Angie McMahon covers Australian Crawls Reckless
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Angie McMahon covers Australian Crawls Reckless for Like A Version

they found this chemical in Cheerios and Quaker Oats

In today's Headlines of a Warming World, we're writing about the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a vital circulatory system of ocean currents, which is on a tipping course and could collapse due to freshwater input from melting ice and increased precipitation.

Disruption of the AMOC could freeze Europe, scorch the tropics and increase sea level rise in the North Atlantic.

B.C.'s 2024 vintage faces wipeout, as wine report predicts up to 99% loss due to cold

Nearly 15% of Americans dont believe climate change is real, study finds

Denialism highest in central and southern US, with Republican voters less likely to believe in climate science

Plant trees and save the planet.

In response to last years record-breaking heat due to El Nio and impacts from climate change, Indigenous Zen farmers in Colombia are trying to revive the cultivation of traditional climate-resilient seeds and agroecology systems.

By Monica Pelliccia

Increasing heat, storms and coastal erosion threats all pose massive issues for EU trains and no one knows just how much fixing it will cost.

ALL serial liars, AKA sociopaths, use plausible deniability to mask their lies. Sociopaths are, of course, aware that they lie (a lot). That means they spend a lot of time plotting immoral activities. & are examples of sociopaths scams. The sociopaths ALL plot to profit, directly or indirectly, from selling more "fossil" fuels. Selling harmful products isn't a problem for a sociopath. Sociopaths charm their 'marks' (bipolar)


has ...


A path to achieve a net-zero greenhouse gas economy States must use all removal methods available
"United States must use all removal methods available" "to achieve net-zero goals" by 2050. In other words, all hands on deck about this. No just reduction, no just biomass, no just carbon credits we need to stop hitting each other about the solutions and start to implementing them because we are going to need each of them.

Deforestation surges in Brazils sensitive Cerrado region
I know that some countries have been able to decouple economic growth and emissions, but I think that is not going to be true for all the industries and of course not for all the countries since some of them rely more heavily on to grow.

The EU got its first climate report card. Its not good POLITICO
Oh c'mon! we haven't even started and this is just the little tip of what is really needed. Are they already complaining that is too much

Most Earth system models are missing key piece of future climate puzzle, researchers say
So something is brewing in the Arctic and we don't really know how much.

Your daily reminder we are fueling and accelerating the disaster

Zeke Hausfather
"Global temperatures have spiked in recent days, and are now back above 2C in the ERA5 dataset, matching the record reached last November. So far February is on track to be the warmest since records began, continuing the record-breaking streak of months that started last May."

This is the timelapse of 525 private jets departing Las Vegas following the Super Bowl.

We gave up plastic straws and turn off standby lights though so.. were really on it with this preventing catastrophe thing!

Climate The weather here is mild and it is in no way normal to have so many flowers blooming in mid-February.

Although beautiful, the scene is a somber reminder of the ever-increasing effects of .

Ave onorata , sar per questo motivo che oggi due colossi finanziari escono dalla barca del forse perch esso non era reale, ma solo un modo del sistema di ottenere qualcosa per s e, ora, gli sta costando troppo per via del cambio di /

Prof. Kevin Anderson, Climate: Where We Are Headed

"In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell

JPMorgan and State Street have quit climate coalition CA100+, while BlackRock transferred its membership to its international arm removing $14 trillion from Wall Street climate action efforts.

Oh, dear. Could this be the result of /s

A collapse is looming for Louisianas coastal wetlands, scientists say
Rapidly rising seas are wreaking havoc on Louisianas coastal wetlands, & could devastate three-quarters of the states natural buffer against hurricanes in the coming decades, scientists found"

Most of the worlds population wants to fight climate change, but that majority thinks they are the minority.

This misperception matters. People are less likely to act for the common good if they think everyone else is free-riding"

69% of Europeans would be willing to give up 1% of their income each month to fight

How to do climate policy in the age of the green backlash - via FT

Biosphre du dsert, la prpa d'une mission low-tech, voir sur Arte, 5 pisodes

Low-tech Lab Forum Low-Tech 2024 - Centrale Nantes, 20/02/2024 de 09h 20h, gratuit, Prix libre et conscient

Low-tech : dfinition, principes et exemples Low-tech Nation

High-tech : et si l'avenir tait la low-tech Les Echos !

First time this year to work with no coat on. Feels very wrong in February

The Keeling Curve a graph of global, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration readings from the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Loa registered a record carbon concentration of 426.5 parts per million.

A New Era in Global Heat
Well it's pretty clear where we are heading, isn't it

2023s billion-dollar disasters list shattered the US record with 28 big weather and climate disasters amid Earths hottest year on record
This is just part of the cost economic cost because there is going to be other coststhat climate change is going to have in our lives.

Global survey shows: Broad majority of global population supports climate action

A global survey, encompassing 125 countries & over 130,000 individuals, reveals unprecedented support for climate action. Findings indicate 69% of respondents are willing to allocate 1% of personal income towards combating

Overwhelmingly, 86% support pro-climate social norms, emphasizing a universal call for increased political action.

via Ubonn

Solidarity 699
New issue of Solidarity out now!

Read at:

Something is not working: Economists urge EU Commission to overhaul its models

Now has become a , and in those mid-altitude mountains we barely see any snow for the whole winter.

Ski stations had to invest tons of money into artificial and now our look like this.

My goal this winter (before I fucked up my ankle) was to get back to skiing after a 10 years break. It would have been a privilege of course. Still, I'm mad at those and who knew all this and didn't made a single thing to try stopping .


At that time it wasn't privileges, it was just what would do because lasted for 6 months and we had nothing else to do. We always found quite good hardware (, poles, boots, even jackets and trousers).

I'm super sad, I really feel we got robbed of every and perspective I was enjoying as a . Especially our 90s generation, being just at the tide of


Had the most pleasant and nostalgic dream ever. I'm feeling very sad it ended.

I was with my & childhood (who have stopped talking to me years ago), wasn't a thing and we were still in the surrounding here. Doing 360 tricks and backflips from the cliffs. Having fun and adrenaline rushes.

It hits me so hard.


Kazakhstan: Methane mega-leak went on for months

One of the worst methane leaks ever recorded took place last year at a remote well in Kazakhstan, new analysis shared with BBC Verify has shown.

It is estimated that 127,000 tonnes of the gas escaped when a blowout started a fire that raged for over six months.

According to the International Energy Agency, is responsible for about 30% of the rise in global temperatures since the Industrial Revolution.

'We are in a health emergency now, mate': Activists hijack PM's media conference
By Keely Johnson

Anthony Albanese spoke with the protesters after the event on the NSW Central Coast and told them that the government needed to be strategic in the transition away from fossil fuels.

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Global Warming sucks