Climate Tipping Points in Oceans, Ice,
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Climate Tipping Points in Oceans, Ice, Forests - Myles Allen

Slide: Some think the models may be wrong

- for Climate - "The Education for Climate Coalition is the European participatory communityto support teaching and learning for the green transition and sustainable development"

Plant trees and save the planet.

"Heatwaves now last much longer than they did in the 1980s"

Because of lax rules, national inventories reported to the United Nations grossly underestimate many countries greenhouse gas emissions. The result, analysts say, is that the world can not verify compliance with agreed emissions targets, jeopardizing global climate agreements...

From the National Observer:
Florida is about to scrub climate change from most of its laws

Pierre and the premiers will be watching this closely to see if Floridas exceedingly simple and low cost attempt at mitigating is successful.

General rule of thumb: Low gross emissions are better than net zero or net negative emissions.

Especially when those low gross emissions are across scope one (on premises), two (off-site energy), and three (supply chain).

Doubly so if those net zero/negative emissions are due to carbon offsets.

The fact of the matter is that the planet isnt going to explode like a balloon over a lighter. There wont be a doomsday where everything just stops. We need to prepare for the actual future, which is arguably darker than instantaneous extinction. Most likely, even if we dont mitigate climate change, the world wont stop existing instead, the people and animals on it will face horrifying consequences.

The Seven Stages of climate denial:

1. It's not real
2. It's not us
3. It's not that bad
4. We have time
5. It's too expensive to fix
6. Here's a fake solution
7. It's too late: you should have warned us earlier

Trolls use all of these stages to deny reality of Prof Mark Maslin

Dutch court hears 's appeal against landmark climate ruling

'Als democratisch verkozen volksvertegenwoordigers hun kop in het zand willen steken, kunnen we gelukkig nog terugvallen op Vrouwe Justitia. Maar de kracht van de Shell-zaak is nu net dat die verder reikt dan de rechtbank. Met deze klimaatzaken wil Milieudefensie ook een overwinning boeken in the court of public opinion, want uiteindelijk blijft dat de plek waar maatschappelijke verandering in gang wordt gezet.'

Last week, I was invited in the 18th Annual Global Educational Forum (University of Georgia)
Slides ->

45min to present evidence based association btw

Audience = 100% academics

In comparison to audience, always very naive questions and technology solution focused.

Maybe I am wrong, but I sport sciences, there is a major gap in term of climate literacy / :europe:

One of the thoughts wrt/ I've had for *years* now: Why do we use "average daily temperature" This is *the* most abstract unit right after "boulder the size of a small boulder".

I have no idea what does +1 actually mean and I'm trying to help in this sector.

Why don't we instead say: If the current trend stays, then in Bern (city) in 2035 in summer we will see current 2 plus an extra 15 days per year where temperature goes over 40. And in winter on Mnnlichen (skiing resort) the number of nights with sub-zero temperatures that are necessary for snow slopes to operate will drop from current 90 days per season to 15 days.

Make it a unit that is more touching, more touching, more personal.

Have you ever made a seed ball This easy to follow National Trust guide will help you get creative with nature and make wildflower seed balls to scatter in the garden or any open space.

It's a great activity for people of all age groups, so check it out and let us know what seeds you'll be using:

A good read about how car-dominated design and culture wasn't inevitable in the US:

The plot so far:

a) Policy to ensure agriculture never has to account for its pollution of the atmosphere
b) Restart offshore oil exploration
c) Restart Marsden Point oil refinery
d) Remove clean car discount
e) Confine carbon forestry to class 7 or 8 land so it is impossible for forests to fill the gap in our C accounts
f) Make punitive road user charges for EVs so they pay 2x what an equivalent petrol car pays
g) Abandon public transport & cycling to make larger roads

񟭗 Was Hottest Year on Record, 2024 to Get Worse': WMO Report

"During a moment when many still deny that climate change is even happening, or that its caused by human activity, the last thing we need is to be perceived as crying wolf. 

And on the other side, there are many who believe that the effects of climate change are so inevitable that its futile to do anything about it. Apocalyptic rhetoric is only going to fuel that sense of hopelessnessnot spur us to action."

Most of India Will Witness Above Normal Temperatures Till June, IMD Warns

Most of India will witness temperatures above normal from April till June the warning comes after several reports have cautioned that 2024 will likely witness worse heat waves than 2023 did.

Support Our Work The

NACTs action plan ensures we wont achieve our mitigation targets. They have abandoned our climate change response. How tragic & embarrassing. In the only words that this government can understand, there will be severe economic consequences.

Carbon tax backed by studies and data, says economist Canada Tonight

> Simon Fraser University School of Public Policy professor Nancy Olewiler is one of dozens of Canadian economists who signed an open letter in support of the ...
#carbontax #pierrepoilievre #canpol #canada #politics #economics #climatechange #cbc

Axe the Nonsense

Axe the Lies

Con Begone

Carbon tax backed by studies and data, says economist

It's mind-blowing in the context of our mythology of money but understanding this is key to many critical matters, including dealing with .

Demand logic from kneejerk rejection.. The inculcation of plot holes in the story of money runs deep.

last year's sudden spike in global temperatures blew far beyond what statistical climate models had predicted, leading one noted climate scientist to warn that the world may be entering "uncharted territory." "It's humbling, and a bit worrying, to admit that no year has confounded climate scientists' predictive capabilities more than 2023 has," wrote Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, in an article in the journal Nature.

Europes new energy risk: Trading Russia for America #Greenhousegasemissions #Liquefiednaturalgas #EnergyandClimateUK #Riskandcompliance #EnergyandClimate #Energysecurity #Infrastructure #ForeignAffairs #Climatechange #Energymarkets #Energysupply #WarinUkraine #Fossilfuels #Naturalgas #Buildings #Elections #Emissions #Pipelines #Americas #Fitfor55 #Hydrogen #Industry

And yeah... Even isn't immune.

Increasingly early ice-outs on Maine waters open up new environmental problems, experts say

As Maine wraps up one of its warmest winters in recorded history, lakes and ponds across the state are seeing ice-outs earlier than ever. Experts say that's affecting everything from to moose.

by Dylan Tusinski
March 15, 2024

"Earlier ice-outs have severe impacts on everything from algae blooms and trout populations to moose calves and snowmobilers, according to Mark Latti, communications director for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

"One of the most serious symptoms of early ice-outs is the increased frequency and intensity of algae blooms in recent years, according to Whitney King, an environmental chemist and professor at Colby College in Waterville.

"Blooms in recent years have been more severe and widespread, King said. Though algae blooms are a natural occurrence in the spring and summer, they can be toxic for humans and animals, damaging to natural ecosystems, and near-impossible to get rid of.

"Algae blooms size and toxicity are often worsened by bright sunlight, warm waters and intense storms, King said. This means that earlier ice-outs are causing earlier and more severe algae blooms, he said.

"'Across the state, were seeing an interesting ecological feedback cycle where the physics of the climate control when the open water period starts and ends,' he said. 'If you have shorter ice-in periods, you have longer open water periods, and these longer open water periods are allowing increased growth rates in our lakes more plankton and less oxygen.

"'Basically, our lakes have a longer growing season and that is not always an ecologically good thing.'"

Non-violent protests could be climate activists most important weapon.

Time and again, we see that public disruption is necessary to spark the conversations that result in much needed political pressure
Public disruption elicits outrage that sparks discourse, and though people may shoot the messengers the social science is clear that society, in part, hears the message.

The hype is out of this world, but mining in space wont save the Earth

#Asteroids #ClimateChange #Earth #ElonMusk #Energy #Futurism #JeffBezos #Launch #Materials #Moon #NASA #Research #SpaceDebris #SpaceIndustry #SpaceMining #SpaceResources #SpaceX #Technology #WasteDisposal #YouTube #IndustryReportsPapersAndEBooks #MarketDataAndAnalysis #SatelliteApplications #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy

How National Appliance and Equipment Energy Conservation Standards Can Improve Public Health and Advance Justice40 Initiative Goals

The author found that standards adopted over the past 30 years have led to substantial reductions in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and PM2.5 precursor emissions, which are harmful pollutants that can cause respiratory and cardiovascular health issues such as asthma, lung cancer, or heart disease.

, ,

Don't let Poilievre win unless you want the world to burn. I don't get how any voter could think this is a good idea...

Let's save the world, one step at a time. We can stop climate change with the right measures, its just that nobody seems to want to.

Tony Blair seeks climate role at COP29 in Azerbaijan #Businessandcompetition #EnergyandClimateUK #Financeandbanking #EnergyandClimate #Britishpolitics #Communications #Sustainability #Sustainability #Climatechange #Decarbonizing #Fossilfuels #Naturalgas #Technology #Companies #Pipelines #Industry #NorthSea #Security #Imports #Carbon #Energy #Policy #Coal

Why isn't this sounding alarms!! This is happening globally!

Harmful detected in 's could be 'an ominous sign for the Bay'

"Earlier this month, signs posted around Oaklands Lake Merritt made some joggers stop in their tracks. 'Avoid water contact,' they cautioned in bold letters. 'Harmful algae may be present.'

"The warnings came after a mysterious red substance emerged in the water between the Lake Merritt Sailboat House and the Rotary Nature Center on March 7, as the Oaklandside first reported. Subsequent lab testing by the California Department of Public Health and Regional Water Quality Control Board last week confirmed the presence of Heterosigma akashiwo in the water the same species of harmful algae responsible for the Bay Area-wide red tides and mass reported in 2022 and 2023.

"But Eileen White, executive officer for the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, told SFGATE on Tuesday that the current bloom has not reached those levels. 'The good news right now is the lake is looking good, and the red tide we originally observed has dissipated,' she said.

"White added that she runs around the lake just about every day, but did not observe any dead fish in the weeks since the algae was detected. The water has also returned to its usual color, she said.

"'But were still trying to understand what caused it. It was a little surprising, because weve had so much rain, and we typically associate these harmful blooms with warmer temperatures and less wind activity,' White said.

"'H. akashiwo has been documented across the world, but is most commonly found west of North America in , and , Canada. The species was first observed blooming in the central part of San Francisco Bay in July 2002, and was also spotted near Sausalito in 2004, depleting oxygen levels in the water and causing fish to asphyxiate en masse."

Come see the Colt Cathedral by Jon Kerpel at the Sun Gallery. It's part of the Climate Justice show that opens this Thursday.

toxin blooms to blame for fish kills at ,

Mar 17, 2024

PHOENIX "Golden algae toxin blooms are behind recent at Saguaro and Canyon lakes, the Arizona Game and Fish Department confirmed Friday.

"Golden algae, which can be harmful to gill-breathing animals such as fish, has affected Salt River chain lakes Saguaro, Canyon and Apache since 2003, the AZGFD said in a press release.

"Over the years, humans and other non-gill-breathing wildlife have not displayed negative health impacts after coming into contact with a golden algae toxin bloom.

"Hundreds of fish mostly of the threadfin shad species were observed to be dead or dying. Other species such as largemouth bass, bluegill and catfish were also affected."

And the happens to be nearby! Hmmmm...

in St. Lucie river and canal are in dangerous concentrations, DEP confirms

"Algae in the St. Lucie canal and river is toxic in concentrations that are dangerous for people, pets and wildlife to touch, ingest or inhale, but the Army Corps of Engineers has not said it will stop Lake Okeechobee discharges."

Lough Neagh: Toxic algae potentially waking again

Louise Cullen - BBC NI agriculture and environment correspondent

March 7, 2024

"Toxic blue-green in has potentially begun to wake up again already, with two confirmed reports since the start of 2024.

"Last summer, it brought the largest freshwater lake in these islands to the headlines.

"The algae also brought misery to those who live and work around and on the lough."

Read more:

And here I thought I'd make it through the day without any


I'm seeing a pattern here...

"'On March 14, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources responded to a fish die off on Traverse Lake in southwest near the city of Wheaton. DNR staff collected fish samples and checked dissolved oxygen in the water. The cause of the die off appears to be gas supersaturation trauma, also known as gas bubble disease, likely the result of an in the lake,' a spokesperson for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources told Newsweek in an email."

Thousands of Fish Found Dead as Ice Melts on Minnesota Border Lake

Published Mar 20, 2024

"Thousands of dead fish have been found in a Minnesota lake at the same time all its ice has melted.

"An estimated 2,000 to 3,000 fish were found dead in Lake Traverse, which lies along the border with , on March 14, the West Central Tribune reported. They included freshwater drum, crappies, bluegills, white bass and bluegills. There was also a handful of smallmouth bass and walleye."

Read more:

Thousands of die mysteriously in

Story by Vishwam Sankaran
April 1, 2024

"'We noticed some build-up, which generally is due to the stream water warming up,' said Hona Edwards, a member of a local guardian group that monitors the stream.

"'Then the biggest percentage of the stream was observed to range from very limited to no water flow. When theres no flow, the dissolved oxygen reduces, and the toxins build up in the waterway,' he said.

"Such algal blooms occur when conditions such as warm water temperatures and low water volumes are coupled with nutrient flows from agricultural use and toxic from human activities.

"While mass deaths of freshwater fish are known to occasionally take place across the world, a study of lakes in and in the United States found that such incidents have increased globally in the past decade."


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