Greenland is turning green again for
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Greenland is turning green again for the first time since medieval times.

USA Today reports: "We may need to rethink that old expression 'Greenland is ice, Iceland is green.'"

Join the RHS's new campaign, Bumbles on Blooms, running until May 31. Its aim To find out which spring flowers bumblebees prefer. This knowledge will encourage gardeners to plant the best varieties for this vital pollinator so they can establish successful colonies. Take photos of emerging queens on blooms and log them.

Yellow vests protests

Carbon fees are not a cure all, but until it's priced honestly people will continue using it.

BUT: Raise the price of it (with carbon fees, with carbon capture, or what have you) it will cause pain and civil unrest (Yellow vest protests).

... UNLESS the pain is offset with Dividends to help the people pay for more expensive green options during the transition.

Dr. Hansen explains it here:


At , our heart beats for our

That's why we are investigating its most to help understand how we can combat

RT by : Biodiversity loss and are seriously impacting our planet, as well as our own lives and well-being. But fear not! Every little act matters, no matter how small. Let's unite and create a meaningful impact together,


2024-02-14 07:30 UTC

Preparing for a based on the Franklin expedition, while the northpole will be ice free very soon is its own kind of bizarre.
And that's only 1.5 degrees global warming. What will 3 degrees look like

Warm winter, droughts destroying crops in Italy, farming lobby warns

Prof Quentin Grafton argues in his latest piece for Sustainability Bites that a 'transition view' about carbon abatement is like "playing Russian roulette with our future". We need to wake up to the realisation that we cannot have our cake and eat it too.

Like many scientists (and economists), I often feel that I am screaming into the void.
I can only hope that our CRC for Net Zero Emissions from Agriculture will deliver on time.

Educated fools with money on their minds.

Imagine if lying for was a offenceIn which the criminals could be easily caught 'red handed' because their lies were as easy to detect as

For example, where car manufacturers, infamous for lying about the emissions of their combustion engined vehicles, mislead consumers by saying they only had to buy an electric to feel good about

The idiot's guide to living the good life

Yet EU continues to bend. It has further responded by watering down new laws on industrial pollution and cutting pesticide use. Even some of the individual targets in the European Commissions battle to slash its net greenhouse gas pollution by 90% by 2040 were scrapped at the eleventh hour amid the farmers protests.

The final document, released on 6 February, no longer refers to cutting agricultural emissions of methane or nitrogen

Imagine if lying for was a criminal offenceIn which the criminals could be easily caught 'red handed' because their lies were as easy to detect as

For example, criminals misleading gullible voters with "net zero" future slogans, "carbon capture" & "carbon offsetting" scams, whilst extracting more oil & gas. Who'd be fooled by such obvious scams in which the math simply didn't add up

The guide to living the good life

Research debunks the idea that Earth's surface (across land and sea) has experienced really hot temperatures over the last two billion years. Instead, it shows that Earth has had a relatively stable and mild climate...

I am protecting the environment by using adblocker, because: Digital Advertising May Be Causing Almost 2% of Global Carbon Emissions

Are you ready for the collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation No, you are not

daffodils' green leaves, tinged with yellow, herald the arrival of spring before Valentines Day



I may sweat like a pig when it's hot, but I will never be a fan of winter or cold weather.

I've basically slept 2 days straight to avoid the cold. Now I'm turning on the heater... In summer!

Today at 12:30 on ABC, tax coal and gas on export, oil and diesel on entering & economists show Australia BY ITSELF could reduce GLOBAL emissions by 6-9% AND become a super power while compensating every household! Doesnt say anything about cooling, but its a step forward. Working for this is really important. Globally. And
Ross Garnaut doesnt do things by halves, right

Its a gas,gas,gas: the infrastructure used to produce, store, distribute, transmit, and burn gas leaks like a sieve, making gas as bad as coal for the climate. ElliottNegin UCSUSA

Not far below that they break their arm patting themselves on the back, reporting a downward trend in emissions.

This is based solely off industries' reported estimates of emissions which we know underestimate up to 6400% less than scientists reported during a study in 2018 which the government deliberately delayed being published until a few weeks ago.

You should definitely at least .

Erik the Red, in an early move in misleading PR, called the ice sheet covered land he discovered "Greenland", in order to attract settlers.

Now, more than a thousand years later, has made it true.
I don't think that's a good thing.

"Significant areas of s melted ice sheet are now producing vegetation, risking increased greenhouse gas emissions, rising sea levels and instability of the landscape."

US counties are blocking the future of renewable energy: These maps, and graphics show how

"At least 15% of counties in the U.S. have effectively halted new utility-scale wind, solar, or both, USA TODAY found. These are not the solar panels you might have on your house but installations significant enough to replace power plants, each one powering tens of thousands of homes."

, , ,

step by step, science progresses our understanding of the details, in this case what has long been understood as the greenhouse effect. It really makes climate deniers look increasingly ignorant.

everything is fine

California-size Antarctic ice sheet once thought stable may actually be at tipping point for collapse. The Wilkes Subglacial Basin a California-size ice sheet in East Antarctica that holds enough ice to lift global sea levels by 10 feet (3 meters) could be close to thawing at its base.

- Administration Announces More Than $104 Million to Advance Projects at Federal Facilities

"Funding from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law supports energy conservation and projects at 31 federal facilities, saving $29 million in the first year and drastically reducing the federal footprint"

"All of our natural ecosystems do such a good job of retaining water on the landscape & creating clean water. We as humans have not really created anything better. So if we care about our water, the best thing we could do would be to protect those natural ecosystems"


Spent the day learning about a model for one of the most extreme scenarios SSP5-8.5--centered on my house--I ran the other night on . Reached out to /#UCAR who were gracious enough to educate me. Kind of like touching an elephant in a dark room. You might enjoy a similar exercise.

Climate Change

A major blackout left 500,000 Victorians without power but it shows our energy system is resilient.

"its important to note these extreme winds would have seriously disrupted any power system. It has little to do with the mix of renewable energy and conventional fossil fuels.

"As climate change worsens, we have much work ahead to ensure our electricity grids cope with severe weather events. But in this case, the fact that a complete system blackout was avoided is testament to the resilience of the system."

Trends In Satellite Earth Observation For Permafrost Related AnalysesA Review
<-- shared review paper

If all the ice on Greenland melted, global seas would rise by about 23 feet, according to NASA,"

Industrial Heat Pumps Are Coming For Your Fossil Fuels.

Electric heat pumps have been driving fossil fuels out of buildings and homes as electricity replaces oil and gas for heating, cooling, water heating, and drying laundry, too. That is just the tip of the electrification iceberg. Hard-to-decarbonize industries are next in line for a clean energy makeover, and the US Department of Energy is on it.

Take action today! Email your Representatives in Congress and tell them you want to keep the progress made in the Inflation Reduction Act intact. Don't let them roll back provisions in upcoming appropriation bills.

Floods and fires: Climate change brings health risks, finds B.C. report
Dr. Patricia Daly says those risks from climate extremes are different in each community under the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, which encompasses 1.25 million people.

Indias warrior moms are taking on the toxic air. But can they cut through a fog of apathy

Toxic air in India has become the norm but a group of mothers are determined to change the status quo.

World not prepared for climate disasters after warmest ever January

Floods and fires: Climate change brings health risks, finds B.C. report
Dr. Patricia Daly says those risks from climate extremes are different in each community under the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, which encompasses 1.25 million people.

The govt is paying consultants to do another climate risk assessment. Its likely to be a shocker. The worst thing about the terms of reference for the National Climate Risk Assessment (NCRA) is that they assume +1.5-+2C by 2050 - a wildly overly optimistic projection.

Heres David Spratts commentary:

I have recently played a bunch of games of a new favorite: Daybreak.
My writeup on the game is on my website:
I highly recommend giving this one a try. Its just a game about and it cant save the world. But it is very educational and hopeful and maybe we can use both of that. Also it is tons of fun and a good game

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks