Epic are wreaking havoc fr to
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Epic are wreaking havoc fr to to
"One link among all these: Warmer global allow >HO to evaporate fr oceans & intensify rainfall, even as they also suck moisture fr parched landscapes where its not raining (wet get wetter, dry get drier paradox). Aug 2024 was e wettest Aug on record globally & 14th consec wettest month in analyses dating to 1940.. Such events cld be up to 50% more common tis century as unfolds"

The coat of hopes is coming to on the 27th September at the Thrivemind Village ()

Event invitation: Private Coat of Hopes viewing and political prisoner postcard writing session for local climate activist's. Free vegan food served too.

When: Friday 27 September 6pm - 8pm

Where: Thrivemind Village, 39 Iron Gate, Derby, DE1 3GA

The coat of hopes is a precious patchwork garment on a long term pilgrimage around the UK, made by and worn and walked by more than 2000 people over more than a 1000 miles carrying their hopes in the face of climate and ecological breakdown. You are invited to hear the coat's stories, and to add your own to be carried forward.

Can European cities lead on climate action

Over 100 cities have committed to ambitious climate targets by 2030. From free public transport for youth in Porto to green construction in Warsaw and closing Helsinki's coal plants, here's how they plan to do it.

How a new map of the UKs blue carbon habitats could change how oceans are protected

Big Oil to Benefit From Bidens Carbon Capture Tax Credits

How carbon capture tax credits funnel billions to the oil and gas industry while delivering few if any climate benefits.

The Most Personal Climate Case in the World
Did Austrias rising temperatures violate this mans human rights


On the Svalbard seed vault:
The difficulties of the seed vault remind us that the most important thing we can do right now is not to plan to respond to climate disaster after it happens but to do everything in our power to prevent it while we still have that chance.

Will Climate Funders Allow Enlightenment Fallacy to Destroy the Planet

"Only 21% of Americans know there is scientific consensus on climate change. Most people falsely believe there is enormous scientific disagreement about whether humans are heating the earth when, among published climate scientists, there is none"

"research shows that when you present any group of Americans, even conservatives, with the truth, support for climate action skyrockets."

It's okay to have . Their great grandchildren then have the opportunity to take part in the during on December 22, 2222. It takes place on the factory premises.


Some friends decided to buy shovels and go to the southern to help with the cleanup.

I'm asking them to first call the local crisis centers and NGOs and ask what do they need. Bringing some electronic components for failing water pumps, power banks, setting up provisional infrastructure might help much more than being just another person with a shovel.

I consider it to bring smart, organized help, instead of just .

Jasper et al present a 3.3 million year record of ice rafted debris (IRD) from the Scotia Sea, near Antarctica. They use a convolution neural network machine learning algorithm to identify the IRD, since identifying it by eye is a time consuming task. The main conclusion is that there are two regime changes in the IRD, at 1.8 and 0.43 million years ago.

Severe rains bucketed down on central Europe, Africa, Shanghai and the U.S. Carolinas this week, underscoring the extreme ways in which climate change is altering the weather.

Floods and mudslides kill more than 200 in Myanmar

The Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) is a multi-faith network taking action on the most pressing issue of our time.

1. Put an end to new coal & gas projects
2. Amend the EPBC Act to put protecting the climate at the heart of the Act
3. Outline a plan to move away from coal and gas towards clean energy, and provide a date by which they will phase them out completely
3. Get public money out of those industries
4. Provide serious financial assistance to our neighbours in the Pacific to keep their heads above water.
5. Support the proposed global Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to phase out fossil fuels
6. Make a massive historic investment in clean energy that will create jobs in the process
7. Replace fossil fuels with renewable energy - not nuclear

In Phoenix, the chief medical examiner calls summer heatwaves a mass casualty event like a terrorist attack or other transient disaster. The trees evolved to live in the desert are dying.

19.09.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

More than $650bn (494bn) a year in public subsidies goes to fossil fuel companies, intensive agriculture and other harmful industries in the developing world, says new report.

This report exposes wealthy corporations parasitic behaviour. They are draining the life out of the global south by siphoning public funds and fuelling the climate crisis.

Hey I just found another reason for us to continue transitioning away from fossil fuels!

Hey I just found another reason for us to continue transitioning away from fossil fuels!

, Day 1644
Wednesday, 18 September 2024
Ukraine War: Day 939
Hamas-Israel War: Day 346
Mass shootings in the USA in 2024: 397
Days until the 2024 Election: 48

Demanding Better. How growing demand for electricity can drive a cleaner grid.

The time has come for large energy customers to step out of backrooms and demand better utility practices. More sophisticated large load customers should pursue 24/7 carbon-free procurement through their own purchase agreements, new utility tariffs, or advanced trading schemes.

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Clean Jobs America 2024

Clean energy companies added almost 150,000 jobs in 2023, growing more than three times faster than overall U.S. employment to 3,460,406 clean energy jobs nationwide.

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Solar and Storage Integration in the Southeastern United States: Economics, Reliability, and Operations

Solar energy has the potential to be a core energy resource for the southeastern United States.

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Wasn't it just recently that we were told in a few years we will face a domestic gas supply crisis

"You can't make people dig up gas for free," Peter Kerr said.

If they can't make a profit from digging it up, then let it stay there. There is so much bullshit in this article.

"They were providing the domestic market, on average, gas equivalent to about 8 per cent of what they export about half of what they were required to provide."

It is not possible to link the severe flooding in Europe to but it fits the predicted pattern. But w must be aware of confirmation bias and look for trends.

But it must be said that if we don't act, it most likely gets worse in the future

, a town in , , that has a history of being flooded

Just repairing & building more flood defences isn't the main solution

There are two approaches to mitigate & . Prevention & trying to deal with the consequenceseffects that are getting worse because not enough prevention is being done.Reforesting the upstream landscape would mitigate flooding & climate change. The solution is politically opposed in the area.

Climate change heavily affecting fish stocks in Japan, resulting in historically low catch totals

UK family: tried a Spain holiday earlier this summer, got sent home due to fires, heat and lack of water at the resort

Tried this week for a walking tour in Austria, had to be evacuated due to the floods

On top of that, they got Covid, because they are essentially in denial of everything and don't do even basic research

Report Reveals How US Taxpayers Are Unwittingly Subsidizing Climate Lies

"It is high time for the American public to understand just how much charitable money is funding climate change disinformation and to recognize the key individuals behind this effort."

Climate migration doesnt look like you think it does

A storytelling fellowship for resettled youth empowers them to tell their own stories of displacement, countering media stereotypes of refugees

World Press Photo awarded photojournalist Sandra Mehl for our works on the first USA climate refugees

The Falgout family in Pointe-aux-Chnes house was damaged by Hurricane Ida and because they no longer reside on Isle deJean-Charles, the resettlement project does not cover them. (Image by Sandra Mehl, World Press photo exhition in Montreal )

REPORT: Deaths, Asthma, Climate Pollution Linked to Citis Funding of Gas Terminals

$36 Million in Health Impacts Suffered by Texas & Louisiana Communities related to Citi's financing

Nearly 90% of Global Banks Are Unprepared for Climate-Related Disruptions

European banks lead in climate adaptation, while US banks lag behind

Nearly 90% of Global Banks Are Unprepared for Climate-Related Disruptions

Even though awareness of climate change risks has increased, 88% of the worlds leading banks have failed to adequately address climate adaptation risk, according to Climate X

October 1st is Canadas . Seniors across Canada are mobilizing to bring attention to the worsening emergency, which is still largely ignored by our governments. is mobilizing seniors across Canada to create a livable future!

Join Calgary's own at on Tuesday Oct 1st for real conversations about ! More details here:

Generally, society producers vast amounts of "rubbish" ("trash") that it can't dispose of safely. Burning it is the worst thing to do.

Burning issue sparks concern in the

The proposed incinerator would release & greenhouse gas emissions which have multiple negative health impacts.This would increase health inequalities, unfairly affecting communities on who already face significant public health challenges.

heat-related deaths among people over 65 have already risen by 85% since 1990

Droughts and floods create scarcity in nutritious food which leads to obesity, diabetes, and hypertension

Exposure to climate events increases the risk of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). After Hurricane Katrina, nearly half of survivors experienced some form of anxiety or mood disorder, with one in six developing PTSD

Climate Change

Scotland's 'Sphinx' snow patch is vanishing

Had only happened three times in the last century, but will happen for four consecutive years

The weather is dry, my two rainwater tanks are empty. I do a monthly fire drill, checking my pump and other equipment, starting it up and spraying a bit of water on the garden in the process. This month I'll have to top up the tank with town water to carry out the test. September is the driest month here, but rainfall is below average this year, and climate change is making me cautious about what's to come. I'm looking forward to having my third tank installed.Image shows a fire drill from last summer.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks