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fiets met supercondensator
1300 vind ik teveel nu ff, maar
1. tot 30km fietsen full speed
2. geen slijtage batterij geen lithium gebruik
2. opladen in 30 minuten. Dus kopje koffie met oplaadpunt nodig

Nederlands product. Ik kan niet wachten tot andere merken dit principe overnemen, want ik zoek een woon werk fiets waar fietstassen goed op passen

Eunice Newton Foote showed in 1856 already 167 years ago that dioxide traps the heat of the sun, beating the so-called father of the by at least 3 years. Why was she forgotten

Biden Picks Podesta to Lead Climate Change Spending Pork Barrelism

The digital ecosystem is responsible for 3.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions produced.

Neue Medizinstudie
Klimawandel macht Menschen krank

Extreme oder tropische Infektionskrankheiten auch in vormals gemigten Regionen: Der Klimawandel hat Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit des Menschen. Forscher warnen, Nichtstun koste Menschenleben.

Higher Fuel Prices

In 2000, I wrote a newspaper article on how to prevent climate change. It is Economics 101.

"Barclay is taking money from a man who has been a key funder of a denial group. And hes the secretary Is this some kind of Tory party in-joke Because the younger generation arent laughing and neither is the global south."

My zone has changed, has yours to

Low tech pour qui
Comment la mgamachine capitaliste intgre toujours les alternatives sa logique de march.

Esempio di uomo iper garantito, nato anarchico per poi arrivare ad essere socialista craxiano e vassallo di Berlusconi, che intimorisce le studentesse dall'alto della sua posizione.
Le ragazze non si fanno mettere a tacere e ribattono.

Meno male che questi giovani attivisti sono non violenti e non, come quelli della generazione del giornalaio, figli di pap armati di pistole che giocavano a fare la rivoluzione.

"Ancient warning of a rising sea." Brilliant long read. .

Report: Climate change is threatening health globally

Another copout by the . It has weakened targets for & caving into lobbying from National Farmers Union , a vested-interest that has prioritised a -term agenda that will result in higher costs. Its spokesperson clearly does not understand the word . Its a welcome nail in the coffin of chicken farming but UK horticulture needs a big efficiency boost to fight

"Do you think that this is sounding repetitive Do you have any idea how frustrated I am It's another record. But it's important. And what it tells us is something is going on, and that something is not going to go away until we change society."

Fossil fuel lobbyists do not belong at climate change conferences. They need to be kicked out.

Please sign this.

Tell Gov. Shapiro to Defend Our Climate Future!

Cop28 host UAE breaking its own ban on routine gas flaring, data shows

... "The UAE is hosting the UN Cop28 summit, which starts on 30 November, and Sultan Al Jaber, the CEO of the state oil company Adnoc, will preside over the international negotiations to urgently tackle the climate crisis."

In social behavior, downshifting is a trend where individuals adopt simpler lives from what critics call the "rat race".

The long-term effect of downshifting can include an escape from what has been described as economic materialism, as well as reduce the "stress and psychological expense that may accompany economic materialism". This new social trend emphasizes finding an improved balance between leisure and work, while also focusing life goals on personal fulfillment, as well as building personal relationships instead of the all-consuming pursuit of economic success.

It's profoundly strange that we don't yet have any snow cover past mid-November.

Plant trees and save the planet.

As predicted, mosquitoes (and the diseases they spread) move north in Europe as climate warms:

Are we in the Age of Insecurity

Massey Lecturer looks at how being worried about the future can offer us a path of wisdom

Maybe soon theyll say that they dont need books anymore

USDA updates plant hardiness zone map, in response to climate changes.

I expect the map will require more frequent updating than every 10 years from here forward.


The worlds 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars

We hop in the car to get groceries or drop kids at school. But while the car is convenient, these short trips add up in terms of emissions, pollution and petrol cost.

The Amazons record-setting drought: how bad will it be
Scientists tell Nature why the rainforest has dried out, and what to expect in the coming months.

I was only tooting the other day about wineries & the impact of and the attraction of Tasmania to those who are looking to move or add cooler climate ( currently at least ) vineyards as mainland sites become increasingly unreliable and eventually no longer viable.

I recalled that Brown Brothers have been buying wineries ( and land I believe) in Tasmania for years now. Now doubt the short term benefits of established brands, scale and variety were considered - I suspect that climate change was also a factor as they look to future proof their business as best they can.

Begs the question about what other crops might flourish in drier and warmer climates!

Environment Secretary received a donation from sceptic, raising concerns about Barclays stance on issues and potential conflicts of interest, prompting scrutiny of the governments commitment to environmental goals.

Paddy the green turtle's winter stay in cold SA waters defies 'natural history books'
By Caroline Horn

Her relatives live in Queensland, the Seychelles and New Caledonia, but Paddy the green turtle preferred to spend winter in the cold waters of Port Augusta in South Australia.

I know there's a lot going on but if you are in Victoria please consider coming down to the **Rally to End Fracking Outside the BC NDP Convention **starting at 10am tomorrow Saturday.

Climate change already costing jobs in Australia, and disrupting the food supply as hazlenut tree farm near Narrendera closes due to long-term climate outlook.

It sux bigly for all the workers impacted, but it's not without some irony - that's in an electorate that votes heavily towards the anti-climate change action Coalition. Still, voting for the ALP makes three-fifths of stuff-all difference in climate action anyway.

File this under - things you won't hear about on Sky News.

Paul Beckwith: Chat on new Lancet Report on the Increasing Impacts of Abrupt Climate System Change on Human Health

Q&A: Warming of 2C would trigger catastrophic loss of worlds ice, new report says

This part is prescient imo. West Bank is a harbinger of our future behavior..

OK Doomer: "Here's the bitter truth. We're not just watching a genocide. We're watching the first genocide of the collapse age. There's going to be more. As countries become desperate in the mad dash for earth's remaining resources, they're going to engage in dehumanization like we've never seen. They're going to come up with all kinds of reasons to make it sound important."

OK Doomer:
"They don't tell you the economy is being propped up by child teachers and adults so desperate and scared they're hoarding jobs. They don't tell you that climate change is disrupting supply chains and destroying infrastructure faster than it can be rebuilt. They don't tell you they've let a level-3 pathogen run through the entire population, killing and disabling our workforce. They just do it."

Alberta underestimates methane emissions by 50 per cent: study
Emissions of a potent greenhouse gas from Alberta's energy industry are underestimated by nearly 50 per cent, according to a new study from one of Canada's premier climate labs.

Melting Arctic Sea Ice Threatens Polar Bears (VoA News VIDEO)

Australia rushing legislation through with urgency.

No, its not about the Climate Crisis.

Politicians willing to push through laws to implement unconstitutional, extrajudicial punishment.
But not rush to address the Climate Crisis says a lot about the current 47th Parliament led by major party leaders, Albanese and Dutton.

So worthwhile seeing this video clip that isn't manufactured in front of a green screen with cgi, but actually where the glaciers are quickly disappearing.

Yo-Yo Ma, Quinn Christopherson and Pattie Gonia's new climate change song : NPR

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks