and exceeded capacity in for the
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and exceeded capacity in for the first time in history in June

Solar will become Chinas primary source of electricity by 2026

The Fraught Election to Determine Who Will Call the Shots on Deep-Sea Mining

: Today's North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly is 1.23C above the 1982-2011 mean.

Data source:

"Extreme heat makes flying harder. Airlines and airports say they aren't sweating it."

Green Our Planet

If you are an academic receiving funding from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), then we can help you provide evidence of engagement with industry sectors

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Tropical laciers are now at their smallest size in over 11,700 years, indicating significant warming.

Researchers studying Andean rocks have found that glacial retreat is accelerating due to rising global temperatures.

This is alarming as many regions depend on glacial meltwater for drinking & agriculture. Additionally, melting glaciers expose darker surfaces that absorb more heat, further accelerating in a feedback loop.

"123 Agreements provide a legal framework for peaceful nuclear cooperation such as the export of nuclear material, equipment, and components from the United States to another country, according to the US Department of States website."

"Extreme weather is, by definition, rare on our planet. Ferocious storms, searing heatwaves, and biting cold snaps illustrate what the climate is capable of at its worst. However, since Earths climate is rapidly warming, predominantly due to fossil fuel burning, the range of possible weather conditions, including extremes, is changing."

: "Munich Re, the worlds biggest reinsurance company which takes on disaster risk for insurers around the world has more than doubled in market capitalisation over the past five years. S&Ps composite index of big US property and casualty insurers is up by a healthy 76 per cent over the same period.

But these bullish share price numbers are not necessarily a reassuring sign for society at large. Investors are not cheering insurers for rolling out affordable coverage ever more widely in response to worsening climate risks.

On the contrary, theyre rewarding them for becoming increasingly selective in the coverage they offer and charging significantly higher prices for it in an effort to avoid big losses in the future.

Global reinsurers increased the prices they charge insurers for property catastrophe cover by more than 30 per cent last year, Morgan Stanley analysts estimate. In response to investor pressure theyve also been cutting back the cover they provide for medium-sized disasters, which have been driving a growing volume of losses, according to analysts at Fitch Ratings."

"Weather chaos with deadly
heat waves, devastating monster storms, and persistent widespread droughts that
could trigger worldwide hunger crises. Rising sea levels that devastate our coasts.
Collapsing ecosystems, devastating species extinctions, burning and withering forests, acidified oceans. Failed states, huge numbers of people on the run."

What does 3C of global warming mean for us
"Without immediate, decisive climate protection measures, my children currently attending high school could already experience a 3-degree warmer Earth. No one can say exactly what this world would look likeit would be too far outside the entire experience of human history. But almost certainly this earth would be full of horrors for the people who would have to experience it."

Halfway through the peak flood season, China has already experienced the highest number of significant floods since record keeping began in 1998, and the hottest July since 1961.

Downloading some 'light' summer holidays reading:

"3 Degrees More.
The Impending Hot Season and How Nature Can Help Us Prevent It"

Old people, in big cities, afraid of the sky. Don't look up.

not , right

" isn't rEaL..!"
Winchester in the UK has NEVER flooded like this before.

"I had a good chat with one guy who was convinced this was the product of global warming and that we were all warned about it at school in the 80's!

"I'm not sure whether this is directly related or not, but it was like nothing I've seen before."

"The innovative facility, which, according to the Chinese authorities, will start operating by 2025, intends to change the global energy sector thanks to its advanced technologies and prospects for creating safer and more environmentally friendly nuclear energy."

China sees highest number of significant floods since records began China The Guardian

"L'energia ja t data de caducitat. Segons un recent estudi de l' (Agncia Internacional d'Energia) el principi de la fi del ser abans del 2030 i el del abans del 2040".


02.08.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

This is extremely informative and good explainer what 3C warming means for everyone..

Sparc Technologies (ASX:SPN) advances green hydrogen pilot plant - published 02 Aug 2024

Controversial solar project clears hurdle to construction in Clermont County, (Eastern suburban county)

It will include solar panels to generate 100 megawatts of power with a 52.2-megawatt battery and other infrastructure.

Right wing groups have been trying hard to stop projects in SW Ohio, spreading misinformation and over stating and exaggerating infrastructure issues with current solar farms

"What happens to plants in a less predictable world"

Large jump in atmospheric CO2!
Based on daily values, the July average at Mauna Loa was 425.6-425.7 ppm. That's 3.8 ppm higher than last year one of the biggest year-on-year increases I've seen!

CargoB is the First Electric Cargo Bike Share in the United States

"For Bostons cycling enthusiasts, the launch of CargoB marks a significant shift in urban mobility. As the nations first on-demand electric cargo bike share, CargoB offers a practical alternative for those looking to navigate the city efficiently."

The issue is who is buying this oil Who is consuming it What will it take to make them stop

as usual is leading to .

There are still hundreds of billions of dollars of planned for . Not because renewables are not technically or financially viable, but because estimates are the fossil fuel investments will have higher returns on .

That is only because fossil fuel investments are able to externalise so much of their costs. Aside from ongoing subsidies, there is a failure to properly account and attribute damages foreseeable damages to the liable businesses and industries.

Insurance companies must take action to recover the health, property and business losses caused by greenhouse gas emissions.

The Economist has reported face a $25trn bill from . the worlds biggest asset class, is also its most vulnerable. Health costs and associated health insurance impacts may well challenge that. Also add in financial losses to industries like and along with .

Demand 5 - Explore ways to bring fossil fuel companies to court in order to make polluters rather than insurance customers pay for the growing costs of climate disasters.


I don't understand why Al Gore never took out ads just to flip two middle fingers for 30 seconds.

He deserves it.

I had air conditioning installed on my home, its first in the 65 years it has stood. Homes here have been built to keep the heat in, not out. I feel beyond privileged, but also guilty that we are now adding to the strain the grid is facing

When your intention is true, no one can stop you.

Same folks that first denied
was real then last year told you increased was due to an evil cabal now gaslight that we're actually not experiencing an increase at all, that what just happened to is . Reckless. And wrong. /10

The math here is elementary: human-caused dramatically heats the planet. A hotter planet means longer creating more kindling or FUEL from our forests, resulting in larger, more destructive & a WHOLE LOT MORE SMOKE /5

Antarctica is a giant place. (by square miles, it's bigger than either Australia, the US, Canada, or Europe, and about 20% smaller than South America)

I've been looking at forecasts for Antarctica for probably many years now, andn I can't ever recall seeing one where basically the entire continent is enveloped in abnormally high temperatures (reluctant to call it a heat wave bc it's still Antarctica)

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks