Forests are only CO2 sinks when
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Forests are only CO2 sinks when they are alive, they turns into CO2 sources when they burn

Plant trees and save the planet.

What makes angry

"The failure of the media to hold the far-right to account. Also, the inability of humanity collectively to take effective steps to mitigate against the worst possible effects of ."

From a great little interview he's given with :

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In the UK:

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: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 0.97C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

"London City airport: 54% of journeys take under six hours by train, data shows"

New gene-edited crops could address climate change and agricultural challenges however, high regulatory barriers and patent issues limit innovation

The Burrows Road raingarden has been installed by Swansea Council in partnership with Natural Resources Wales (NRW).

It was funded by a Welsh Government Local Places for Nature grant.

Andrew Stevens, the councils cabinet member for environment and infrastructure, said: Its great to see this innovative and attractive addition to the Sandfields street scene.

Were thrilled to introduce the raingarden. It enhances the streets appearance and will play a crucial role in improving drainage, supporting wildlife and providing a year-round haven for pollinators.

This project is a great example of how we work with our partners to create practical solutions that benefit residents and the environment.

The new raingarden on Burrows Street in Swanseas Sandfields
(Image: Swansea Council)

Fran Rolfe, senior environment officer, Natural Resources Wales, said: Its fantastic to see the raingarden being planted near the seafront.

Positioned right next to the beach, it will help reduce the risk of pollution as well as prevent local flooding. It will also provide a home for wildlife, looks great and I hope will be enjoyed by the community and visitors. 

The new rain garden on Burrows Street in Swanseas Sandfields
(Image: Swansea Council)

The raingarden is designed to be a sustainable solution to upgrade the Burrows Road drainage system, building resilience to climate change and contributing to nature recovery. 

It captures water runoff from the road and pavements its trees, shrubs and flowers help reduce the risk of flooding. It helps decrease pollution getting into waterways and harming ecosystems.  

It offers food and shelter to pollinators all year round and provides a splash of colour through the seasons. 

The council has declared a climate and nature emergency. Working with NRW, its trialling solutions including the raingarden to help reverse biodiversity loss and improve peoples health and wellbeing.

The raingarden fitted neatly into one end of Burrows Road, meaning no loss of parking spaces. An existing tree was retained.

(Lead image: Swansea Council)

#climateChange #Environment #Garden #NaturalResourcesWales #Sandfields #Swansea #SwanseaCouncil

La scorsa settimana, il ha raggiunto record, con l'acqua che ha toccato i 31,96C davanti alle coste egiziane: condizioni ideali per la formazione di trombe marine.

La tendenza degli ultimi anni (vedi grafico), non fa stare tranquilli.

Toronto seeing wettest summer ever as rainfall grips Eastern Canada
Many parts of Eastern Canada have been seeing a wetter than normal year and the countrys largest city has seen already seen its wettest summer ever.

Toronto seeing wettest summer ever as rainfall grips Eastern Canada
Many parts of Eastern Canada have been seeing a wetter than normal year and the countrys largest city has seen already seen its wettest summer ever.

Back in the 90s Lloyds of London was doing more research than most govts and started adjusting premiums accordingly. So I am not surprised that this analysis suggests that within 15 years losses from property could cause complete upheaval.

i feel incredibly crippled by my at this point.

talking to my friends about it feels useless too. i leave every conversation sounding like one of those crazy vegans.

the advice i read to curb the anxiety is to take action but realistically unless my job makes a direct difference, i will never feel like i have done enough.

i seriously hope is some hoax by Big Economy to create new sources of revenue from the Green Transition and a force by cabal colonisers to take over indigenous land through proxy REDD+ programs, but i don't think i want to be there to see it.

Toronto seeing wettest summer ever as rainfall grips Eastern Canada
Many parts of Eastern Canada have been seeing a wetter than normal year and the countrys largest city has seen already seen its wettest summer ever.

Toronto seeing wettest summer ever as rainfall grips Eastern Canada
Many parts of Eastern Canada have been seeing a wetter than normal year and the countrys largest city has seen already seen its wettest summer ever.

A controversial experiment to artificially cool Earth was canceled what we know about why - The Verge

Some researchers and their Silicon Valley backers want to put the theory to the test. And time is running out to establish rules for how to craft those experiments responsibly, which could help determine whether solar geoengineering will do more harm than good

Toronto seeing wettest summer ever as rainfall grips Eastern Canada
Many parts of Eastern Canada have been seeing a wetter than normal year and the countrys largest city has seen already seen its wettest summer ever.

Toronto seeing wettest summer ever as rainfall grips Eastern Canada
Many parts of Eastern Canada have been seeing a wetter than normal year and the countrys largest city has seen already seen its wettest summer ever.

Toronto seeing wettest summer ever as rainfall grips Eastern Canada
Many parts of Eastern Canada have been seeing a wetter than normal year and the countrys largest city has seen already seen its wettest summer ever.

Toronto seeing wettest summer ever as rainfall grips Eastern Canada
Many parts of Eastern Canada have been seeing a wetter than normal year and the countrys largest city has seen already seen its wettest summer ever.

The tribunal that the BBC (only) implies to be involved is the Medical Practitioners Tribunal.
According to Wikipedia the current chair was appointed in 2016.
Which is on the watch of either or .

Who knows if the chair is one of those who thinks that letting proceed unprotested, to the clear harm of patients, is the ethically upright thing to do

The tribunal at any rate has shown itself to be taking that spineless position.

It won't help your eco-anxiety but I'll only share it once (I promise) : Indicators of Global ()

related in during 2023 and the role of in protecting health

"The rise in related deaths underscores an EU finding this year that the continent is the fastest-warming"

In which our new government demonstrates their green credentials by (*checks notes*) encouraging more people to fly.

about 2/3 of the 8.2billion people living on this planet are under an effective "death sentence" as natural disasters will continue to grow more deadly in the years to come unless human behaviors change.

not but perhaps if reported enough times

The point is that climate change is happening to everyone in every region of the world"

Could 50C in the towns and cities of Wales be liveable

Yes with a lot of strategic thought and hard work it could be far nicer than our towns and cities of today. -

*See alt text

Below an image of Greener Grangetown - where SuDs and street trees were combined, effectively stacking shade, with nature based solutions, delivering greater localised environmental services, and climatic control.

20.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

A reminder who is most powerful in the world Mother Nature. Unleashing Her furry.

"In one extraordinary incident last year, 15 waterspouts were recorded in a single day by the International Centre for Waterspout Research off the coasts of Italy, France and Spain."

Biden, in his last major speech before the election, makes a forceful case against Trump #U.S.presidentialcampaigns #U.S.election2024 #Infrastructure #Climatechange #U.S.elections #Democracy #Americas #Security #Politics #Borders #career #Courts #Safety

Risques d ' : les pompiers extrmement vigilants face un risque accru par le
Alors que les peuvent dsormais toucher lensemble du pays sur fond de , les services de lutte contre les incendies mettent laccent sur la formation du personnel.

"In Sonoma County, California, and wildfire smoke are becoming more frequent and severe due to .This research highlights the need to prioritize the health and safety of , especially as wildfires become more common.

cant make this shit up

Humans can work with nature to solve big environmental problems but theres no quick fix

Sighting of rare venomous sea snail in rock pool sparks warnings
By Charles Rushforth

Marine specialists say NSW residents should learn to identify venomous cone shells, with populations tipped to increase due to global warming.

Climate scientist says 2/3rds of the world is under an effective 'death sentence' because of global warming

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks