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From Giant redwoods: Worlds largest trees 'thriving in UK'

Thats unfortunately a classic case study of how #ClimateChange activism as done by #Greenpeace #WWF works exactly against its goals:

  • Making far-fetching and exaggerated statements about what the climate change symptoms, easily ridiculing the careful, well-sourced and conditional predictions
  • Turning carefully worded IPCC probabilistic statements into simplistic certainties, further ridiculing actual scientific forecasts
  • Rushing mitigation goals which are described as ambitious but in reality are simply impossible to implement in the declared schedule, ridiculing the actual mitigation scenarios as proposed by IPCC and IEA
  • Cherry-picking from IPCC and IEA research, praising some solutions and discrediting others (e.g. nuclear), thus further ridiculing their mitigation scenarios and presenting them in the usual even scientists cant agree sauce

In short, I can only encourage you to simply ignore any popular media reporting on climate change because its 99% guaranteed to repeat activist narratives, thus repeating the above problems.

Instead, if you go and read the actual IPCC and IEA net zero scenarios, which are not only clearly written but also use balanced language and are factually correct, you will see that the actual climate science has nothing to do with the activism and most of the (valid) questions you asked are already answered by them.

This should be joke of the day. Its so ironic that a Belgian farmer of cows takes TotalEnergies to court, seeking damages for the impacts of on the grass he feeds to the cows. These ruminants then emit methane that is over 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide over 20 years. People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones!

I present this post for personal discussion & infos

Which, personally, is missing for me

1. Computers use a lot of energy & have a high CO footprint

2. Electrosmog

( Electrosmog or e-smog is a colloquial term for the daily exposure of people & the environment to technically generated electrical, magnetic & electromagnetic fields, which are sometimes assumed to have biological effects. )

How autonomous vehicles will transform mobility

Bushfires, floods, droughts, heatwaves. What other climate -related disasters could be on the way Oh, wait...

B.C.s precious old-growth giants are still being logged and burned to make electricity

Kenya is now producing 6.5 TWh of electricity from geothermal sources. Geothermal contributes around half of the countrys total electricity supply.

'Sail-powered cargo ship shows potential of wind.'

'Cargill says the ship spent half a year sailing the Indian and Pacific Oceans and the North and South Atlantic, during which time it used on average three tonnes less fuel each day.'

'That equates to 11.2 tonnes of C02 emissions saved for each day the sails were up. If replicated over a year, it would amount to the equivalent of removing 480 cars from the roads, Cargill calculates.'

A glimpse into the future, where rising sea levels are reshaping our world, eroding coastlines and swallowing up once-beloved beaches. This isnt just a possibility, its a reality we must prepare for.

People in Salisbury, Massachusetts, spent $500,000 on a big sand dune to protect their homes from the sea. It was washed away in just three days.

In this case, though, also a grand level of ignorance and incompetence.

Widespread support for , but, people systematically underestimate willingness of fellow citizens to act. Raising awareness about the broad global support for climate action is critically important for a unified response to .

'Investments have not only increased since President Joe Biden signed the legislation, the rate of growth has quickened, too. In the 12 months from October 2022 through September 2023, $220 billion poured into everything from battery factories to solar farms to emerging technologies like hydrogen, including $34 billion in federal spending, mostly in the form of tax credits.'

'We can certainly cut emissions by 40% ...
still far from 50% needed by 2030.'

OMG!!! What is this A break in the cloud Surely not! Sunshine Really &kinross

Climate Change

Did you know it's a bit like Cleopatra and the great Pyramids

Sign the petition: We must act now to curb the climate crisis.

Climate Change: Choosing to Fail, interview with Kevin Anderson

I couldn't help but laugh.

People with multimillion dollar homes, private tennis courts, multiple vehicles, big spaces to heat and cool using fossil fuels don't know what the answer is to their multimillion dollar homes getting washed away by

The fact he said that out loud is embarrassing

When it hits enough rich people, we will finally start to see some action. For now, just expect more whining.

Let's make this a better place for our children and grandchildren.


I feel like there's a very popular cultural idiom/proverb specifically about not building permanent structures on beaches

Petrol, pricing and parking: why so many outer suburban residents are opting for EVs

By Mike Hudema: Dear Humanity, threatens our existence. If we don't act soon there'll be catastrophic biodiversity loss & untold amounts of human misery. Time's running out. Act, before action is no longer possible.

15,000 concerned scientists

The Office of National Intelligence Climate Risk Assessment (released to cabinet last year) is the more honest risk assessment that almost certainly says we are risking massive food and water shortages, conflict and mass forced migration in the second half of the century. And billions of deaths, societal collapse.

Its the one the government wont release.

This other one is designed to reassure the public that not much bad will happen so long as you have an air conditioner and are away from fire and flood prone areas. Its based on the myth that we can adapt to +3C and beyond and as usual can continue.

heat records in Africa have been obliterated this week --
kind of a weird March headline but here it is -

March Nat Heat Records: Cameroon, Garoua hit 45.5C (113.9F)
Ghanas Navrongo hit 43.8C (110.8F)

Niger broke records at most stations - 45C (113F) in Tillabery, 44C (111.2F) in Dosso, 43.4C (110.1F) in Magaria.

Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou hit 44.1C (111.4F), both Boromo & Fada Ngourma - 43.7C (110.6F)

The sea level is rising as the earth heats and melt. At the same time, land is sinkinganother detrimental result of which is making scarcer.

Even as water becomes more scarce, Shirzaei says we need to mitigate the sinking of the land in the next decade, or it will severely impact the integrity of and .

Back toot:

maybe it will wake some of them up.

The Lifecycle Emissions of Electric Vehicles

"Electric vehicles (EVs) have zero tailpipe emissions, yet the emissions associated with their manufacturing and use have raised questions regarding just how clean they really are. The answer: in all analyzed cases, EVs have lower lifecycle emissions than their internal combustion engine (ICE) counterparts."

, , ,

Think the fossil fuel funded Atlas Network sounds far fetched
Heres a peer reviewed academic paper by Jeremy Walker (University of Technology Sydney)
Silencing the Voice: the Fossil-fuelled Atlas Networks Campaign against Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australia

5 min video

this looks EPIC. fight fire with fire..

's funds help work on Blackfeet recovery

"This is a completely -led initiative... It will restore one of the two species missing from the park the other is pronghorn antelope on eastside ... The retired several cattle grazing allotments near in preparation for arrival."

Extinction Rebellion exposes the Atlas Network misinformation machine & their fossil fuel bosses.
Join us on March 15

Australian music festivals are increasingly impacted by climate change. But is the industry doing enough to mitigate its impact

No surprise that behind there are such as oil, coal, tobacco & media companies

Battery Energy Storage System Evaluation Method

The authors describe the development of an effort to assess Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) performance that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and others can use to evaluate the performance of deployed BESS or solar photovoltaic (PV) +BESS systems.

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Remember when Secretary Pete hawked the bill as innovative and generational Turns out it was oh so traditional for the enormous cost.

The US is continuing to spend billions of dollars on expanding enormous highways rather than fund public transport, with a landmark infrastructure bill lauded by Joe only further accelerating the dominance of cars at the expense, critics say, of communities and the .

Clever off-grid EV charger

Thats why Atlas Network think-tanks target

Thats how they manage for their own interests - an untrammelled market ( ) at the expense of all else & everyone else

So I watch a lot of off-grid YouTubers in Minnesota, UP Michigan and Alaska and all of them are filming and mentioning the "lost winter" of low snow/fluctuating snow/early rain.

My family has pioneer history in Alaska MatSu Region, like a lake named after us, and I've been visiting local glaciers for the last 40 years there and they're all receding like crazy in that time.

'Realities of climate change': Federated States of Micronesia declares state of emergency amid severe drought

Federated States of Micronesia President Wesley Simina has declared a national emergency due to severe drought, and sent it to his country's Congress for review. The president's signed declaration said the nation has been experiencing "extremely and unusually low levels" of rainfall, and it is anticipated that this condition...

Never heard of the They are behind worldwide

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks