Data shows warming is not limited
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Data shows warming is not limited to summer.

just an update that the situation got worse and, I'll put more links down here

for brazilians in the area, in case you know someone from here
porto alegre 24horas news on tiktok:

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Nuclear power makes no sense for Australia but its a useful diversion from real climate action

>But nuclear power is not feasible for Australia. It is too slow, too expensive and inappropriate for our energy needs.

>As a result, plans to build nuclear power plants, big or small, are completely unrealistic.

>Whats more, insisting that nuclear power is the only answer to Australias net zero commitments is a classic move from the playbook of those who oppose urgent action on climate change

>But mounting scientific evidence, along with Australias international obligations to reduce emissions and peoples personal experience of extreme events such as the 201920 Black Summer bushfires, has made outright climate denial largely indefensible for a mainstream political party in this country.


Adam has been paying attention to my comments in here on Dutton's climate delaying stupidity.

Just to be clear I am not insinuating that at all :)

The only thing Adam has missed is politicians like Joyce/Dutton etal can use this as "evidence" to their voters The Greens don't support action on Climate Change ,when they don't "endorse" the stupidity of Nuclear. Joyce in particular has blamed The Greens many times for that already, using the "assert with out evidence" rhetoric conservatives world wide use.

Extremwetterereignisse wie Drren, Starkregen mit berflutungen oder heftige Winde bedeuten immer fter katastrophale Effekte fr den Zugang zu sauberem . Die Abwasserversorgung ist ebenso wie die Ernhrungssituation umfangreicher Teile der Weltbevlkerung betroffen. Vielen kommt das zugute, sie finden geeignete Umweltbedingungen vor und treffen auf geschwchte Immunsysteme

Lest im aktuellen Spezial ab Seite 8

La trappola dellefficienza

Great, another source of emissions that has been underestimated.

The US obviously tops the charts, but other notable mentions are China, Australia and Norway.

Direct link to study:

La trappola dellefficienza

Understanding the world is massive, extremely complex and highly probably not something one person has ever or will ever be able to do.

We rely on some very good people, people just like you and I, that have dedicated / fallen into being the most knowledgeable in certain areas.

this was an interesting read about and effectiveness. I've been struggling with the state of the world for years now, and I wonder whether being more aware of my possible impact might help with that.

And the ecosysytems collapse is happening right now as well. My blog describes how SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising. We still need to slash CO2, but slow er and avoiding collapse
Risks are many times smaller than impact and manageable

Please read the blog before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough

And the ecosysytems collapse is happening right now as well. My blog describes how SAI can cool the earth in 2 years and keep temperature steady even if CO2 keeps rising. We still need to slash CO2, but slow er and avoiding collapse
Risks are many times smaller than impact and manageable

Please read the blog before you disagree
And sorry, its very long and thorough

An interesting, and sometimes heated conversation with Gavin Schmidt, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. The climate models that IPCC depends on haven't been updated since 2014, and are wrong. Limiting global warming to 1.5C or even 2C is not possible. What caused the record high 2023 temperatures We don't know - we need to update the models.


New on our blog!


06.05.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

is common in May. But not in April and March, both of which were the hottest across much of India for more than a century.

In the short term, experts say has no choice but to burn to keep and on. But in the long term, it must transition to , to avoid a vicious circle of warming.

sends temperatures to 120F in

Weird and unpleasant metrics:

Parts per million of CO2 per person on the planet.

Administration Awards $30 Million From New Grant

"local grant administrators expect the new funds to save homeowners and renters money and help expand the states workforce... the grant will be aimed at rooftop projects and workforce job training, particularly in and communities."

In the past, warm temperatures used to come only after peaked. However, this time the off the charts records have been there even before the start. This may sign that is altering climate systems sooner than expected, putting us in uncharted territory.

Full Carbon Brief's report:

Flooding death toll in south Brazil rises to 75 as over 100 people remain missing

Seventy-five people are now known to have died in the flooding in Brazils southern Rio Grande do Sul state, while more than 100 people remain missing, local authorities said on Sunday. The states civil defence authority said 101 people were unaccounted for and more than 80,000 had been displaced after record-breaking...

>Fossil fuel industries and associated right-wing think-tanks, such as the Heritage Foundation in the United States and the Institute of Public Affairs in Australia, have long sought to undermine the science of climate change. Their strategies and tactics are similar to those once used by tobacco companies to undermine links between smoking and lung cancer.

One second I was thinking to go voting, on .an scale, just for fun. But, thanks to the german , I was remembered, that it's just a waste of time.

So, instantly, the German social democrats found out that there is something called: . The biggest Lobby party for fossile fuel and carbon energy, which is in power btw., wants to do climate change politics

When words are meaningless, become arbitrary.

The Worlds First Non-Polluting Combustion Engine: 440 Horsepower And Only Water Vapor Emissions

06.05.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

This is historical, The Great Maasai National Reserve in Kenya is now flooded. Inside the park is now dangerous, all lodges and hotels are now flooded.

The impacts of climate change is now affecting beautiful places that we never expected.

"Per a new report from, in 2024, almost 44.8% of homes in the United States, with a total value nearing $22.0 trillion, confront at least one type of severe or extreme climate risk from either flood, wind, wildfire, heat or air quality. Due to these high-risk hazards, homeowners are hit with higher insurance premiums and skyrocketing property taxes, less demand for waterfront properties and the total cost of owning a home will rise..."

Can't imagine that kind of intense heat.120 degrees We are in trouble,That's ugly,we messed this earth up so bad

When animals migrate to another location that's a big indicator that SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG.Animal sense it first

Raging floods and mudslides have killed at least 55 people in southern Brazil and forced nearly 70,000 to flee their homes, the country's civil defense agency said...

National Weather Service Heat Risk NWS offer an heat risk prediction if you live in the US. Interesting tool for

Wildfires blazing across Chile have already killed at least 51 people, leaving bodies in the street and homes gutted...

The 2019-2020 were a stark reminder of natures fury, amplified by . Over 90,000 sq mi burned, billions in economic losses, and a grave ecological toll. Why did it happen, and whats next

Former UN Workers Accuse Agrilobby of Intimidation Over Landmark Report on Methane's Impact on Climate Change

Lake tsunamis pose significant threat under warming climate

This part of Sawyer Street (a cut-through road) in Cape Elizabeth, is destined to be removed, allowing the marsh in the National Wildlife Refuge to interconnect. The road constantly floods, and with accelerating storm damage and sea level rise, the decision was made to give up and let Nature take its course!

Britains climate action plan unlawful, high court rules

I'm generally skeptical of organizations announcing their green and/or climate-friendly initiatives, but it seems like Eurostar is really doing a lot of good stuff.


Global sea level rise is now happening at double the speed of 20 years ago.


T****'s solution to fixing was to simply stop testing for it.

So DeSantis choosing to simply ignore is totally on brand for the .

The destruction of the planet isn't a mistake, isn't a misunderstanding, isn't an accident. It's largely a deliberate process driven by economics and the material reality of the society we live in. Everything that we produce and consume in an industrial civilization is dependent upon the destruction of the planet.
-- Max Wilbert

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Global Warming sucks