Ancient production may hold clues for
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Ancient production may hold clues for battling

"Heavy flooding is UKs climate crisis wake-up call, says Tewkesbury Abbey canon"

The NASA climate spiral visualization

"The visualization presents monthly global temperature anomalies. This visualization is updated roughly two weeks after the end of each month."

if are to provide meaningful help, better batteries will be needed.

Some encouraging :

Check their website, they have some good arguments why that wouldnt be that bad.

Also read with many more ideas and concepts.

Ultimately there is no one good thing that can reverse and make the world happy and shiny brand new. The scars will remain.

She's got amazing insights and is a great tool for big-perspective thinking.

Here's a TED Talk about and the impact

Interestingly I was just flicking through this book in a today. I really wanted to align with these promissory views of a tech solution to . I really did.

But from skimming the text, I just couldn't get excited.
Capitalism and technology are so entangled that they form a massive mutual confirmation bubble of bias.

I didn't end up buying the book. But am open to being convinced that it is a good read!

"I am optimistic about the power of technology to change the world, and in terms of our fight against climate change its the strongest lever that we have by far"

Great interview with Hannah Ritchie, head of research at , about her new book "Not the End of the World"

Problemi anche al ghiacciaio Moreno

"Ritchies book is extremely useful as far as it goes...optimists wholl say: you know what, we can turn this around.... But we need the pessimists too the climate scientists, journalists, activists...We need people who will carry on frantically waving red flags, trying to warn us all of what could be coming."

Not the End of the World by Hannah Ritchie review an optimists guide to the Books The Guardian

Very relevant to XR, Just Stop Oil and the like.

"... the debate has tended to equate disruptiveness with property destruction. The real measure of a tactics disruptiveness is its contribution to eroding elite support for the industry or policy that the movement opposes. ...

"... steadfast leafleting can sometimes be more disruptive than one-off marches, sit-ins, or acts of vandalism."

Siri, show me how seriously our leaders are taking

Gli per lo in dipendono al #90% dalla .

Daily average global 2m air temperature

Dec 2023: Warmest December ever
Jun-Dec 2023: each month was the warmest of that month ever
2023: Warmest year ever
2013-2023: Warmest 10 years ever

Daily average sea surface temperature 60S-60N
Mar-Dec 2023: Hottest ever and off the charts
Same with N Atlantic

Atmospheric CO2 passed 400ppm in 2013 and 424 in 2023. Still accelerating.

there are so many positive feedback loops in the climate systems that are being pushed (methane hydrates, methane from thawing tundra, reduced albedo etc). The key takeaway seems to be that no attempt at sucking CO2 or deploying solar shields or the like actually matter or will be effective if we dont stop burning fossil fuels. That said once we reduce carbon pollution significantly then we will need to deal with the continuing feedback loops, if we can.

Vermutlich meinst du etwas wie das

Dankeschn an

What the climate movements debate about disruption gets wrong

More important than whether or not a tactic wins over the majority of the public is whether it imposes disruption on elite decision-makers.

Our argument consists of 3 theses:

1. Disruption must impose direct costs on elite decision makers

2. Disruption must be sustained

3. Disruption can encompass a range of tactics

A strategy that can impose sustained and escalating costs on those elite sectors that can force both polluters and politicians to confront the emergency

Latin America: the end of drinking water in Uruguay

completely preventable

Prof. James Hansen
(yes, THE from the 1988 US Senate Hearning)

Groundhog Day. Another Gobsmackingly Bananas Month. Whats Up

This was bleak. Hearing the ethereal song of the and the explanation of why it sung to the researchers was especially gutting.

Grief is a rational response: the 21 US species declared extinct this year Endangered species The Guardian

Capitalism is a Death Cult.

"SINGAPORE: By the end of the century, Singapore could experience more weather extremes under a worst-case climate change scenario, with more frequent very hot days, more extreme daily rainfall as well as longer and more frequent dry spells."

Climate projections at .

Come on all you peoplegive petrolium a break.

Just look at all the wonderful work they are doing to make our planet a better place for us.

It's not just warm fuzzies.
It's GLOBAL-warm fuzzies!

"Scientists are gaining new insights into the complex constellation of factors that interact with heat to cause illness and death. They know workers can die of heat stroke even when temperatures fall below the low 80s. They know existing reporting measures vastly underestimate heat-related injuries and deaths. And theyve discovered that simultaneous short-term exposure to heat and fine particle pollution, both deadly on their own, may be particularly lethal."

Humans (apes) are hilarious.

Were FREAKING OUT an airplane door might open and kill at most a few hundred of us (less than a drop in a drop in a drop in a drop in a drop in a drop in a drop in a drop in a drop in a drop in a drop in a drop in a bucket), but when it comes to climate change and our fossil fuel contribution, were like YAWN! NOT THAT OLD SHIT AGAIN!!

Z At the top of the hour it's Radio Ecoshock (repeat) Presented by Alex Smith. A weekly program about the Latest , authors, issues - from , oceans, forests, , solar storms, the , and .

Raining through the night yet again. Where is the January frost Monsoon was supposed to end in Oct/Nov!

Climate Change

Extreme drought in Louisiana threatens to create a crawfish shortage

Zack Labe (()zlabe X): "Uh..."

No, its not satire: "Climate change: Former oil executive Mukhtar Babayev to lead COP29 talks in Azerbaijan"

Governments looked at the climate crisis and decided to persecute the activists

South Coast ski hills finally catch a break as fresh snow delivers big lines
Ski hills on B.C.'s south coast finally caught a break Saturday with a fresh dump of snow providing relief to for a heavily delayed season.

Your Money Is Funding Fossil Fuels Without You Knowing It.

Banks use your deposits to make loans to carbon-intensive industries. A new analysis finds that $1,000 in your account creates emissions equal to a flight from NYC to Seattle.

Lorne Fitch said it best: "If we dont start connecting the dots between the state of the watershed and downstream water availability, this will exacerbate drought conditions, ability to irrigate, provide domestic water supplies and affect economic sustainability.

We have operated too long with siloed approaches to water. With the frontier of resource abundance behind us, change is required."

My public transit playlist is up to 117 songs. Some are released music and some are PSAs for public transit that feature songs. Some mention public transit in passing, and some are primarily about public transit in theme/setting. I haven't had time to arrange them into an order the flows well, though.

South Coast ski hills finally catch a break as fresh snow delivers big lines
Ski hills on B.C.'s south coast finally caught a break Saturday with a fresh dump of snow providing relief to for a heavily delayed season.

Chris Skidmore, a Conservative MP and former Secretary of Energy in the Tory government, announced his resignation from Parliament. Why Because next week that government, led by Rishi Sunak, is going to try and open up the North Sea to a huge new wave of oil and gas drilling. Its as if a Republican Senator said, Im not running again because my party has become a subsidiary of the fossil fuel industry.

There is no such thing as sustainable jet travel. No matter what "they" say, physics proves they're talking BS (industry & passengers, often due to various personal reasons - the greenwashers & the greenwashed that want to believe in the greenwash)

"The flight volume increased again the following year & was forecasted to reach 34.4 million passengers in 2023"

Cont. in reply

The City has a cross-corporate team supporting drought readiness. We are also working with our regional partners, who also share the Bow River, and The Province to prepare for the season ahead.

Calgary's plans to grow local industries to create an "inland port" is pretty ironic in the context of what is actually happening with

How do water shortages and drought conditions factor into those plans to attract new industrial partners to the region

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