everything is fine
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everything is fine

Politicians renege on green commitments after getting in office.

But here Starmer scaling back before even being elected while the planet is burning. No doubt to please right-wing donors

Starmer to announce scaling back of 28bn green investment plan

Many adults are not consciously aware, they don't recognise, that breathing in wood smoke is harmful (one form of easily detectable air pollution) In real world examples, that are so common that those that partake perceive they're acting "normally", groups of adults can be observed displaying behaviours, which proves beyond an informed persons doubt, that many adults are (totally) oblivious to the harm caused by prolonged exposure to air pollution

show's facebook mentions the issues and protests and the comments fill up with people asking for Police brutality.

What happens to the deniers when people really get faced with the problems Wont they be in a new form of danger These idiots dont realise the impact they'll have. Moronic.

Oh dear!! UK Labour Starmer to announce scaling back of 28bn green investment plan via Guardian

World's first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit via BBC

Dezeen : "Imperfections are a part of beauty" says Kathrin Gimmel in Climate Salon podcast

Defence main topic on table at EIB annual forum

Defence main topic on table at EIB annual forum

: "For the first time, global warming has exceeded 1.5C across an entire year, according to the EU's climate service.

World leaders promised in 2015 to try to limit the long-term temperature rise to 1.5C, which is seen as crucial to help avoid the most damaging impacts.

This first year-long breach doesn't break that landmark "Paris agreement", but it does bring the world closer to doing so in the long-term.

Urgent action to cut carbon emissions can still slow warming, scientists say.

"This far exceeds anything that is acceptable," Prof Sir Bob Watson, a former chair of the UN's climate body, told the BBC Radio 4's Today Programme."

Plant trees and save the planet.

Yet more evidence we've fucked our planet.
We should be going to war with this, not each other.

I'm thinking the BBC deliberately put the news about a global +1.5 C temperature rise for 2023, next to the news about Starmer dropping his environmental pledge

On the day scientific bodies publish the year-long breach of 1.5 degrees, the Labour Party says it is withdrawing its pledge to invest 28bn in green, environmental projects.

What the fuck are we going to do!

The most excellent Bobby Llewellyn on people buying new diesel cars in 2024.

This is my first Mastodon post. I want to raise awareness of the dangers of climate change. And, short-term, in run up to the UK election, I want to promote The Climate Party, the only UK political party 100% focused on climate/biodiversity issues. Any tips how best to do this, let me know...

Clima: per la prima volta aumento di +1,5 gradi in un anno, gennaio 2024 il pi caldo di sempre

*La Terra ha battuto i record di calore ogni mese dallo scorso giugno*

Nessun cambio di direzione...andiamo dritti come muli con i paraocchi

UK becomes first major economy to halve carbon emissions

Helps they were higher than France in the first place and we're in a technical recession and probably could have done it sooner had we stuck to targets but still good news

Given the news today that, for the first time, has exceeded 1.5C across an entire year, our new editorial highlights the particularly imminent impacts of .

Treating the symptoms of climate change

Si aspettiamo sempre che scatti l'allarme...mai prevenire, perch il cambiamento climatico una bufala inventata da quattro fricchettoni ignoranti

World logs first 12 months above 1.5C warming level according to data from Copernicus Climate Change Service. "It is clearly a warning to humanity that we are moving faster than expected towards the agreed upon 1.5C limit that we signed," Johan Rockstrm told.

So, let's talk about ! (Never spoil energy ) I warmly recomment the hashtag ClimateDiary where people share their experiences how the affects every day life.

Flying without harming the will that become possible In my new report for Yale E360, I explore the alternatives, the technological battle between and , and the big challenges ahead.

Chroniques de la nouvelle Terre, 14e p. :

Lyon, janvier 2024,

On annonce une vague(lette) de froid. J'ai un citronnier en pot sur un balcon plein Sud, vue trs dgage.

En 2019, le fleuriste m'a dit qu'il craint les gel, qu'il faut le rentrer.
Lyon, le gel est toutefois dsormais rare et peu intense.

Mon citronnier a sereinement travers l'pisode de froid sur le balcon.

En revanche, l't, je le rentre ds que je pars un peu, sinon la canicule l'assche...

It's going to get worse, very quickly if we don't radically change how we live.


This is an important finding, showing that big events can now be driven by , not just made worse by it.

The River Basin has been experiencing severe to exceptional . While drought is more common during El Nio years, a new preliminary analysis concluded that human-caused played a much larger role intensifying these conditions.

Ich wusste bis vor kurzem gar nicht, da Dudelscke auch zum portugiesischen folk gehren und ihre ursprngliche Funktion war, lautstark zu helfen, Feinde in die Flucht zu schlagen.

These are scottish

World's first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit

Labour ditches 28bn green investment pledge

Two great headlines to wake up to.

What a time for the right-wing Sir Keir Starmer and Labour to abandon their committment to funding renewables and green investment.

'World leaders promised in 2015 to try to limit the long-term temperature rise to 1.5C, which is seen as crucial to help avoid the most damaging impacts.'

'This first year-long breach doesn't break that landmark "Paris agreement", but it does bring the world closer to doing so in the long-term.'

'Limiting long-term warming to 1.5C above "pre-industrial" levels - before humans started burning large amounts of fossil fuels - has become a key symbol.'

"Le mois de janvier 2024 a t le plus chaud jamais enregistr lchelle mondiale, selon le dernier rapport de lobservatoire europen du

"World leaders promised in 2015 to try to limit the long-term temperature rise to 1.5C, which is seen as crucial to help avoid the most damaging impacts." It's not going well

For the first time, has exceeded the 1.5C threshold across an entire year, according to the EU's climate service.

Das Notwendige mit dem Angenehmen verbinden:

"Finnish airline invites passengers to weigh in for flights"

Oh, that sucks. I will take my private jet then.

So in etwa:

Great timing, Keir.

This is possibly the most serious message I have ever posted.

Between Feb 2023 and January 2024, for a whole year, the threshold of 1.5 was breached.

Climate change is an exponential change !

Worauf wartest du Hier kann JEDE*R :

Auch kleinere Demos werden so mit viel Spass hrbarer :

Is the ultimate cause for I explore this question in the new post of my :

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks