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Boomer for Future

What can the study of tree rings tell us about past , melt & On Simon Clark speaks to Nazimul Islam, dendrochronologist and EGU Climate: Past, Present & Future Division Early Career Scientist Representative about his work and interests.

Read more:

As more people suffer due to the effects of , will a time come when it will be seen to be uncaring to choose to eat meat, fly on jets, and (want to) drive Combustion-Engined Vehicles (CEV)

Will the truth about people's underlying motivations, selfishness & apathy become so apparent that their excuses will be revealed to be the reasoning of fools

I predict that time is inevitable. How will the fools change their rhetoric

The fault is not it's the corruption of Government (made possible by widespread public ignorance and denial)

that allows one industry to price its product dishonestly gifting all of us with "cheap" energy. Trashing the future of all of us ...

Correcting it: The Fee and Dividend system

Lets go!



Entire neighborhoods of the Libyan city of Derna have vanished following devastating floods wrought by Storm Daniel. Such storms are rarebut climate change will supersize them.

'', '', ''

It is a very bad sign when frogs have trouble surviving....

Where l live many adults don't care that their combustion-engined vehicles, wood burners, etc., cause diseases &

There is nothing about them that would suggest they care about these health issues. Sure, if challenged the blebs (folk) rant excuses & talk about how environmentalists are not living the perfect lifestyle

To all extents & purposes, these blebs are behaving like idiots. Only offering blebs incentives ("carrots") can change them.

If we stop buying as many holidays, if we don't change our cars as readily or get the washing machine fixed rather than buy a new one then doesn't this mean we need less money so don't need to work as much which in turn means more time and a better life balance.
We only live once. If we can break habits of shopping to feel good and think about why we work then might this lead to better outcomes for the planet and for ourselves

Climate Change

Most folk would have to be "living under a rock" to have not heard that vehicle emissions cause diseases &

Folk understand that to eat meat animals are slaughtered. Also, meat & dairy (eating meat), & aviation (flying on jets), are part of the climate problem

& yet, many blebs (folk) will, e.g., sit in their stationary diesel vehicles with the engines ticking over whilst eating a beef burger. Blebs want to fly on jets

They don't care! Shame on them!

Wer sich heute nicht auf den einlsst, der/dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen. Der Marsch ist so relevant, wie noch nie! Heuer so relevant, wie nie zuvor. Es ist wichtig, dass Massen die Straen sumen und Diskurse zurechtrcken. Weg vom drfen die das hin zum macht endlich was!.

Well, let me call it now from Chris Bowen, Australia's Climate Minster.


More kick the can down the road bullsh!t from the ALP designed to appeal to entitled high emitting voters who prefer their emission to be high and their self deception even higher.

We should just keep blaming BP and Shell I guess and just keep emitting, after all they have a gun to our head when we click that link to fly to Bali.

Vote GREEN ! Ride a bike, don't fly and eat way less meat ... or not and collapse civilisation with horrific consequences. those two lifestyle choices are the only two choices left.

*Aileen Cannon Finally Does Something!*

David Kurtz

Apologies for the late posting. I was busy yesterday and am only now catching up with my reading.

"This years string of record-breaking disasters from deadly wildfires and catastrophic floods to record-high ocean temperatures and record-low sea ice in Antarctica seems like an acceleration of human-induced climate change.

And it is. But not only because greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. What we are also observing is the long-predicted water vapour feedback within the climate system."

Hungarys Orbn calls for less climate panic, more babies #Certificationandstandards #Aidanddevelopment #Riskandcompliance #EnergyandClimate #Sustainability #Climatechange #Demographics #HealthCare #Playbook #Politics #Carbon #Energy #Policy #Rights

"Johan Rockstrm is best known for his work on the Planetary Boundary Framework and as co-director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. In this wide-ranging conversation with Kevin Anderson, recorded in Norway in March 2023, they discuss their respective views on the risks and challenges we face in delivering on our Paris climate commitments."

E-fuels for new combustion cars must be 100% climate neutral: EU Commission draft

E-fuels must be climate-neutral for new vehicles with combustion engines to be sold after 2035, according to a new draft regulation which resolves an internal dispute within the EU Commission seen by Euractiv.

I demand UK political parties tackle the climate emergency - let's VoteClimate.uk! - Sign the Petition! via UKChange

News of the Day sept 14 2023 , ,
, , , on

I don't know how I missed this article!

"Wydler-Wlti says that her motivation to join the case stemmed from her desire to make the world a better place for everyone, including future generations."
These veteran female activists are fighting a pivotal climate case with science

: El de 2023 es el ms caluroso en el registro

Mining Bitcoin alone uses the same amount of electricity resources as the country of Sweden, contributing to our growing environmental disaster.

US launches $1bn tree-planting scheme to mitigate effects of climate crisis Trees and forests

We have a lot of hectares that we can and we need to push for more money for that. From governments and from companies that pollute and emit.

Young people to take 32 European countries to court over climate policies

I think to force the hand of governments and, in the end companies to start to have sustainability policies in mind. Governments are not fulfilling their duty to protect their citizens.

"Climate change exacerbates snow-water-energy challenges for European ski tourism"
Congratulations to and his co-authors for their article in Nature Climate Change journal. Their work show that climate change will substantially reduce snow supply for snow resorts across 28 European countries. Is snowmaking a solution
To read the article =>

"Do you know why renewable energy is also called 'clean energy'"

Wrong answers only, please!

ExxonMobil executives privately sought to undermine climate science even after the oil and gas giant publicly acknowledged the link between fossil fuel emissions and climate change, according to previously unreported documents revealed by the Wall Street Journal.

ja maar als je dan een pleister oplossing hebt om de bloeding te stelen gaan de linkse mensen weer in de remmen

Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

A member of the EU parliament and several scientists, including authors, will not participate to the  Nice Climate Summit  sponsored by . I am one of them.

The Global Launch of the United Nations General Comment No. 26 on children's rights and the environment is happening soon! Help us spread the word and follow the Livestream on September 18th, 11:30 13:00 CEST:



Entire neighborhoods of the Libyan city of Derna have vanished following devastating floods wrought by Storm Daniel. Such storms are rarebut climate change will supersize them.

'', '', ''

It is upsetting.

Given how late we are in addressing the issue of only drastic changes would make a difference now. That would mean uprooting the lives of many. Most likely anthropologists like yourself and software engineers like me would not be able to do their work in the same way as before, if at all.

Some very impressive climate anomalies still occuring this year...
IMO, this air temp is pretty high, considering the 'mean' it's being compared to is from 1979 - 2000 and not pre-industrial...

certainly will fix . All that wasted computer power burning carbon and generating heat will completely undermine any meaningful attempts to reduce .

High-Rise Residences To Is Complex : Medium

's surface may be covered in , finds : Space.Com

Large Can Help Prevent Massive : Sci Am

Check our latest

daar denk ik toch wel anders over hoor
Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

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Global Warming sucks