Great Lakes ice coverage hits a
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Great Lakes ice coverage hits a record low

Climate Change

While I agree that e-waste needs to be dealt with better, charging manufacturers will negatively impact the price to consumers, which in turn will negatively impact the adoption of fossil fuels it is until we're all dust in the solar winds

EU Policy. Solar panel manufacturers will have to pay for disposal under new EU rules

The world presents challenges , , and potential dangers.
While negativity can be draining, a healthy awareness (not unwarranted suspicion) can be your ally.
Like a ball held underwater, vigilance can resurface, prompting us to notice unusual behavior that might signal potential threats.
This awareness, however, shouldn't lead to fear-mongering or negativity.
Instead, it should empower us to stay alert and prioritize safety with a healthy dose of positive .

Sometimes metaphors really are a thing of beauty. Not often in internet parley, but sometimes. BabyBalrog on barns, and Canada and stuff in the "East Coast Is Sinking" thread:

Financial toll of climate crisis hitting women harder, UN says

Climate change disruption of Atlantic currents reaching dangerous tipping point

Climate arrested after blocking 's West Gate Bridge,

"The cost of publicly funded disaster relief programs and state-subsidized insurance payouts will be assumed by everyone, including those who have no part in luxury homes with a view. The majority of Latino and Black households in California dont own their homes."

The Geoengineering Question - Zeke Hausfather

The idea of is scary. There is a reason why the trope of human hubris creating unintended consequences is ubiquitous in literature, and humanity trying to actively manage global temperatures seems like a cautionary tale waiting to be written.

With growing impacts from climate change and an apparent acceleration of the rate of warming in recent years (albeit in line with what our models project), more prominent voices like Dr. James Hansen have began considering purposeful cooling of the planet through reducing the amount of energy it receives from the sun.

Our new study shows that there is a connection between the global surface area fraction receiving daily rainfall on the one hand, and the wet-day frequency and intensity on the other:

'MethaneSat was developed by the Environmental Defense Fund, a US NGO, in partnership with the New Zealand Space Agency and cost $88m to build and launch. Earlier EDF measurements from planes show methane emissions were 60% higher than calculated estimates published by US authorities and elsewhere.'

'Methane is responsible for 30% of the global heating driving the climate crisis.'

... helping good actors and holding bad actors accountable.

As I near the end of my final two taught modules of my MPA, I'm thinking about the topic for my /

Having worked and campaigned for decades in and , I am studying to better grasp why , and seem so divorced from the available

For now, I'm referring to this as the "knowledge-decision gap" - probably naively, I've not had much time to dig into the field

For example , , policies seem divorced from the of in these fields. And the real-world of citizens is poorly accounted for in .

There are , , , and plain . Are there patterns in the that we can learn from - commonalities across fields Are there examples of great success or appalling failure in transferring into What do we already know Where are the gaps in our knowledge about gaps

The subject is still wide open for me and due to be honed in April. I'd be delighted if anyone can chuck thoughts, ideas, references, comments my way

An amazing set of back to back launches by SpaceX in the last 24 hours, including an important satellite mission by the Environmental defense fund: MethaneSat, a mission to map methane emissions across the world to support lowering methane in the atmosphere and therefore global warming in support of climate change mitigation. Amazing stuff!

Heh, this is kind of true, but apart from the armoured giants sleeping in their tombs the (non-Royal) Danish national anthem I've always found rather poetic. It only mentions Freya, no God!
But perhaps a little warning in last couplet..
" Denmark shall endure, as long as the beech-tree mirrors its top in the blue wave! "

QT - Nordic National Anthems

Denmark: "Look at those armored giants and our King being cool on a boat" (2 different songs)

Irrecoverable carbon in the mountains: Embracing the opportunity of agroforestry

A new study highlights and quantifies the effectiveness of agroforestry practices in mountain agricultural systems to mitigate the effects of climate change while improving agricultural resilience and protecting biodiversity.

via CMCC Foundation

Causes & Effects of Ocean Warming, Acidification, Anoxia, & Sea Level Rise GEO GIRL

UK spends least among major European economies on low-carbon energy policy, study shows

Snow in March!

Electricity in Spain is almost free as the nations wind and solar parks are churning out more power than ever

60 degrees forecast for in ! NOT GOOD!!!

: Over $300bn invested in in the US since passage of 's IRA

"This is a demand-driven accelerated by public policies... Billions of dollars are flowing into communities across the country which haven't necessarily seen the investments before. Those investments lead to new jobs."

Satellites burning up in our atmosphere may not be as harmless as first thought

"Spacecraft burning up in the atmosphere are leaving behind metal particles. Scientists are racing to understand if that affects the climate. One risk is that these particles may spark rainbow-colored clouds that damage the ozone layer."

, , ,

Fact: Jill Stein made Donald Trump president. If she hadn't run, Trump would not have been elected.

Fact: The Kremlin boosted Jill Stein's campaign, and they're doing it again now.

Trump is a fascist psychopath who obliterates basic human rights for sport. And yet, here, while helping Trump get reelected, has the nerve to use the and hashtags.

That's some very, very sick shit.

the unions are doing long term damage

Water restrictions, increased prices and imprisonment: How is Tunisia battling 5 years of drought

The story Jill Stein's detractors dont want you to know.

"'s completely discredited. Every time I turn around one of their assumptions, their modeling assumptions from their 2045, they got released a couple of months ago, is getting blown up by events like declaring demand as early as 2026."


Sign the petition to the EPA: Strengthen and finalize the Climate Pollution Rule!

The False Promise of Carbon Capture as a Climate Solution Scientific American

Not such a bright idea: Cooling the Earth by reflecting sunlight back to space is a dangerous distraction

ExxonMobil CEO Can't Talk With His Foot Already In His Mouth.

Warning: This article is very triggering for all who support doing something about

Also, remember the company is also trying to stop shareholder proposals that address climate change. There is a lawsuit. (mentioned in article)

Fury after Exxon chief says public to blame for climate failures

What Does Trump Mean for the Climate

"heightened policy uncertainty tends to lower annual GDP in election years by 0.1-0.2 percentage points" but...

Stratford beat its record high for today (15C, 1966) by a full 5C.

Humanity may even be doomed in my own lifetime.


But enjoy, keep burning.

Lets not let a few Debbie-Downers like me interfere with our lifestyle.

Plus Im old, no kidswhy should I care

Why is Biden blocking the cheapest, most popular EVs in the world

Biden needs to decide if he likes the climate more than he hates China.

The Needs, Efforts and Benefits of Indigenous Rights
Explore the needs, efforts, and benefits of indigenous rights in sustainably managing territories and combating climate change.

As John Kerry prepares to depart as U.S. President Joe Biden's special envoy on climate change on Wednesday, he leaves the United States in a stronger position in global climate diplomacy despite lingering mistrust on the world stage.

this cant be good

Labor and Climate Must Unite. Thats Easier Said Than Done.

Great video with Neil deGrasse Tyson finding out why 2023 was so extraordinarily warm:

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks