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Follow the money: Who is paying for this massive disinformation campaign

Hottest February ever puts world in 'unchartered' climate territory

Europes climate monitor has said that February 2024 was the warmest on record, warning that climate change is bringing the world into uncharted territory, with the 9th straight month of historic high temperatures globally.

Last month was the world's warmest February in modern times, the EU's climate service says, extending the run of monthly records to nine in a row...

Explosive growth in petrochemical production poses risks to human health.

New report warns of deadly health risks from fossil fuel pollution, including alarming rise in neurodevelopmental issues.

Climate Change

Great slide from DTU Space prof. Rene Forsberg illustrating the point I made in my last post on and .
It matters where the water comes from

"Big Meat is lying about sustainability. These media outlets are helping."
"Can newsrooms really expect people to trust their reporting if they fund it by spreading misinformation"

This is another nice expose on the efforts of to convince everyone else that they don't need to be stopped because of, you know, the destruction of the biosphere, atmosphere and oceans which are required for complex life on this planet.

The overall strategy they're under is, if taken in good faith, called "green capitalism" or . Of course, they're failing at it even, even if they're just focusing on GHG emissions, which is too narrow of a focus if you care about sustainability.

'Scientists said they were thrilled to see the animal, but its presence probably has to do with the warming of the planet. The North-west Passage, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Arctic Ocean in Canada, has lacked ice in the summertime in recent years, they said.'

'That means gray whales are able to travel through the passage in the summer when normally they would have been blocked, the scientists said.'

"Great Lakes Ice Cover Hits New Lows"

"Emissions Gap Report 2023: Broken Record Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again) "

What more can we say Take climate action now. Take climate action now Take climate action now!

If I say this 3 times in front of a mirror, will Captain Climate appear and wallop any tardy leader into action

What action
TLDR Summary:
Long read:

PS: That cover is art!

Dutch mainstream news has discovered that February was the warmest February ever, and is connecting it to CO2 emissions and mentioning that we've been in +1.5C territory for a good while, now.

It's nice to see the attempt being made to inform the public of how fucked we are.

RT by : Keeping plants healthy is crucial in mitigating the devastating effects of and loss.

FAO highlights 5 important reasons why we must prioritize plant health.

2024-02-26 11:13 UTC

We are screwed.

The worlds oceans have reached their highest temperature on record, raising fears that coral reefs are on the brink of a massive and potentially lethal heat shock.

I'm sure that nine straight record global temperature records is 'entirely normal'.

More climate records fall in world's warmest February

Last month was the world's warmest February in modern times, the EU's service says, extending the run of monthly records to nine in a row.

Each month since June 2023 has seen new temperature highs for the time of year.

The world's sea surface is at its hottest on record, while has again reached extreme lows.

Climate change is forcing migration in mountains. What are the unique challenges

Listen now as the Migration Policy Institute discuss the unique challenges of climate migration in high-altitude regions with Amina Maharjan, Senior Specialist Livelihood and Migration.

Podcast Link:

Lest im Leitartikel ber : "Besonders betroffen war letztes Jahr mit 1.771 Toten. Wesentlicher Grund fr das rasante Ansteigen der Ansteckungen waren dort schwere berschwemmungen durch zwei Tropenstrme."

It's starting to look and feel like spring outside despite it being March in Canada. I'm not sure if I should feel excited or worried.

- More records fall in world's warmest February

February was warmest on record globally, say scientists

And heartening.

A federal court has found the Native Title Tribunal should have allowed evidence on climate change when considering a $3.6 billion gas project near Narrabri

Drought is driving poor Indian women into exploitative sugar cane work in the central state of Maharashtra, with many opting for unnecessary hysterectomies to work harder, research shows.

Clean Clicks or Dirty Chips

The authors "found that despite public commitments to 100% renewable energy across the IT sector and subsidies from federal and state governments, the rapid semiconductor facility expansion underway is poised to fuel an unprecedented new demand for dirty energy in states where these factories are currently under construction."

, ,

Woo! Got a AUD$198.64 credit for our February power bill largely thanks to feeding power from our house battery to the grid during evening price spikes.

" is an ongoing disaster but also an opportunity to build resilient communities. It is an opportunity to change a facet of the from one of and to one of

This is some impressive cover art.

RT by :

Seagrasses are key allies in the fight against

A study by UTAustin reveals that sea level rise is threatening seagrass habitats in the Gulf of Mexico

image of the Padre Island National Seashore, one of the habitats at risk

2024-03-06 11:19 UTC

Big businesses will this year have to report their environmental impacts  but this alone wont drive change

Scientists create new idea on how to hack a warming planet: drying the upper atmosphere

I'd be in DEEP trouble if I couldn't have my once-per-day double espresso to jump start my day!

So, I'm at the local grocery store today, talking to the cashier about the price of food. She whispered that she was afraid that things were going to get worse and that she didn't know how to feed her family -- and nearly broke into tears. This shit is real! How are regular folks going to afford to live

Shein ads could soon be banned in France under new fast fashion bill.

An ecological disaster: French bill proposes crackdown on throwaway culture of ultra fast fashion.

US installations to benefit from 's Inflation Reduction Act in 2024

"The US is expected to continue its momentum in 2024 after accounting for over 50% of new capacity additions to the grid last year... Companies and residents have aimed to capitalize on 's IRA, which provides generous for EVs and technologies such as and "

Planet-Warming Emissions Would Soar If Trump Wins Second Term: Study.

New research suggests Trump's plans for another four years in the White House could doom the climate.

This is the province that not only doesn't incentivize electric vehicles, but recently announced they would tax EVs above what gas cars pay.
No sympathy. Let everything there shrivel.

Gotta get Sam Kerr to accuse the next cop of climate action delay so we can smash it.

Near-Term Colorado River Operations, FSEIS

The Bureau of Reclamation has released the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement "in the ongoing, collaborative effort to update the current interim operating guidelines for the near-term operation of Glen Canyon and Hoover Dams to address the ongoing drought and impacts from the climate crisis. The identified preferred alternative reflects a historic, consensus-based proposal."

, Climate,

"Saying that the oil is going to grow for another 20 or 30 years, the only ones who do that are . You cannot another credible forecaster who is talking about oil growing out to the middle of this century. This is not the case."


Very interesting day today with Dept of folks who work at the intersection of and and

Thank you to:
Dr Julian Watkins
Dr Porsche Hall
Dr Rex Thai
Dr Kat Sibel

They have a cool tool to spatially visualize the vulnerability of communities to extremes.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks