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The itsy-bitsy bits that are the characters in this game (when viewed from far above) drag 4.5 GB of (mostly shared) data around with them. You would think they would be smarter with all of that going for them, but no.

We need bigger computers. Bigger, I say!

OTOH, we need to BAN crypto. It is power-sucking stupidity apparently created to help mobsters launder money while destroying our capacity to mitigate the brutal blows we continue dealing to our future.

Heat Blankets Australia, Fuels Bushfires

An early summer swept over large parts of on December 16-17, 2023, helping to fuel dozens of bushfires in New South Wales.

The map shows modeled air temperatures across Australia on December 16.

The heatwave was especially intense in Western Australia, where temperatures reached above 40C (104F), which is up to 10C (18F) above normal for the time of year.

In 2023 bulk prices have doubled (after some years of being relatively stable).

And, of course, behind this is a fall in supply caused by crop failures &

so perhaps the Q. is: like the industry, is the shift in climate patterns (whatever its massive damage elsewhere) going to present an opportunity to English to move into the cultivation of

As the South of England gets warmer so the fields they are a changing....

As we watched Gardner's World last night I mumbled that the snowdrops would be out soon. This morning my wife informed me that they are out at the top of the drive at the base of the silver birches.

Climate Change

I was concerned to find very few praying mantis egg sacs around my house this year. This morning, while walking my dog, I discovered one merely 10 cm above the ground surface. Further exploration in our small yard revealed 6 mantis egg sacs, all laid near the ground surface, which is why I couldnt find them before. I wonder if this years prolonged hot summer, followed by rapid cooling, might have caused this

We can take a small pause to celebrate this tipping point, said Dave Jones, a director at the climate thinktank Ember. But in a way its worrying that we are still talking about when emissions might peak. The reality of the situation is that we need deep and fast reductions in emissions.

2023: An ambiguous year.
Articles published within 48 hours by The Guardian

Global efforts to slow a runaway climate catastrophe may have reached a critical milestone in the last year with the peak of global carbon emissions from energy use, according to experts...

Massive waves hitting coast line, including and West Cliff Drive. Thinking of my conversation with Santa Cruzs climate and sustainability officer this year and all the challenges for local authorities and residents that and bring -big storms like these are only getting more frequent.

World will look back at 2023 as year humanity exposed its inability to tackle climate crisis, scientists say

The rate at which emissions would need to be reduced will require, most experts agree, global transformation on a scale not yet in the pipeline.

Its worrying that we are still talking about when emissions might peak. The reality of the situation is that we need deep and fast reductions in emissions if we hope to stay within the vanishingly small budget for carbon which remains.

The purchase site fot the ebook-version has a list of content
Looks very interesting to me as layperson in whose belly models don't sit too well, preferring obs data where available. Understanding better where models originate, how they translate obs data to a formula, seems just like what someone like me would benefit from.
I hope, your book gets viral at univ. libraries! I'll ask my local city library whether they can purchase it. But it being inand also me being in the middle of the German far-right climate-hoax region, it's unlikely I'll even find a librarian who'll consider it.
Sad. And I can't/won't afford 33 for this book. Sighs.

Didn't see it in the list of content: do you mention BOINC as contributor to early climate modelling 15yrs ago, I used to let my contribute to a project called Fight home or similar. Had a wonderful screensaver: the earth climate system at the very timestep mywas churning the data for.

Best . Comic. Ever.

How our decode : special process certain sounds : Nature

engineers design a replica of the s right chamber : MIT

The True Cost Of Is Coming For Those Who Caused It : Medium

Check our latest

An award-winning architect in Bangladesh, one of the nations most at risk from flooding driven by climate change, has developed an ingenious two-floor housing solution to help people survive what scientists warn is a growing threat.

It's garbage. Cheap clothing are a big reason why there's plastic in water and it contributes to Polyester is made from Can you answer Petroleum. It's plastic. It's pollution. Natural fibers cost more, but last longer. And plants clean air, not pollute it. Cheap clothes are How much did the people earn who make it and sell it Not a living wage. Hypocrisy abounds. Don't buy cheap crap.

I guess it comes down to cost, but personally I would ask "If they can do it now, what have they been waiting for all these years"

Why does it take a law banning the use of single-use plastic packaging before retailers or manufacturers will do anything major towards reducing

"Historically high temperatures continued to be registered in many parts of the world"

Atmospheric CO2 levels are rising, it's going to get hotter. That's also more energy that can replace carbon fuel

"New device converting infrared heat to could lead to solar power at night

Scientists make use of infrared radiation that happens at night from the into outer "

The Zugspitze is the highest mountain in Germany (2962 m/9718 ft). From its summit, you can see four countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy, and 400 peaks. Previously you could ski on it in the summer now thats no longer possible (and the forest in the foreground has lost its healthy green).

Follow me for more of my photos, art and adventures.

Followed! Looking forward to more posts in my feed. Got any recommendations for or

And hidden in the midst of the article, we have the REAL problem.

Ms Kramor said a key challenge since the Black Summer fires had also been managing the "wilding population".
"A wilding is a pine grown from seed that hasn't been produced in our nursery and doesn't have the genetics that we want," she said.

The 10 big U.S. cities where climate change is likely to wreak the worst havoc by 2050.

Berliner Zeitung: Vorstze fr 2024: Ist weniger Klimaschutz der neue Trend bei der Generation Fridays for Future

DER STANDARD: Klimatologin: "Das Geschftsmodell fossiler Konzerne ist darauf aufgebaut, Menschen zu tten"

Dagens PS: Klimatfrndringarna pressar grdorna till det yttersta

should be taught at all

OpEd by Hope Carroll, December 26, 2023

" history is ingrained across and has deep rooted cultural relationships with major natural landmarks that many of us see everyday. However, there is a concerning gap surrounding the important aspects of our states rich Wabanaki history and what little many students learn about it in Maine schools.

"Wabanaki studies need to be consistently incorporated into all Maine school districts. According to a 2022 report done by the , the , the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission and the , the Wabanaki studies law passed by Maine in 2001 is not appropriately enforced across the state.

"The law 'requires schools to teach Maine K12 students about Wabanaki territories, economic systems, cultural systems, governments, and political systems, as well as the Wabanaki tribes relationships with local, state, national, and international governments,' the report says.

"The Portland public school system recently incorporated a Wabanaki studies program into its curriculum. This will hopefully be a good example for other districts across Maine and encourage them to do the same.

"Teaching Wabanaki studies will help children gain a better understanding of the state. In time, this can help them develop a closer relationship with the and our responsibility to ensure that it is cared for and treated with respect.

"'Through stories representing the terrestrial and aquatic systems, important Wabanaki values are imparted that safeguard culturally significant resources from overuse and ensure the persistence of the people and culture,' says Natalie Michelle, interdisciplinary studies and research assistant of native environmental studies in climate change at the University of Maine.

"It is more important than ever that we look to native science as we face irreversible damage to our climate. We must prioritize implementing these ideals early into the educational careers of children so they go on to practice them throughout their lives.

"Western science and education has taught the ideals of dominance over nature for centuries. This is reflected in practices that have contributed to the of animals, rises in , food and water shortages and the numerous other effects of . Instead of connecting with , we are often taught to distance ourselves from the . We are taught to use vague and nonspecific naming tools like 'it' to refer to any non-human being.

"'We use it to distance ourselves, to set others outside our circle of moral consideration, creating of difference that justify our actions so we dont feel,' says Robin Kimmerer, professor of environmental and forest biology at the State University of New York College of and .

"Kimmerer talks of alternatives to using 'it' to put ourselves on the same level as other living beings, recognizing them as relatives by calling them by their name. But she says that this can be difficult for many of her students because they were not taught these alternatives until now.

"In my experience growing up in Maine and going to school, I never encountered a class focused on Wabanaki studies until college. I am grateful to have this opportunity now. But it has been difficult for me to implement these new ideals into my thinking toward the land around me because they seem so foreign.

"Using the word 'foreign' seems wrong when describing ideals that have been used in Maine since long before any of us were here. But Maine schools and communities have an opportunity to change this.

"Children who grow up in this state have the right and responsibility to know the history of the land around them. They have the right and responsibility to understand the negative implications of and of the and how despite horrible events, the Wabanaki people have endured and developed their own structures.

"In order to create more inclusive classrooms that incorporate all aspects of our state history and work towards building respectful relationships with Maine land, other communities should follow the exciting example being set in ."


More toxic air pollution has been averted by Londons ultra-low emission zones than is produced by the capitals airports or its river and rail transport combined, according to a new analysis of the effects of the Ulez.

People often have inconsistent and irrational expectations wrt risk.

For example, they often compare risk to a riskless baseline. Except, there is no such thing as a riskless baseline.

Or they accentuate one kind of unknown risk while completely ignoring other kinds of unknown risks.

Or they give more weight to risks that feel like active versus passive choices (this is a distinction where the only difference is your reputation).

By all means, do research. Conduct experiments. Study what we know from as many sources as possible.

But also, try to avoid being excessively insane when thinking about risk.

- The problem is a political, AKA a psychological one (how we think about the subject)

The scale of human activity change required to prevent a is unprecedented

There is no doubt - it's going to require a majority of the human population, especially in rich industrialized wannabe democratic countries, to be actively engaged in, demanding, supportive of, and changing policies, business methods, media and lifestyles, to end the burning of carbon-based fuels.

When our children and grandchildren look back at the history of human-made climate change, this year and next will be seen as the turning point at which the futility of governments in dealing with climate change was finally exposed.

Eight people taken to hospital as waves up to 30ft high pound California coast

Six million people under high surf warning as powerful storms sweep through and

by Maanvi Singh in Oakland, California, and Erum Salam
Fri 29 Dec 2023

" as tall as 30ft crashing on to Californias coast have caused injuries and property damage, prompting evacuation warnings.

"At least eight people needed hospital treatment after towering waves crashed over seawalls in southern California on Thursday, engulfing seaside neighborhoods. On Friday, more than 6 million people remained under a high surf warning across California and Oregon. The National Weather Service (NWS) has predicted waves up to 40ft, warning: 'Stay away from rocks, jetties, piers, and other waterside infrastructure. Never turn your back to the ocean!'

"The seasons first huge swell, propelled by across the Pacific Ocean, and a swath of low pressure off the west coast, combined with strong rains along parts of California, have created treacherous conditions. Evacuation orders were issued for Stinson beach in Marin county, north of San Francisco, and for parts of Santa Cruz along the central coast.

"The Los Angeles-area weather office wrote that powerful cyclones over northern Pacific waters were sending 12-17ft (3.6-5-meter) swells, creating 'tremendous wave energy across coastal waters'.

"At some points along California, breaking waves were predicted to reach 25ft (7.6 meters). Astronomical high tides were adding to a significant risk of more coastal flooding, forecasters said.

"'Overall, this is expected to be an exceptional high-surf and coastal event that has not occurred in many years,' the weather service said. 'Take caution and heed the direction of local authorities and lifeguards. Never ever turn your back to the water as damaging and life-threatening sneaker waves are likely to occur.'

"In the region, there is a chance of thunderstorms into Saturday morning, according to the NWS. The weather service office in Medford, Oregon, also expected hazardous beach conditions and gusty winds of 30-50mph on Friday, warning of possible infrastructure damage.

"Surfers and beachgoers in Los Angeles and much of southern California are being warned that the risk of drowning is high, and several beaches and state parks across the state have been closed due to the weather.

"High surf is often a hazard of California winters. During the winter of 2020-2021, several people, including young children, died in the Bay Area after being swept out to sea by unexpectedly strong waves. Officials worry that risks are heightened this holiday weekend, when families often flock to the beach.

"A study this year found that Californias winter waves have gotten taller, and big waves have become more frequent since the 1970s, due to ."

Read more:

This weeks recommended read:

Without question, the most effective personal (and societal) choices a person can make to reduce their contribution to are:

1. Don't .
2. Stop owning/ motor vehicles.
3. Live in a multiunit urban .
4. Stop for both business and pleasure.
5. Buy less , especially clothing and textiles.
6. less.
7. Turn down on heaters and up on coolers.
8. for public policies which make your life easier while doing these things.

If you like , watching and using tech to find out where they go, with who, and why, and using your knowledge to understand and mitigate and , then this PhD is for you! Come join and I

Increasing atmospheric CO2 by burning vast amounts of carbon is the

So, it always strikes me as a crazy idea to promote using CO2 emitting Jet planes, to spray aerosols into the atmosphere, as a desperate attempt to mitigate

Shouldn't we try not flying on Jets first

If a person thinks that not flying on Jets is more of a crazy idea than using Jets to spray aerosols, considering the effects of burning carbon, whose plan is more rationale

Day 2 pos.

Isolating in the spare bedroom.
Partner (also retired nurse) refuses to give me a little bell to ring whenever I need a snack or a coffee or something.

Arthralgia, sore throat, cough.
My aching back and joints kept me awake most of the night.
Listened to some great podcasts tho
& when I did doze off I had some pretty wild dreams.

Overall, I would score myself 8/10 on the feel-like-crap-o-meter ( that's a 4.5 adjusted for man-flu bias)

Johnstown Castle today - it felt unseasonably mild and lots of the birds seemed frisky. This beautiful specimen was dancing with its mate. Sadly, I didnt manage a clear shot of that

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Global Warming sucks