Deep Blue Seas - not so
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Deep Blue Seas - not so much, new study finds!

A large swath of Earths oceans changed color over the past 20 years and human activity is suspected to have caused it, a new study reports.

That deep blue color depicted so richly in postcards is disappearing, particularly in the tropics.

On the whole, low-latitude oceans have become greener in the past 20 years, according to the report published in

At least Summer is over for the northern hemisphere, but the BBQing goes on .5

"Footage from Florida's Big Bend shows homes submerged and roads inundated. Officials are calling Hurricane Idalia the worst storm to hit this part of the state in 100 years."

, run by some of the biggest Climate Change deniers, is feeling some of the worst impact of CC in the US. Might take a few more of these before they pay attention...

's managed is a gigantic .

Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

Hurl in, deranged
GOP's strategy, climate plan
Consensus view, thousand hurricanes

*Letters from an American*


Ego vs Eco

that's a shocking statistic:
"In France, 2% of people take half of all flights, according to research published by the climate campaign group Possible. 15% of Brits take 70% of flights and 8% of the Dutch take 42%."

Some good news on your climate feed.

Gigantic power of meat industry blocking green alternatives, study finds Analysis of EU and US shows livestock farmers receive about 1,000 times more public funding than plant-based and cultivated meat

Climate Change

Vor dem Africa Climate Summit
nchste Woche hat zusammen mit Brot fr die Welt und Misereor Erwartungen an die formuliert. Hier ein paar der Forderungen.

Weitere Details in unserem Blogartikel zum Thema:

Nog niet helemaal compleet, maar mag ik alvast de voor '24-25 suggereren

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What continues to blow my tiny mind is how we have yet to see any major political party apply the following logic chain:

1. "Wow, lots of people are really unhappy and open to change" (Group 1)
2. "Ok, there's a vocal and powerful minority (Group 2) who likes things how they are, but they are dwarfed by Group 1"
3. "Polling suggests resounding support for measures that tackle , improve the environment and tackle the . People also want well-paid and secure jobs" /1

Australia has just experienced its hottest winter since official record keeping began in 1910. Yep, nothing to see here! Look the other way, folks.

Here's a new social challenge for you
Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

Also in the guardian
Population collapse almost wiped out human ancestors, say scientists

A 390-million-year-old moss (Takakia) lives in the icy cliffs of the Tibetan Plateau. A team of scientists climbed to find Takakia, sequence its DNA for the first time, and study how climate change is impacting the moss.

Results show that Takakia is one of the fastest evolving species ever studied - but it likely isn't evolving fast enough to survive climate change.


Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

Because we can't reduce co2 fast enough we need to start stratospheric aerosol injection now!
Please read the blog before you disagree

This article on is readable and communicates the design choices of where and when to inject aerosols

Cycling is ten times more important than electric cars for reaching net-zero cities.


Canadian banks squeezed between climate push, market pressures

> a report from BloombergNEF released earlier this year that showed Canadian banks lag in their low-carbon energy supply funding, compared with what the most frequently referenced climate scenarios say is necessary.

Want to speed up scientific progress First understand how works : Nature

for Low : Medium

will raise levels, cause and displace almost a billion people : Misc

Check our latest

Brooklyn-Based Artist Olalekan Jeyifous Imagines a New York Transformed by

Day 55 and 2018 what were you doing that year .
A year for me when protesting came to the fore.Greta Thunberg's school strikes were getting noticed we called for a in my area. stirs up vitriol in politics. Have you heard Stevie wonder and his 'Mistra know it all' crook

Despite the grey skies, my post today is about orange skies - , colour, culture and

Greece to launch drones, temperature sensors to better fight wildfires

In the United States, it is not broadly known that the fossil fuel industry quietly funds a national lobbying campaign that has introduced draconian anti-protest bills in at least 18 states. These laws threaten anyone protesting at an oil or gas facility with huge fines and serious prison sentences some states even impose criminal liabilities on non-profit advocacy groups that support the protesters. These are really laws of intimidation designed to stop protest before it happens.

Looking for a nice way to end your Friday Consider writing the Environment Minister a letter re. the Gregory coal mine expansion. That is allowing coal mines to continue operating into the 2070s (!) is a betrayal of everything they should stand for.

Take Action For the Strongest Methane Safeguards Possible! Help Wildlife, Protect the Environment, Support Nature Conservation, Save the Planet

Is 2023 the year humans finally the Earths

It's Time to Electrify! Help Wildlife, Protect the Environment, Support Nature Conservation, Save the Planet

Comment Now to Ensure Climate & Justice Are At the Forefront Of Our Nation's Energy Policy Help Wildlife, Protect the Environment, Support Nature Conservation, Save the Planet

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks