Flowers are blossoming weeks early but
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Flowers are blossoming weeks early
but no bee's around.

A fly was sitting alone in a plum flower, but that was all.

Very worrying...

Pipe Dreams:

A: we can cut the use of Carbon fuels in time without a Carbon Fee - pricing it honestly.

B: we can avoid social uprisings without dividends - giving the Carbon Fee directly to the public.

will misrepresent the only feasible and equitable way to save the planet: call it wealth distribution (socialism) - "rewarding the lazy"

=> Why Fee & Dividend Will Reduce Emissions Faster Than Other Carbon Pricing Options

plays a critical role in protecting vulnerable communities from natural hazards and extreme events, yet globally, many losses remain uninsured. In this latest article, the authors how science and practice can deliver effective risk transfer as a vehicle for adaptation.

Bridging Science and Practice to En(in)sure Resilience in a Changing Climate is available to read for free here:

The less aware animal (organism) is less aware of reality. In humans, this manifests as hubris

When habits (repetitive thinking, behaviours, activities) ignorance, arrogance, unspoken truths, excuses, lies & vanity are the norm, the manifest behaviours can be observed to be simple

"Team" human

Trying to get a team to change, to work together to mitigate , when a majority of the "team" are defending their polluting businesses & lifestyles, is a challenge

Category 6 proposed to be added to the Simpson scale thanks to human-caused making these storms more intense.

: Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming by Andreas Malm

via Ben Tarnoff

Chiles Meteorological Directorate attributed the countrys recent extreme summer heat to , the long-term rise in global temperatures, and to El Nio, the natural, short-term climate phenomenon that returned in 2023.

The science connecting wildfires to climate change.

Chroniques de la nouvelle Terre, 13e p. :

Monts du Lyonnais, 650m d'altitude, juillet 2022.

Nous venons d'acheter une vieille maison qui porte firement ses deux sicles d'existence.

Il y a une fontaine dans la cour. Elle est alimente par une source en contre-haut.

En ce mois de juillet elle est tarie. Je demande aux anciens propritaires (famille prsente depuis les annes 50), si c'est dj arriv.
Selon eux, jamais. L't ne fait pourtant que commencer.

1,000 super-emitting methane sources

The Fingerprints on Chiles Fires and California Floods: El Nio and Warming

Dit is ook verzekeringspremies die onbetaalbaar worden of je kunt gewoon je huis niet meer verzekeren (wat verplicht is bij een hypotheek).

Why Americans Are Suddenly Losing Their Home Insurance - YouTube

The European Commission is poised to recommend the EU reduces its net greenhouse gas by 90% by 2040, a target that will test political appetite to continue Europe's ambitious fight against ahead of EU elections

Climate Change

Scars of the Storm: A Beach Transformed

This powerful seascape transcends its subject matter, prompting deeper contemplation about impermanence, change, and the enduring power of the natural world. What does this painting say about the relationship between humanity and nature

The Independent: Entire ski resort left snowless as future of sport under threat

Temperatures too high even for fake snow

Wetter- und Klimamodell ICON als Open-Source verffentlicht
Ein Forschungsteam aus Deutschland und der Schweiz mit Beteiligung der Empa setzt einen Meilenstein in der Klima- und Wetterforschung: Seit Februar steht das renommierte Klima- und Wettermodell ICON allen Interessierten unter einer "Open-Source"-Lizenz zur Verfgung.

ICON Model

A shift in political tone around how to protect the planet is looming over EU Parliament elections in June, even as climate change unleashes more severe and costly extreme weather.

Gas producer 'committed' to controversial drilling project despite NSW government opposition
By Alexander Lewis

The Minns government will introduce a bill to stop a permit that allows the exploration and extraction of gas in NSW state waters.

The world has warmed 1.5 C, according to 300-year-old sponges

decrying wind turbines is just climate denial. If he was aware of the science, the scale of the problem and the need to transition from fossil fuels then Barnaby would have to come forward with a plan of action. Aside from occasionally waving the nuclear power red herring his lack of concern speaks volumes. We need to stop giving fools like him a platform.

When it comes to , poor countries face a double whammy: Not only do they experience some of the worst impacts of global warming, they then struggle to access the big sums of money needed for climate solutions on fair terms

Privatisation is the perfect grift. It always involves some combination of:
- buying assets for less than they are worth
- being guaranteed a return
- being able to run services / assets down while increasing prices
- being given grants to stay viable once assets start failing

Two King County watersheds provide Seattle with drinking water. But with climate change, the future of the city's water supply is getting murkier.

, and other parts of s southern cone have been facing a severe , something experts say will become more common during the southern hemisphere summer months due to .

in Chile has also been exacerbated by the weather phenomenon, which warms the .

Like a war zone: Chile death toll reaches 123 amid race to clear rubble

Hold on a sec, weren't we all told that privatisation would lead to cheaper electricity prices

Weren't we told that repealing the carbon tax would lead to cheaper electricity prices

Weren't we told that sticking with (more expensive) coal and gas power over (cheaper) renewables and storage would lead to cheaper electricity prices

From the ABC:

"At the heart of the price gouging inquiry, initiated by the ACTU and led by Allan Fels, is determining in a high inflation environment what's general inflation and what else might be influencing pricing behaviour, the main offending price gouging industries, how they do it and how it impacts everyday Australians.

"Part of the problem is Australia is awash with oligopolies, which means there isn't as much price competition as there might otherwise be, which helps explain why real wage growth has been low and why the real prices of so many goods are so high.

"And while most of the media attention has been on Coles and Woolworths, the report will include other sectors accused of customer gouging and breaching trust such as energy, airlines and banks.

"Sydney University professor Lynne Chester, from the school of social and political sciences, supplied the inquiry with a detailed submission ... which said electricity prices have been escalating since 2005, largely due to increases in the charges paid for the generation of electricity. She said the charge for electricity makes up a significant component of the electricity price paid for by consumers.

"A key issue was that the regulation was designed for a competitive market, assuming competition would deliver lower prices, but the market was never competitive due to the presence of big powerful generator companies that have been merging with retail companies to create giants such as AGL, Origin and Energy Australia."

Our business plan embraces the local effects and focuses on adaptations, not fighting. I notice that while the effects of change is mostly quite bad news, there are a few positive regional benefit changes.

This could be misleading:
300 years of sclerosponge thermometry shows global warming has exceeded 1.5C - Scientists used a baseline defined by nearly constant (<0.1C) temperatures from 1700 to the early 1860s.

Note that the IPCC uses a baseline of 1850-1900. That's because it's the earliest period with reliable, near-global measurements. Moving the baseline will of course change the amount of warming.

We will never win a fight against climate change.

The climate fight, the battle against climate change, combatting climate change, I hear this everywhere.

I dont think this is helpful.

Because herein lies a big problem.

Were fighting ourselves.

Extreme climate is a by product of extreme civilisation.

We are a part of nature, not apart from nature.
What we do to the Earth we do to ourselves.
We are the weather.

We do not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand within it said someone very wise - Chief Seattle.

If I stand by a tree and breathe out, the tree breathes in CO2 from me.

When I breathe in, Im breathing in oxygen from the tree.

Where do I end and where does the tree begin

I am interconnected, intimately entangled with the living Earth.

I inter am as they say at Plum Village.

What if instead of putting all our energy into fighting the climate, we diverted some of it into slowing down.

Learning to listen to the living Earth around us and noticing the climate as an expression of life on this planet.

Less fighting, more caring for the Earth and all its beings, including ourselves and each other.

Is your work in fight mode or care mode

More from Dan Burgess >

Ancient Bristlecone Pines - White Mountains of California

Storage needs still 'enormous' despite British-owned company's plans for 30ha battery park in regional Victoria
By Emily Bissland

An expert says current battery developments only just scratch the surface of Victoria's energy storage needs, as Pacific Green Australia announces plans to construct a 30-hectare grid-scale battery park in Portland.


In January 2024, the global average carbon dioxide concentration was estimated at about 423 ppm

It was about 398 ppm in January 2014

20 years ago it averaged at about 378 ppm.

Its going to become frigid in my home tonight, the second night from the induced .

Meanwhile, the is popping!

"Industrial-era warming began in the mid-1860s, more than 80years earlier than instrumental sea surface temperature records was already 1.70.1C above pre-industrial levels by 2020. Our result is 0.5C higher than IPCC estimates, with 2C global warming projected by the late 2020s, nearly two decades earlier than expected" via &

Atmospheric scientist Simon Clark: How do we know our carbon emissions

I meanIm not even surprised anymore. It almost makes sense at this point.

Data from sea sponges suggest the world has overshot a climate limit, new study says CNN

is everywhere, especially because of right-wing politicians.

But all of the tactics at use in the internet age have a history, one that begins with and continues straight through to .

Can learning the history provide hope for the present I think so.

This thread is a summary of my latest "Theory of Change" episode, a discussion with Salon climate change writer, Matthew Rozsa:

"The other piece of this is they're trying to bring back that zombie coal project. Largely Alberta, across the political spectrum, across the rural-urban divide, we didn't want it, we pushed it back, and now they want to do it again."


if you imagine the effort required to build a giant parasol that is not guaranteed to work, stopping fossil fuels is an easy task. Building a space umbrella without ceasing fossil fuels would be a waste of time. Best to concentrate on what we know works.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks