Climate spirals down.Cyclic milestones soothe us,
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Climate spirals down.
Cyclic milestones soothe us, but
at wrong intervals.

Climate cliff looming
Warming, but still it snows. Phew.
"Clearly" all is well.

No advance warning.
Only tipping points can prove
tipping's on its way.

As the world sweltered through the hottest three month spell in human history this summer, extreme weather disasters took more than 18,000 lives, drove at least 150,000 people from their homes, affected hundreds of millions of others and caused billions of dollars of damage.

Bank of England rate-setter Megan Greene has warned the economic impact of 'could be on the scale of the 1970s oilshock,' requiring central bankers to make difficult choices

Not good. My olive harvest this year will be zero. I mean nothing. Not one olive on the trees. I presume it was down to the extremely hot, extremely long summer. Our fears are that this will be the new normal - science says our fears are justified.

Climate change is hitting our food production. Today.

I expect olive oil to hit 20 per litre in . 2 years ago it was 4.

play a pivotal role in . They contribute to soil fertility, assist in nutrient absorption, and determine whether soils store or release CO2, thereby influencing change trajectories.

The new special issue of Shoreline of Infinity is out now, themed around climate change & featuring my story Shelter from the Storm. Migrating through the detritus of a fallen Britain, nomads grow temporary homes from spiderwebs & fungus. But what happens when sickness enters their fragile ecosystem

"Swiss glaciers have lost 10% of their volume in just two years, a report has found."

Tackling climate change needs a rapid transformation of the way our world works, travels, eats and uses energy, according to an important UN review.

"This is the first "global stocktake" to examine the efforts of countries to reduce planet-warming emissions since the Paris agreement was signed in 2015..."

'This beta version of the Climate and Health Outlook Portal features interactive maps showing county-level extreme heat, wildfire, and drought forecasts for the current month, along with county-level data on individual risk factors that may make people more vulnerable to negative health outcomes from these climate hazards.'

decreases trust in scientific findings. Human caused events need to not be harmful for us and the . However, the idea of neoliberalism is to have a small, non interfering . This often has lead to neoliberal governments ignoring, defunding and even distorting . In my newest post on I explore the history of this and how it relates to and .

Green Our Planet

This Saturday there is a demonstration outside the North Sea Transition Authority in , the 'regulator' who greenlit the exploitation of the Rosebank Oilfield.

Saturday 30th 2023 - 12:30PM

NSTA Office, 1 Marischal Square, Aberdeen, AB10 1BL, Scotland.

Please Spread and boost and come along and support.

Japanese study detects microplastics in clouds, potentially altering the climate

"Nearly 1,000 people have died of in this year, in what authorities say is the country's most severe outbreak of the disease yet. ... It used to be a seasonal disease in Bangladesh, but due to hotter and wetter monsoons brought about by climate change, it has been occurring more frequently since the first recorded outbreak in 2000."

Extinction Rebellion launches its first UK-wide monthly Day of Action

#extinction #rebellion #xr #rebelforlife #climate #climatechange

i have always loved autumn, but now that is beginning to really kick in with weird weather everywhere I notice and appreciate all the familiar signs of all the more. Especially ! So many nostalgic memories of my own childhood and now also childrens (sadly beyond the conker crafting age now too)

The UK is "woefully underprepared" to tackle wildfires as makes them more likely, a new report by the Fire Brigades Union warns. There were more than 44,000 wildfires last year - an increase of 72% on the previous year, according to government figures out this month.

A refreshing read on storytelling:

"Climate Change - Disaster - Migration: Manufacturing a Nexus".

Chapter just published in "Climate Migration: Critical Perspectives for Law, Policy, and Research".
Edited by Calum Nicholson and Benoit Mayer.

Capturing with electricity: A microbial enzyme inspires electrochemistry!

Scientists from our Microbial Metabolism Group & the Univ. of Radboud and Geneva isolated a microbial enzyme & branched it on an electrode to efficiently and unidirectionally convert CO2 to formate.
Out now "Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed."

Read more here:

Original publication here:

The good news inside the bad news:

The extremely overheated Sea Surface Temperature went down from 'what-the-hell-is-going-on-here-please-stop-this-scary-shit hot' to 'never-seen-before hot'.

(Still, the overall 2023 timeseries is within the WTF regime with 'very high' significance and likelihood 'virtually certain'.)

Unbelievable insurance increases are walloping homeowners. Climate change is a big reason why

(And here I thought Nebraska would fare better than many southern states for )

SE Normandy
29th Sept

19.8c - at sunrise (7h38)
(semi-pro weather station)

My local airport, Corvera (RMU), is just starting to get some decent connections after about 15 years of back-handers, political meddling, dodgy regional government loans, bankruptcy and national airport agency (AENA) indifference.

Just in time for climate change consciousness to go mainstream and people realise that hopping on a plane for a weekend break is Not Cool.

From an urban jungle to a city with better transport infrastructure, these places are showing how to live in harmony with . Is your city on this list

It's ramping up... and NOT SLOWLY!!

It was obvious to me, 50yrs ago, that 'industrial/intensive farming' were fundamentally bad ideas. I didn't need to study science to understand. I did spend lots of my days in wild countryside though. Shitty-narcissists have done as per usual... anything they can get away with to get rich. Will the other 75% of us, ever manage to change things

We can hope, but it takes time to get into reverse.

EN below

Vandaag kwam in het Parool een opiniestuk van XR Families uit over het demonstratie recht voor kinderen. Lees het stuk hier:

Today an article by XR Families about the demonstration rights of kids in the Parool came out. Read the article here:

This is one of those pieces, that you start reading and dont stop until you reach the end.

The problem lies with our imagination as much as our

Oh doesnt it just. Imagination for the powerful, or would-be powerful, rotates uniquely around how they can acquire more power. The same is true for the tribal morons.

Id like to have been able to boost this >100 times.

"The Work of Many Hands" music video is now ready!

Led by Heloise Tunstall-Behrens with Robert Macfarlane, Peter Irvine, and Fleet Primary School's childrens choir. As Heloise explains, it is "A musical work that explores the possibility of a future where we have learnt through cooperation and working together to live in harmony with the earth and all the other species we share this planet with."

Funded by UCL Culture.

: If the worlds highest emitting countries only focus on technological climate solutions (like switching to renewable energy) and not behavioral ones (like buying less stuff and using less energy), the authors argue, may be slowed. But which includes symptoms like loss, collapse, and will worsen. And as overshoot worsens, the authors argue, the likelihood of societal breakdown increases.

UK unready as wildfires surge, warns firefighters' union

The UK is "woefully underprepared" to tackle as makes them more likely, a new report by the Fire Brigades Union warns.

There were more than 44,000 wildfires last year - an increase of 72% on the previous year, according to government figures out this month.

A corporate backed "Who Owns the Forest" conference in , faced opposition in the form of disruptive protests and targeted vandalism, which knocked out "a dozen windows" at the World Forestry Center.

Foreign policy has been missing from NZ's election campaign voters deserve answers to these big questions

From Sep. 2022: "Building all that new stuff is what would cost $62 trillion. But then they looked at the potential savings.

Private energy costs alone would drop by 62.7 per cent or about $11 trillion each year. In less than six years, those savings would outweigh all the initial building costs."

Belm e Manaus podem se tornar "capitais inabitveis" em 2050 por conta da epidemia de calor resultante das mudanas climticas causadas pelo aquecimento global.
Matria da Deutsche WelleBrasil, por Maurcio Cancilieri.

'Father' of Inland Rail project from Melbourne to Brisbane warns line may never reach Toowoomba

BOM: Australia Long-range forecast overview

Fires in Canada might finally be burning out soon.

This is pretty amazing and Im surprised this isnt a larger story. In 2022 we heard stories of Texas grid failing. That didnt happen in 2023 (even though it was hotter) and clean energy was the reason why.

Where does it come from Where does it go

We live in a closed system!

Japanese scientists find microplastics are present in clouds

lose 10% of their volume in two years
Volume lost during hot summers of 2022 and 2023 equal to total depletion between 1960 and 1990, says report

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks