ECCA2023 conference - Over three days,
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ECCA2023 conference - Over three days, more than 485 in person and more than 2,000 online viewers participated in June in nearly 70 parallel sessions across three landmark venues in Dublin, Ireland, at the 6th European Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA2023) conference.

Read more about this, among 16 other topics, in the ECCA2023 Special Edition Newsletter (June 2023).

If you regularly follow debates about public policy, especially those involving wealthy tech bros, its obvious that theres a strong correlation among the three Cs: climate denial, COVID-19 vaccine denial and cryptocurrency cultism.

The paranoid style in American plutocrats

What role did the play in and could there be more like it
Such storms landing on are extremely rare but experts say they could become more common as the heats up

Scientists Warn 1 Billion People on Track to Die From Climate Change

The fossil fuels that humanity burns today will be a death sentence for many lives tomorrow.

A recent review of 180 articles on the human death rate of climate change has settled on a deeply distressing number. Over the next century or so, conservative estimates suggest a billion people could die from climate catastrophes, possibly more.

Climate Change for Babies :blobaww:

Nice of them...

Exxon says world set to fail 2C global warming cap by 2050

The abstract of this paper is the perfect example of why we need good . An important paper, but so much jargon itspainful.
Key messages:
1) mass in the has bloomed later & ended earlier (every year) over the past 25 years = shortening the season
2) less carbon is being taken up each year with serious implications for

More based disease: A deadly tick-borne epidemic is raging in northern Mexico and southwestern United States.

Gift link

are not the alternative construction material we hope for. has assured that.

Forestry science is owned by the lumber/pulp industry. Its sustainability promise is green flimflam.

There will never be enough big old trees now as are needed to help sequester carbon, and theres not much society can do about it under the runaway circumstances.

As individuals, we can stop chopping down trees for YouTube videos and log homes, avoid exotics, and use fallen and salvaged wood.


Now a dangerous cat. 4 hurricane!

5:00 AM EDT Wed Aug 30
Location: 29.1N 84.1W
Moving: NNE at 18 mph
Min pressure: 940 mb
Max sustained: 130 mph

Hurricane Idalia intensifies to major Category 4 storm: Live updates

Idalia is now classified as a major hurricane. Storm surge damage from the powerful storm could stretch about 200 miles along Floridas west coast.

Good news, another young climate activist who is in favor of nuclear power and wants Greenpeace to change their attitude about it :

'Oil companies are paying popular influencers to pump their gas on social media, sparking a backlash from some climate-conscious fans for promoting planet-warming fossil fuels among young people. Young online celebrities best known for posting about video games, their dogs or their holidays to millions of followers are also dropping in unexpected plugs for gasoline stations, fuel rewards and club cards.'

America Is Using Up Its Groundwater Like Theres No Tomorrow

Will History Absolve Eco-Terrorists Mother Jones

>The title of How To Blow Up A Pipeline is a misnomer. Malms book tries moral suasion. It is directed at liberals who privilege non-violent resistance above all else. At what point do we escalate asks Malm. When do we conclude that the time has come to also try something different

Imagine you're person of 16 or 17 and a populist militarist political party, for eg, is campaigning to introduce compulsory military service for all citizens when they turn 18.
You' are denied the right to vote against that party yet be directly affected by the result of the election. That's how I see the effects of and the affecting our children's future. They are denied their right to vote by people who's futures aren't faced with the same dystopia.

Hurricane Idalia strengthened to a dangerous Category 3 storm

: "Exxon Mobil says the global effort to curtail greenhouse-gas emissions isnt on track to keep the planets temperature from rising beyond an increase of 2 degrees Celsius by 2050.
Carbon-dioxide emissions stemming from the worlds burning of fossil fuels and energy consumption will shrink to 25 billion metric tons in 2050, down 26% from a peak of 34 billion sometime in the current decade, the oil company said in an annual outlook on Monday.

Despite the decline, the trajectory would still keep worldwide carbon-dioxide output well above levels that the United Nations climate-science advisory body says would limit climate change and its most dangerous potential effects.

To achieve the targets outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change the world needs emissions to drop to 11 billion metric tons on average by 2050, Exxon said. It added that the worlds current push to curb carbon-dioxide emissions by more than 25% by 2050 is a testament to the significant progress expected to be made, and would occur even as the global economy more than doubles in size."

Does anyone know where to find the data that was produced during the "Old Weather" projects

The company who has sought to obfuscate and sow doubt on climate science for decades now says Oh well, its too late now anyway. Theres a special place in hell for these people Exxon says global climate goals are destined to fail

The company who has sought to obfuscate and sow doubt on climate science for decades now says Oh well, its too late now anyway. Theres a special place in hell for these people Exxon says global climate goals are destined to fail

Building Batteries Better

Me ha gustado mucho este artculo de Geoffrey Deihl sobre cmo pas su juventud en una zona rural y montaosa de EEUU mientras trabajaba en un sitio horrible.

We need to live smaller on the planet, there is no other way. The irony is, smaller makes life better. Thats one of the lessons I learned all those years ago in Columbia County. All I needed was a pond and a bicycle to be happy.

#1) Absolutely- for the good of the , people need to lay off the cow products.

#2) just took a day trip from Seattle to New York. His dumped *44 tons* of into the atmosphere for his day-long roundtrip.

The average human produces about 4 tons *each year* sooo stop eating beef, and start eating . It's BY FAR the most effective way to fight .

"This years coast-to-coast in have already emitted an estimated one-and-a-half billion tonnes of CO2. Thats triple the annual climate pollution from burning fossil fuels in Canada. Its more than the combined emissions from 100 nations. And there are still months of fire season looming ahead."

In this impressive demo of the consequences of rising sea levels by reddit user turbochuffa, he 3D scanned his hometown with a drone. He then used LumaAI and Unreal Engine to simulated the rising sea levels flooding the town.

Its sadly ironic that a state so supportive of regressive politics including anthropogenic climate change denial stands to suffer more than most because of it. Karma bites hard Major Hurricane Idalia set to hit Florida's Big Bend coast as Category 4 storm

The uninhabitable earth

This interactive tool maps in 3D where our planet will become unihabitable due to a combination of heat, water stress, sea level rise, and tropical cyclones.
Its an amazing and depressing visualisation, which indirectly shows how climate migration will inevitably increase in the coming decades.

Climate change is destroying peoples

AQLI report classifies as top polluted country emerges as most polluted megacity

..if were to adhere to the guideline, inhabitants of could potentially gain three years in life expectancy, while those in might gain EIGHT..

Big Oil & IMF keep us trapped using fuels that rob millions in the of nearly a DECADE of life

Of course!

In 2020 a 23-yo Melb law student sued the federal govt for allegedly deceiving investors, as part of a class action representing current & potential investors in govt bonds.

in proposed settlement terms the govt has agreed to publish a statement acknowledging that climate change is a "systemic risk" that may affect the value of bonds.

What's up with some Europeans loving coal so much

Like Poland and Germany.

Coral reefs are in crisis!

Rising sea temperatures are causing coral bleaching, which could lead to the collapse of reefs around the world.

Take action to protect coral reefs!

Reduce your carbon footprint, support organizations that are working to protect reefs, and get involved in local efforts.

Uno studio delluniversit di Grenobles Alpes e delluniversit di Graz calcola quanti impianti sciistici in tutta Europa diventeranno a rischio molto elevato per mancanza di neve nei diversi scenari emissivi.

Anche rispettando Parigi arriver la condanna a morte per il 53% dei siti. Linnevamento artificiale tampona, ma non risolve.

Climate Change

My heart goes out to my friends and family on the west coast of Florida.

We're in one of the counties in a state of emergency - I don't know why - but at least don't have orders to evacuate.

Of one thing I am certain. Hurricane Idalia is a product of

German farmers hit by climate change impacts, new data shows

Phytoplankton blooms in the Southern Ocean have initiated later and terminated earlier over past 25 years

The European Union is stoking its power plants with fewer lumps of coal and barrels of oil and gas than it has ever recorded, data shows.

The 27 member states burned 17% less fossil fuel to make electricity between January and June 2023 than over the same period the year before.

Just found s position paper on and it is about as level headed and scientific as it gets.

Recommended reading for nuclear fans and foes alike.

If does turnout that the young climate activists are in fact a front group, Im guessing the financing is coming from a group that includes the government of which is super vested in the nuclear power industry.

Pure speculation on my part, though.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks