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Brilliant! Where can I get one so I can make copies

Plant trees and save the planet.


After a sweltering day of at least 40C (104F), Sydney Australia will have to wait a little longer for relief.

The promised southerly buster is not expected in the city until 10pm on Sunday, but will dramatically decrease the temperature in a matter of minutes.

Scientists believe that at its deepest levels may contain that are up to a million years old and so will be far older than our own species, which is thought to have emerged about 300,000 years ago.

Because of the disappearance of , huge mining operations are being planned to extract and in Siberia's .

Arctic in Siberia could spark terrifying new , scientists warn

Fusion is allways 50years away at this point. We don't have the time or recources during .
Latter goes for fission as well.

The reason some people might want to re-enter are atomic bombs - which is something germany does not have the geopolitical position for atm. Unless we can buy them from dubios indian companies i guess.


The generic features that are consistent with quantitative estimates of the greenhouse effect are:

a) In thermal equilibrium: energy in=energy out (energy entering the atmosphere & exiting back out to space)

b) Human behaviors & activities (that emit greenhouse gases) are increasing the concentration (ppm) of atmospheric greenhouse gases, which is causing less energy (heat) to exit back out to space. AKA or

In a sense, the Hokkaido city of Ishikari represents the idealized, natural version of Hokkaido for many Japanese. Some residents say massive wind turbines will destroy that image.

Like it or not, nuclear is likely coming to merchant ships as part of reducing carbon emissions. GenIV reactors have promise, possibly.

The Case for Nuclear Cargo Ships - IEEE Spectrum

The future of global food production is under threat as temperature rises will impact farmers' physical capacity to work, a new study has revealed...

Germany should go big on nuclear fusion energy

"...fusion is not going to help solve the climate crisis in time. Because of this uncertain timetable, critics say investment would be better directed at the more rapid deployment of renewable energy, such as solar and wind."

And these critics are whom, exactly

Buy local

Cut down greenhouse gas emissions by buying local food and products. Local goods travel less, saving fuel and reducing pollution. Local goods also support sustainable producers who care for the environment and the community. Buying local is good for you and the planet

Europes solar industry is facing a crisis as Chinese competition erodes manufacturing in the sector, rendering the continents hope of greater energy independence even more wishful.

Sorry for being a killjoy, but the climate impact of shipping goods piece by piece from China must be huge. Around 80% of global trade is transported across oceans on cargo vessels currently powered by fossil fuels such as heavy fuel oil.

Kashmiris look to heaven, with prayers and hope, as snow stays away through coldest phase of winter

Snowfall is key to water supply and the economy, which is dependent on agriculture. That apart, snow is part of Kashmirs identity, culture and lifestyle.

Are the Huns with stirrups on horses basically like

Asking for a friend.

What are your thoughts about these new floating nuclear power plants

Cont'd. First photo is a giant calla lily in the freeze. They are root hardy here and their foliage typically dies back gradually in the fall, but this year it was sending out new shoots in December. Now I'm worried about losing the corm altogether. Second is a cast iron plant (Aspidistra eliator 'Asahi'). Most people know it as a house plant. It earns its name- this is after 72 hours below freezing-those leaves are bullet proof!

"Shipping uses over 300 million tonnes of fossil fuels every year..."

Fourth, a plant that I did actually cover with plastic, and it worked, I think. This is Dierama pulcherrimum, or angel's fishing rod. The roots are hardy in my climate, but the foliage may or may not die back over winter. But in my garden, it doesn't flower in summer if it's had to regrow leaves in spring. I know it looks floppy, but that's how they are. Leaves look good, not dessicated. Will likely perk right up in spring.


Third, a Rhododendron macbeanum, a big leaf species rhodie that's native to southwest China (Himalayas), it can stand frost but not much below freezing. Leaves on these guys last 2+ years and they don't have many, so losing them is a big deal. First you can see the leaves curled up like cigarette papers during the freeze. I thought it was done for, but after the thaw (second photo) they returned to normal and look healthy enough.


Second, a bay leaf plant (Laurus nobilis). Only barely hardy in zone 8b, the longest I've had one survive was for about 5 years. This one is a goner I think-- the splotches on the leaves are tissue damage that won't be repaired by the plant. Roots might out out a new stem but it will be a long while before it's big enough to spare a leaf for soup.


First, Daphne odora. A small evergreen shrub with the most lovely smelling blooms. Shouldn't be blooming yet but it was almost 50F before the cold snap. First photo is during the freeze, 2nd photo after the that. Leaves will all fall off but it will flush out new ones in short order.

So we had a massive freeze last week in the Pacific Northwest, actually most of North America got hit with a polar vortex. As the cold was coming in, I was rushing around with plastic trying to preserve a few hardy but delicate plants in my garden. Here's a short thread on how the cold affected different plants.


Cool new graphic from MEER (Mirrors for Earth's Energy Rebalancing)

For more info:

This is the best way we can address the overheating Earth. Reducing CO2 will take too long to bring temperatures down.

Meanwhile in .

The small West Australian town of Paraburdoo hit its highest recorded temperature of 47.9 degrees Celsius on Saturday, passing a record previously set in 1998.

It's forecast for today is 48 C.

Perhaps people will take the climate crisis more seriously if they know what a threat it is to coffee production.

Let the Albertans freeze in the dark.

"I would say quite a few students have been very excited about this work because it is a positive response to ."

50C 122F in Australia

Multiple states in Australia are sweating through heatwave conditions with the mercury predicted to soar close to 50C in parts of Western Australia.

Warnings have been issued to residents in NSW, South Australia and WA on Sunday to prepare ahead of deadly high temperatures.


Sydney suburbs to hit 40C (108F) as heatwave melts inland NSW

Climate change driven heat a danger to all living things as the only relief comes at night!

Old forests critically important for slowing climate change, merit immediate protection from logging

Six ways inequality holds back climate action

Future gigantic solar farms might impact how much solar power can be generated elsewhere in the world

Beyond a certain size, solar farms become large enough to affect the weather around them and ultimately the climate as a whole. In our new research published in Communications Earth & Environment, we have looked at the effect such climate-altering solar farms might have on solar power production elsewhere in the world


Large swaths of Australia sweltered in a killer heatwave, the nation's weather forecaster said, raising bushfire risk in an already high-risk fire season.

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock (repeat) Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

EU Sets Targets To Reduce CO2 Emissions From New Buses And Trucks

A new agreement sets targets bus and truck emission reductions. How those reductions will be achieved is left to individual nations and cities.

Heres Why Norway Hasnt Had Trouble With Winter EV Charging

"Another difference between Norway and the U.S. has to do with trip length."

Climate change is pushing humid heat dangerously close to the upper limits of what people can survive. Parts of the world are on track for conditions beyond the limits of human tolerance.

Here's a Unique Idea

Farming inside a mall: Guelph, Ont. duo pairs agriculture with urban surroundings

Fairbanks Airport might well drop to -40F/C or lower a few days in the coming week. This is not at all uncommon. However, the average frequency of such deep cold days has dropped by more than half in the past century. It's more than a decade since there's been more than a week's worth of such cold, much less the long brittle winters of the mid-20th century.

China's coal output reached a record high in 2023, amid an ongoing focus on energy security and a rise in demand after pandemic-related restrictions eased.

The world's biggest coal producer mined 4.66 billion metric tons of the fuel last year, up 2.9% from a year earlier, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

The country's overall power generation, which is dominated by coal-fired plants, rose 8% year-on-year in December.

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