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Every little bit helps! Reduce your home energy usage by setting your thermostat to more energy-efficient temperatures and switching to LED lights. Small steps, big impact!

Another hot day forecast

Humidex of 41 C/ 104 F

To everyone working outdoors today you have my sympathies
To everyone remaining inside with the safety of AC
Be sure to thank those who are out there and think of offering a cool electrolyte-balancing drink to delivery people, construction workers, road crews, window washers, postal workers. swampers, etc....
Stay cool. Stay safe.

Climate Change

Barely a day after portions of the Northeast Kingdom were inundated with upward of 8 inches of rain, Vermont was expected to see heavy rainfall Wednesday afternoon and night, according to the National Weather Service.

It issued a flood watch for all but the southernmost counties of Windham and Bennington from noon Wednesday through midnight.

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.23C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

Here comes the Flood

Todays obligatory thunderstorm - Tokyo weather has gone utterly bonkers this summer

Act for Our Common Future! The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are our blueprint for a better world. Let's not waitcreate the future we want now.

Choose sustainable transportation! Walk, bike, use public transit, or carpool to reduce your carbon footprint. Let's keep our air cleaner and cities safer.

"Michael Ncube of Anchor Capital reflects on the resurgence of interest in this energy source and indicates possible investment diversification into uranium-related mining, engineering or utility companies or even an ETF."

What happens when finding pride in the places we live becomes the core of city planning How do we live differently How do our priorities change

w Georgia Cameron of DarkMatterLabs explores

When you hear being touted, remember this: " scientists say connected to use or production delivers little benefit when it comes to tackling , period."

Out of the Pan, Into the Fire!

U.S. faces prolonged, life-threatening coast-to-coast heat wave. Heres a forecast for 12 cities.

The heat will extend through the first week of August, with records possible in both the East and the West.

High Temps Next 10 Days


We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with Open-weather. Sophie Dyer+Sasha Engelmann share their origin story while demonstrating live their collaborative dynamic. The poetics+ materiality of radio, in its capacity to sense and to resonate at a distance, emerge as a tool for insightful alliances, as well as speculative + radical experiments, from the Feminist Antifascist Weather Front to radio mirrors

A idea that's been on my mind for a number of years now: Air liquification ( ) is a viable way of storing energy on its own and particularly attractive at large scale. These systems usually filter out CO2, but dry ice could easily be produced as a by-service of the battery, meaning that a municipal energy storage system could do double duty for and - pump into ground, use in sequestering industrial processes, etc.

Alternativ till Pride startar: Av queers fr queers
Less Money talk

The scramble to find around-the-clock clean power coupled with new US limitations on Russian uranium products are ushering in a whole new era for the nuclear fuel market.

And the ecosysytems collapse is happening right now as well. My blog describes how SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising. We still need to slash CO2, but slow er and avoiding collapse
Risks are many times smaller than impact and more manageable than rampaging

Please read the blog before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough

How to Change Your on : Medium

Climate change led to 32% of heat-related in 2001-2019 in poor countries, suggests research : DownToEarth

Mystery source discovered on the sea floor bewildering scientists : Nature

Check our latest

Can gardens save us and the world In his new book (gifted copy), Joe Clark outlines how they can help with a mix of anecdote, advice and inspiration. You can read my review on the blog: bit.ly/4c8BRzx

31.07.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

I participated in a Zoom meeting today of the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District Transportation committee. They are looking into creating a new emergency highway route on one of the industrial logging roads out of town with an eye on lobbying/justifying a permanent secondary road.

The Ministry of Transport was making a presentation updating the group on their work to identify and evaluate potential routes.

They identified a total of 7 routes (some overlap).

They are not considering the reactivation of the railway.

When I asked them to expand on whether they had any discussions about the railway, they gave a boilerplate answer about the railway owner (The Regional Districts districts and First Nations) receiving funding to do their own studies and determine the future of the railway, essentially washing their hands of any direct involvement.

I am so tired of our highway-blindered transportation ministries in this country.

The only good news is there are people on the regional committee that are supportive of taking a more holistic and strategic approach the bad news is, there have been people like that for decades. If the Ministry and Provincial/Federal politicians dont care about rail, it wont ever happen.

The hsot blames for unsafe conditions in 4h3 Seine. This amount of rainfall is common now, but the tricky thing is that it is not scientifically correct to attribute the climate for a single rainfall

many protesters include highly skilled professionals including scientists, sociologists, educators. The government could INVITE them to become advisory consultants to govt as done in Taiwan. The more the uk govt locks up people with ludicrously long sentences the more pathetic the government looks. As they say, what else are concerned people supposed to do Nothing else has worked. I thank them.

Monitoring report: Emissions reduction. Assessing progress towards meeting Aotearoa New Zealands emissions budgets and the 2050 target

The authors present their assessment of the adequacy of the Governments current emissions reduction plan and its implementation how New Zealand is tracking against the emissions budgets that serve as steppingstones to the long-term target and progress towards the 2050 emissions target.


Fewer New Miles. The US Transmission Grid in the 2020s.

A significant increase in federal funding and utility investment in new greenfield high-capacity projects is needed to truly move the needle on transmission expansion and ensure a reliable and affordable transition to a cleaner grid. While the new transmission is being built, utilities can fully avail themselves of Advanced Transmission Technologies.

, ,

Mining the Sun. Transforming mine lands and brownfields into clean energy hubs.

The authors provide information for anyone interested in advancing clean energy projects on mine lands, brownfields, and landfillsthereby minimizing impacts to undisturbed lands. It includes overviews of relevant state and federal policies, programs, and incentives economic analyses and community engagement best practices.

, ,

We needed to act decades ago. But if not everybody starts to get their arses into gear, everybody (incl. Big Business) will suffer even more than acting now.

on THU is global world exhaustion day. Then the population has used up their annually sustainable 'allocation'. So we're (humanity) consuming the 1.7 fold resource availability (incl capacity to not overheat, not get toxic, etc.).

Hey, economists: Eternal growth of GDP is not sustainable! We're living in a finite world, where exponential growth is not feasible if we all want to survive.

F*ck big business lobbyists who are afraid the year's bottom line will suffer.

Devastating after one storm in

The importance of clean indoor air will only become more urgent, scientists have warned, as the effects of bite harder. In Australia, spending time outside and opening windows to improve ventilation won't be possible during periods of , say, or catastrophic seasons that leave cities blanketed in thick for weeks on end.

This site could soon host a massive installation

The - Department of Energy announced plans last week to transform a contaminated former production site into what could be the largest project in the country. The installation would stretch across up to 8,000 acres in south-central state and boast up to 1 gigawatt of energy capacity enough to power 750,000 homes.

Nothing like runaway pollution!

It may seem improbable for scientists to gauge the worlds hottest day given data limitations, but theyve developed a technique thats increasingly useful as the planet heats up.

100% of toxic "forever chemicals" break down overnight in new method from Japanese scientists.

Scientists in Japan have developed a new way of breaking down toxic forever chemicals quickly at room temperature. The technique broke down 100% of certain types of these pollutants overnight, recovering some useful components for reuse.

Supercharged by Climate Change, Western Megafires Explode Simultaneously.

Heat waves and flash droughts fuel intense fires in California, Oregon and Canada.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks