learned) about 'Rock Glaciers'.

> Why the most climate-resistant glaciers are hiding in plain sight.

Ive posted it a few times today but I feel like it should be an even bigger deal: the UK shut down its last coal-fired power station today. We were the first country to fire one up, and now were the first major economy to shut them all down.

And the key thing is, it happened quickly.

2012: generated 40% of power from coal
2018: first coal-free day in over a century
2020: months on end with no coal
2024: last station closed

Important observation on threats to humanity


October ushers in blistering heat, power shutoffs and the chance of plume fires - Los Angeles Times

Tired of this!

It's worth remembering, folks, that your guilt and discomfort over personal action on things like climate change and waste are the result of concerted campaigns by big polluters in electricity generation, mining, transport, and a range of industries in order to deflect blame away from those most responsible.

That responsibility is held jointly by the emitters themselves and by governments who refuse to hold them to account by making responsible policy and laws.

So, what can you do

You should certainly do the best you can to reduce personal waste and emissions in a multitude of ways, but don't for a second believe that each of us as individuals and collectively hold primary responsibility for growing carbon emissions.

You can also write letters to politicians (your local, state, and federal members - and their opposition), as those things eventually have an effect. And do *post* your letter - it's much harder for a politicians office to ignore a letter than an email.

Get on it!

Trump can't change the path of a hurricane with a Sharpie marker. But when his elaborate comb-over becomes undone it reminds us of who is helping fossil fuel companies heat the planet in pursuit of massive profits.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks