"Global emissions set to fall only
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"Global emissions set to fall only 2% by 2030 - UN report"

Climate change effects hit marine ecosystems in multiple waves, according to marine ecologists

Why the Pyrenees mountain lakes are turning green

"According to the International Energy Agency, if all countries were to fulfil the pledges they have made to reduce carbon, global heating would reach about 1.7C above preindustrial temperatures." Fiona Harvey Environment editor, Guardian, 14 11 23. The State of Climate Action Report 2023 shows that these pledges are not being acted on. .

*Letters from an American*


Climate Change

effects hit marine ecosystems in multiple waves, according to marine ecologists

Smooth and Spiky: The Importance of Variability in Marine Climate Change Ecology

"The paper highlights the interplay between the trend of and the fluctuations in local temperature. These two properties cause atypically warm events such as to occur with increasing frequency and magnitude."

'in 2022 The Earth has not experienced similar levels of CO2 for 3-5 million years, when the global temperature was 2-3C warmer and sea level was 10-20 metres higher than today, the UNs World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said.

'This weekend saw the launch of a new, high-resolution satellite that can track global carbon dioxide emissions down to power plant level.'

'GHGSat's "Vanguard," spacecraft is part of a new generation of monitoring tools to pinpoint CO2 and methane emissions, both potent planet-warming gases.'

'Satellites like GHGSat and MethaneSAT, slated to launch next year, could improve the accuracy of national emissions reporting, and identify emissions hotspots.'

Climate-heating gases reach record highs, UN reports via Guardian

EU agrees law to curb methane emissions from fossil fuel industry via Guardian

" Why are climate scientists receiving abuse "

Not surprising, given social media and the total mess that FB/X etc. are, as riled emotions = more cash.

An interesting listen on this subject on BBC Sounds - The Climate Question.

27min listen

Cumbria coalmine a disaster for climate diplomacy
It begs the question that if the new coalmine and oil and gas exploration is unnecessary for the UK, and it damages our international reputation, why is the government pushing ahead with these policies

Climate change is increasingly impacting the health and survival of people worldwide, and projections show risks will quickly rise with further inaction, scientists warn in a new report.

The report, published Tuesday evening in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, projected heat-related deaths and food insecurity will skyrocket by mid-century particularly in the developing world.

Looking for hope, here's an article about how bringing bison back is also bringing back the prairie.

We need to restore entire ecosystems, and yes, that works best by bringing back the species that determine them (like the wolves in Yellowstone). Even better if we humans can also profit. Bison meat is healthier than beef.

Read about it here:

Little can be done to stem the unfolding climate crisis without strong action from both China and the US, which together are responsible for nearly 40% of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions.

Drought imperils carbon sequestration in European forests

Forests play a critical part in mitigating climate change due to their ability to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Yet, many European forests removed less CO2 from the atmosphere during the extremely hot and dry summer of 2022, according to new European study. Findings suggest that plans to compensate for CO2 emissions through forests may have to be amended.

for our beautiful home earth

Another case of the ignoring the & damage caused by eating & & COW-towing to vested interests. NI farmers to benefit from all- protected status

Paul Beckwith: "Up to now, since the grid size of most climate models is too large (coarse) to capture SLWs like Derechos, we have not known much about how climate change affects these types of extreme weather events."

From extreme heat to wildfire smoke to pollution, driven is making people sicker or killing them, according to two major reports.

: as usual, the huge herd of & the plague of in the room have been ignored, by the in this case. is the biggest source of emissions caused by humans but politicians around the world ignore it when they only tackle the & industrys emissions. COWards! They should be curbing consumption of

Sultan Al Jabers Cop is shaping up to be the Cop of false solutions, inundated by fossil fuel lobbyists pushing empty promises. If Al Jaber is serious if we are serious we must immediately reject the CCS carbon capture and storage false solution and tackle the existential oil and gas problem head on.

NASA: October 2023 was by far the warmest on record globally: +1.34C above the already warmed 1951-1980 average!
Temperatures in the central Mediterranean and parts of the Arctic were over 4C above that average.
Colder than average in parts of the Antarctic.

Douglas Adams: Parrots, the Universe and Everything

Such a great talk.

Will Steffen Top climate change lecture (2021)
Peter Carter: "A best climate change lecture Unique in wide-ranging coverage
Will passed Jan. 2023 Great loss to climate change science"

Sea level rise is accelerating.
In this 'quadratic fit' (the purple line), representing a steadily growing rate, we'd now be at 4.7 mm/year, and on our way to 6 mm/year just 15 years from now.

Nitrogen wars: the Dutch farmers revolt that turned a nation upside-down
"The nitrogen crisis is a story about the political consequences of ignoring a problem for fear of antagonising an important interest group, then fumbling the response when it becomes clear that doing nothing is no longer tenable."
A VERY long article. Sounds very familiar to a Finn.

More than Half of Worlds Largest Companies Net Zero Pledges Are False Promises, Study Finds - DeSmog

US, China announce climate agreement

OK, an post - I'm an and though I've been on Mastodon a year plus, my server just evaporated, so I'm starting over. I live in the and like to listen a lot more than I talk online - following genres I read like and , following key issues like and , and generally learning about the lives and experiences of people not like me (a cishet white guy). I'll be reposting about all of the above, at least sometimes.

Research: Geopolitical and economic turbulence hampering companies' net zero progress BusinessGreen News

As school students strike for climate once more, here's how the movement and its tactics have changed

Paper or plastic  lets choose wisely #carboncaptureandstorage(CSS) #Aidanddevelopment #Riskandcompliance #Strategicautonomy #Circulareconomy #Infrastructure #Sustainability #Carboncapture #Climatechange #Lossanddamage #Manufacturing #Supplychains #Environment #Innovation #Regulation #Resilience #Restaurant #Elections #Inflation #Packaging #Pollution

From Alex Steffen on

Our job is not to decide the future, but to leave the future as many options as possible. The most society is the one which passes forward the best possibilities to future generations. Being a good ancestor means leaving open doors to a wider number of good futures.

Does the architect of Europes Green Deal truly understand what hes unleashed #Businessandcompetition #EuropeanGreenDeal #Climatechange #Fossilfuels #Emissions #Industry #Politics #Netzero


"On Sept 28th 2023 the Alberta government launched an 8 million dollar cross-country ad campaign called "TellTheFeds," making dubious claims about Canada's efforts for a Net Zero energy grid by 2035, reaching audiences in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and of course here in Alberta."

The latest episode of The Climate Lens is LIVE. Give it a listen/like/share/subscribe!


What I have been saying for a few years is now a reality. We have changed from zone 7 to zone 8 in just a few years...

This was one of the reasons I decided to create this account to inspire people to compost at home.

Composting is a simple that anyone can do.

is a reality and I refuse to be a loser about it. My kid's future is a priority and I wish to tell them I did something for them.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks