Gobsmackingly bananas: scientists stunned by planets
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Gobsmackingly bananas: scientists stunned by planets record heat The Guardian

Computer resources more polluting than air travel

One for the activists to mull over.

I'm expecting to see push back from all the tech giants.


Professeur at , but currently in Ireland (23/24 year)

My research activity focuses on :
1- bidirectionnal associations btw and

2 how can we change these at individual scale (quantitative approach)

I am teaching on these topics
I have an academic blog since 2008
Modest but active participant
Ex knowledge transfer initiatives

Pleased to see a change in emphasis in the news on this morning. 10am bulletin reported warmest September in UK with no mention of followed by report of disrupting performance (again with no connection between the two items). 11am bulletin had a much more in-depth report on the warmest September with recognition of climate change.

Floods inundate 4,000 homes in central

is here, right now.

The PM has a reputation for being good with numbers and as a Goldman Sachs investment specialist seeing where they are pointing.

This is not difficult from this chart - and many others. That this points to needing immediate action and not kicking into the the net 2050 long grass.

"Long Term Decisions for a Brighter future"

More like "Short term Decisions for a Hotter Future!"


Pardon! My frustration is with the situation, *not with you.*

We keep hearing the call for action, but the experts do not mention Dr. Hansen's policy solution.

If they disagree with the need for fees AND dividends -- they should at least explain why.

Scientists looked at nearly every known amphibian type. They're not doing great

"Discovered or not, the study found that the status of amphibians globally is 'deteriorating rapidly,' earning them the unenviable title of being the planet's most threatened class of vertebrates."

Climate Change

Sikkim flash floods updates: 14 dead, 102 missing

Over 3,000 tourists are feared to be stranded in different parts of Sikkim.

This is still fine for most people (in rich First World countries), businesses, politicians, lobbies, etc etc

Life finds a way -if we just let it.

Floods inundate 4,000 homes in central

is here, right now.

Pontifex today on denial

"The ethical decadence of real power is disguised thanks to marketing and false information, useful tools in the hands of those with greater resources to employ them to shape public opinion."

"To the powerful, I can only repeat this question: What would induce anyone, at this stage, to hold on to power, only to be remembered for their inability to take action when it was urgent and necessary to do so"
via Prof Katharine Hayhoe

Gobsmackingly bananas: scientists stunned by planets record September heat
The carbon emissions driving the climate crisis and rapid arrival of an El Nio event are to blame, researchers say
Global temperatures soared to a new record in September by a huge margin, stunning scientists and leading one to describe it as absolutely gobsmackingly bananas.

Planet Earth : ** Disappointed sigh **
Well humanity, youve had your chance. Implementing project planet reset.
** Unleashes catastrophic wildfires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, inhospitable hot weather and volcanic eruptions **

Dear Americans and Europeans,
take a closer look at this.

Why Korea is Dying Out

Scientists say severe climate change is now the greatest threat to humanity.

But have some economists severely underestimated the financial hit from

Recent evidence would suggest so

- Timothy Neal, Senior lecturer in , UNSW

Push for Strong Clean Vehicle Standards

Copernicus: September 2023 unprecedented temperature anomalies 2023 on track to be the warmest year on record

September-2023 temperatures above average in France.

It was country wide, from 1.4c to 5.2c above the norms.

(Stats : Meteo France)

After a summer of record-breaking heat, the abnormally hot weather continued into September setting a new mark for the level above a normal temperature for the time of year, the EU's climate change agency reported Thursday.

The Copernicus Climate Change Service said the global average temperature for September broke records by such an absurd margin that climate experts are struggling to describe the phenomenon.

Climate change: Pope Francis warns world 'may be nearing breaking point' - BBC News

By mikehudema "This is the new extinction & we are half way through it."

"We are in terrible, terrible trouble and the longer we wait to do something about it, the worse it is going to get." Sir Correct

No time to wait.

Growing up up, the first frosts of the year were usually late September with snows on and off from November. Nowadays it's unusual to see a frost at all, with snow a rarity.

The Tories: No, you dont understand, net zero is too costly. Rishi needs to give oil companies new drilling rights, not because his wife has a billion dollar contract with them, we need to subsidise the oil industry, theres no money for green energy investment
The planet .

By mikehudema the planet is burning

Canada has had 6,400 wildfires since the beginning of 2023. The fires have scorched at over 16 million hectares the most in recorded history. This is a fire near forcing evacutations.

We're in a . Time to

Source :

vid via simplymichael2u

This is mind boggling

September 2023 unprecedented anomalies.

2023 on track to be the warmest year on record.

September was around 1.75C warmer than the September average for 1850-1900, the preindustrial reference period.

The global temperature for January-September 2023 was 0.52C higher than average, and 0.05C higher than the equivalent period in the warmest calendar year (2016).


nothing to see here but again ( Desl with it Soros didnt set those fires )

calls for more

'UK government asks UAE for assurances over free speech at Cop28 summit'

Next five years will be hottest ever, likely to exceed 1.5C target, UN warns

It is near-certain that 2023-2027 will be the warmest five-year period ever recorded, the United Nations warned Wednesday as greenhouse gases and El Nino combine to send temperatures soaring.

Cycling gets boost from Brussels with EU declaration

EU transport commissioner Adina Vlean launched the European Declaration on Cycling on Wednesday (4 October), signalling Brussels willingness to throw its political weight behind travelling by two wheels.

2023 on track to be hottest year on record

The EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service found that September 2023 was the warmest September ever recorded. The global temperature of the first nine months of the year was 0.52 degrees Celsius higher than average.

Looking forward to this webinar today on climate science and colonialism. Please see below for details

Gobsmackingly bananas: scientists stunned by planets record September heat

2023 on track to be the hottest year as September shatters heat records

"2023 (...) on track to be the warmest year and around 1.4 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial average temperatures"

New data shows average global temperatures in September were not just the hottest ever recorded, but 0.5C above the previous record for the month. They were about 1.8C above temperatures in pre-industrial times, before humans started pumping vast amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Gobsmackingly bananas

apparently that is now a scientific expression

Everyone posting this title, and it's excellent, but alas we especially need to heed the last paragraph of the article.

Gobsmackingly bananas: scientists stunned by planets record September heat

We are forecast to get hot rain on Monday & Tuesday. That's unusual for California, period, but in October!

The unprecedented temperatures for the time of year observed in September have broken records by an extraordinary amount. 2023 is on track to be the warmest year and about 1.4C above pre-industrial average temperatures. Two months out from the UN climate conference Cop28, the sense of urgency for ambitious climate action has never been more critical.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks