Dutton's nuclear plan $236b cheaper than
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Dutton's nuclear plan $236b cheaper than Labor's transition, modelling finds
By Michelle Grattan

The opposition has finally put in place the last piece of its controversial nuclear policy, with modelling claiming its alternative would come in substantially cheaper than Labor's transition path to net zero.

Britain balancing oil decline and clean energy goals

Britains shift to clean energy is complicated by falling oil production and the potential loss of 120,000 jobs tied to the North Sea's oil and gas industry

Wopke Hoekstra argues that revising the EUs climate rules will not help struggling industries, urging policy predictability instead.
He points to business concerns that frequent regulatory changes disrupt long-term investments, particularly in heavy industries.
His position contrasts with his own center-right European Peoples Party, which has pushed for easing some green regulations

Phys.org: AI predicts Earths peak warming: Hottest years will likely shatter recent records

Researchers have found that the global goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels is now almost certainly out of reach...

Balance de la "lucha" climtica institucional: un desastre con ningn pas tomndose en serio la emergencia climtica y muchos remando en sentido contrario

Menos mal que tenemos las luchas antiextractivistas y por la construccin de alternativas de los movimientos sociales

Guten Morgen! Menners hren kein Fleisch oder kein Auto und fhlen sich entmannt Jungs, euer grtes Defizit ist nicht Protein oder Benzin, sondern graue Zellen.

Inflation, geopolitics key global economic hurdles Latest News India

Widespread outdoor exposure to uncompensable heat stress with warming

Californias AG Readies Legal Fight With Trump on Environment

Saving bluefin tuna: The sushi delicacy threatened by climate change

Once pushed to the brink of extinction by overfishing, bluefin tuna has experienced a spectacular rebound in recent years. But can it survive the onslaught of climate change

As a Major California Oil Producer Eyes Carbon Storage, Thousands of Idle Wells Await Cleanup

The states taxpayers may be left with a big bill

"Even if humanity stops adding heat-trapping gases . by the 2050s, the odds that long-term warming will exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius are greater than 99%"

"For the most ambitious timeline for reaching net-zero, the odds that long-term warming will exceed 2 degrees Celsius are close to 50%"

"the world will need to prepare not only for long-term warming but also for impacts from the extreme local and regional conditions in the hottest years ahead"

Climate Change

Severe phytoplankton bloom in eutrophic lakes escalating global warming: Study

The study found a 3.1-fold increase in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions over a 100-year horizon, with the effect increasing with global warming intensity

Stalling Green EU Rejects Auto Emissions Rollback

The European Commission, backed by climate policy chief Wopke Hoekstra, is firm on not weakening its car CO2 emission policies despite pressure from the European People's Party and automakers. The sector faces significant financial penalties if 2025 targets are missed, but the Commission maintains these rules are crucial for environmental goals

"Building power plants in Australia could cost double CSIRO predictions, experts warn".

Rchauffement Arctique et Chaos Climatique en Europe Une nouvelle tude rvle le lien inattendu entre la chaleur arctique et les vagues de froid extrmes en Europe. Ce phnomne entrane des temptes de neige et des tempratures glaciales, perturbant nos hivers.

The climate cost of Trumps tariffs

The tariffs will make everything from heat pumps to solar panels to EVs more expensive

Arctic Warming Creates Severe Weather Chaos Across Europe

New research unveils the unexpected link between Arctic heat and extreme winter air outbreaks impacting European weather patterns

Will Slashing Plastic Production 40 Percent By 2040 Bring Climate Goals Within Reach

Books about energy and climate Female authors Climate solutions and hope

What is not to like

why this needs to change

Alpine ski areas looking to diversify beyond snow due to climate change
Deborah O'Donoghue
34 minutes

A research project called BeyondSnow is helping Europes Alpine ski resorts prepare for a climate-change-induced post snow economic reality

Climate projects take invisible care work for granted: why this needs to change

Klimwandel in Zahlen: Gletschermassenbilanz ueres Mullwitzkees 2024

Die Gletscher der Venedigergruppe erleben im Zuge des Klimawandels tiefgreifende Vernderungen. Dies liegt nicht nur an der Verfgbarkeit prziser Daten zu den Gletschern in den Hohen Tauern, sondern auch an den sichtbar dramatischen Vernderungen, die diese Gletscherlandschaften durchlaufen.

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Climate of Justice

12.12.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

A human face on an abstract problem: ICJ forced to listen to climate victims

As an Indigenous-led law firm, we conceived of this as a sacred duty to bring this story of real-life, real-time climate harm to the court,

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New Jersey, home to many oil and gas producers, eyes fees to fight climate change #116710946 .S.News

Its still 2024, but scientists are already confident 2025 will be in top three warmest on record Science, Climate & Tech News

In 2024, billions of people across the world faced climatic conditions that broke record after record: logging ever more highs for heat, floods, storms, fire and drought.

Workers farm at night to avoid intense heat but it can lead to other negative effects Extreme heat The Guardian

Our observations now show that the Arctic tundra, which is experiencing warming and increased wildfire, is now emitting more carbon than it stores, which will worsen climate change impacts, said Rick Spinrad, a Noaa administrator.

Nu finns inga urskter kvar fimpa Shein och Temu

Birth Anniversary of Frank Sinatra (1915) - one of the most popular and influential musical of the 20th century.

Guglielmo Marconi received the first transatlantic radio signal (1901).

on was adopted (2015).

Southeast Asian food prices could surge by up to 59% due to climate change and net-Zero goals: Urgent global action required

Fire, delays, and financial woes: Battery recycling had a rough 2024

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University of Alaska Fairbanks researchers link climate change to extreme weather events 'sChangingEnvironment2.0

Le rapport du GIEC sur les terres souligne l'impact ngatif de l'agriculture dpendante des combustibles fossiles et que prs d'un quart des terres sont dgrades, compromettant la scurit alimentaire et aggravant le changement climatique. Pour un avenir durable, il est crucial de rorienter nos pratiques agricoles vers des mthodes respectueuses de l'environnement, bases sur la sant des sols plutt que sur l'utilisation d'hydrocarbures.

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