Happy New Year! The January 2024
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Happy New Year! The January 2024 version of the Months Until 2030 calendar is available on the website! Lets fill this year with climate-friendly actions.

You can also follow monthsuntil2030 on Instagram if youre so inclined.

Happy New Year everyone!

My wishes for 2024:

1. Putin's troops get kicked the hell out of Ukraine
2. The western powers remember that genocide is a Bad Thing and make Israel stop their genocide in Gaza
3. Governments around the world start taking the threat of climate change seriously
5. The phrase "avoid it like the plague" regains its original meaning

"What are reasonable solutions to climate change"

Green growth, EVs, Inflation Reduction Act.

"No, what are *effective* solutions to climate change"

Degrowth, public transport, global carbon tax.

"But that's unreasonable!"

William Rees put it best:

"The politically acceptable is ecologically disastrous, while the ecologically necessary is politically impossible."

2024: Now we step it up

#extinction #rebellion #xr #rebelforlife #climate #climatechange

Sono in macchina con un sole caloroso e questa la temperatura al primo di gennaio

December 2023 was the hottest December of the past 15 years for most large regions in .

Data from the network of 52 meteo.gr weather stations that have been operating continuously since 2010 until today.

Article (in greek)

Frontiers in soil ecologyInsights from the World Biodiversity Forum 2022

From the abstract:

"Here, we outline the main frontiers related to soil ecology that were presented and discussed at the thematic sessions of the World Biodiversity Forum 2022 in Davos, Switzerland. We highlight multiple frontiers of knowledge associated with data integration, causal inference, soil biodiversity and function scenarios, critical soil biodiversity facets, underrepresented drivers, global collaboration, knowledge application and transdisciplinarity, as well as policy and public communication. These identified research priorities are not only of immediate interest to the scientific community but may also be considered in research priority programmes and calls for funding. "

After a year of disasters, where should Ottawas climate policy go in 2024
According to data from Natural Resources Canada, the country saw a total of 6,174 fires as of Sept. 6. A total of 232,209 people were forced from their homes.

2023 was the year the Cop Conference recognized the damage caused by fossil fuels, it took almost 30 years

I have 10 years of data and have lived in the same house with the same job. cut my big time, whilst I consciously try to use to reduce my to help . Here are the results... Happy New Year!

Green Our Planet

After a year of disasters, where should Ottawas climate policy go in 2024
According to data from Natural Resources Canada, the country saw a total of 6,174 fires as of Sept. 6. A total of 232,209 people were forced from their homes.

After a year of disasters, where should Ottawas climate policy go in 2024
According to data from Natural Resources Canada, the country saw a total of 6,174 fires as of Sept. 6. A total of 232,209 people were forced from their homes.

Judge clears path to trial for plaintiffs.

Late Friday night, Judge Aiken ruled in favor of the 21 youth plaintiffs in Juliana v. United States, clearing the way to trial. In her order denying the governments attempt to throw out the case, Judge Aiken said what is on all of our minds.

"This catastrophe is the emergency of our time and compels urgent action. As this lawsuit demonstrates, young people - too young to vote and effect change through the political process - are exercising the institutional procedure available to plead with their government to change course."

- U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken

"The Foods the World Will Lose to Climate Change"

Reduced economic activity due to depression / recession is the only way we were able to reduce GHG emissions in the past.

Unfortunately depressions make governments focus solely on the short-term, which would de-prioritize the climate even further.

Both in good times and in bad times the current economic system is ill-equipped to deal with .

Yet another story of under- (no) investment in vital .

We know that is increasing the incidence (and likelihood) of , yet England's flood defences are increasingly in poor repair & neglected.

While the proportion in bad repair remains below 10% for those communities behind the decrepit barriers/structures, this will be of little comfort.

Once again & the wreckers are taking their toll.... its just madness!

Fucking billionaires

"Gina Rinehart says renewable energy could use one-third of Australias prime agricultural land. Is she right"

"The figure is based on an Institute of Public Affairs report, but its extrapolations have been described as ridiculous"

So even if it were true, how much agricultural land will climate change permanently destroy The whole thing is based of flawed IPA "research" which they defend saying that they are very good researchers. Sure Jan.

Buy about 40 walnuts for planting now for only 7.70 plus p&p

Grown at altitude in Auvergne and taken from multiple trees for better variety.

Our climate, spiraling out of control.
Until we bring our global emissions to zero. A first real decrease in 2024 would be a good start!
Visualization: NASA, via

For anyone paying attention. We rang in the New Year with rain. Overnight. In Calgary. Without a chinook. This is not normal. I have yet to break out my winter jacket.

2023: The year climate change decided to turn up the heat! I mean, who needs winter when you can have a never-ending summer, right Can we all agree that Mother Nature is playing an epic game of "Hot or Hotter" Stay cool, my feline friends!

Climate change is felt everywhere yet not equally.

Countries at made financial pledges to the Loss and Damage fund but who is really paying for the climate crisis Lets break it down

Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions has been an effective tool for the liberation movement. Is there an equivalent to the BDS list for businesses I suppose businesses that engage in or promote animal agriculture, fast fashion, air travel & car travel would be high on the list. Military manufacturers too.

The climate future arrived in 2023. It left scars across the planet.

With human-induced changes to the composition of Earths atmosphere happening at an unprecedented pace over the past two hundred years, and the further unknown changes which are likely to be caused by them, we would do well to pay very careful attention to the warning that is inherent in these facts.
Judith Rosen

Welcome to 2024. This past year is one Ill forever remember as the year I left journalism to work in a field I find more rewarding and critically important: , , and . Heres to more of all of that in the coming year. And personally, to less news and more music piped through my omnipresent headphones.

Some Like It Hot *and getting hotter*

Happy 2024 to all who celebrate.

I'm going to go ahead and say this here, as I am not sure if I've explicitly said before on Fedi (though if I go back through stuff I could probably find something, my gut tells me) but I think our climate has already permanently changed. The El Nino predicted for this year is looking less and less likely. Which would mean 4 straight years of La Nina. There are predictions that long term our climate, in general, is going to hotter AND wetter. Yes there will be drier years. But overall, I think we're going to see more flooding rains, with increasing instability and ferocity. That's already here, and it's going to get worse.

Want to make sure I've said this unambiguously somewhere I can refer back easily.

Climate change reminds me of that Ernest Hemingway saying about bankruptcy.

How Did You Go Bankrupt

Two Ways. Gradually and Then Suddenly.

I think were reaching the suddenly part.

Parker Family Maple Farm posted a couple days ago

" Although it has been foggy, gray, gloomy & wet here lately, the sap has kept on running. We are now up to about 1,400 gallons of syrup toward the Spring 2024 production season. It still feels weird to be making sap & syrup in December, but we are grateful for every drop to carry us into the New Year!"

the most important thing that happened this year was the heat. By far. It was hotter than it has been in at least 125,000 years on this planet. Every month since May was the hottest ever recorded. Ocean temperatures set a new all-time mark, over 100 degrees. Canada burned, filling the air above our cities with smoke.

And yet you really wouldnt know it from reading the wrap-ups of the years news now appearing on one website after another

It is the year 2040.

child: "grandpa, whats that big hole in the wall surrounded by bricks"
grandpa: " That's a fireplace. When I was your age, we'd burn wood in there to keep away the cold."
child: "grandpa, what is "cold""

road resurfacing sign! giving the impression that our 'state' is doing amazing things, when they are just using our taxes to do one job they are paid & morally obliged to do. While not doing the truely necessary work of &


Gift link from Washington Post: The climate future arrived in 2023. It left scars across the planet.

China's emissions set for structural decline

What If People Dont Need to Care About Climate Change to Fix It
A thoughtful interview on de-politicizing climate solutions. Gift link:

I don't like the fact that so many businesses are now going cashless.

As has been demonstrated recently, a cyber attack or extended power outage can quickly lead to retail chaos and inability to access essential goods & services.

Combatting climate change on a war footing:

The sale of new petrol(gasoline)/diesel cars should be banned immediately. Second-hand ones can still be sold.

Hybrids (HEVs), plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) and EVs would be the only new cars able to be sold.

HEVs use 40% less petrol, PHEVs 80% less (urban driving)

By doing this, every year, total oil consumption by cars and light trucks would fall a *minimum* of 3% (assuming 12 year avg life)

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks