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An attainable vision of a future where all can thrive. Once we accept that capitalism has failed.

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On in the in

"ENERGY has become a critical national security issue for Pakistan. The present policy prescriptions have brought us to a dead-end street. It has not only become hard for us to extricate ourselves from them, but they are also fast limiting our options to harness alternative energy."

Big thanks to Duncan Meisel for sharing the dangers of fossil fuel marketing and its misleading claims about and to our Ana Romero Vicente for the great moderation!

The replay is up! Watch it here!

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This discussion is part of , our hub consolidating resources on climate disinformation (supported by )

The latest I-CISK Project newsletter is available! Check out what the consortium has been up to in the past half year: empowering climate resilience, adapting to and understanding drought managment in the living labs!

Meanwhile in we continue to actively fuck our planet over

Despite Tamboran's plans to store up to 34 million litres of wastewater in open storage ponds, clear 145 hectares of land and emit more than 170,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, the project has not triggered further independent assessments such as an environmental impact statement.

RT by : 360 million Europeans have the right to vote in the EU elections 6-9 June.

If you are still hesitating, have a look at the 'In focus areas' to see why your vote counts - to green our , address and much more!

2024-06-06 13:04 UTC

Researchers are developing a bold plan to tackle one of the most urgent challenges: working out the most effective ways to tackle .

Our climate summit 912 June (info: info: is the subject to a news in :

Inmiddels is de conferentie weer lekker bezig. Nu bij de sessie "Artistic Resistance against AI Disinformation" met Paolo Cirio & Lucas Evers.


Als je enige interesse hebt in maatschappij kritische kunst dan moet je Paolo z'n werk absoluut nader bekijken. Zie ook z'n website

Lets make sure we elect leaders who prioritize the environment and are committed to fighting , reduce our carbon emissions, prepare for climate change induced disasters, help preserve our and prevent species extinction. And care about the people affected by it every day.


lections europennes. Le climat semballe mais des dirigeants et des candidats regardent ailleurs

This is the climate debate right now. Lots of individual ideas for solutions and strategies, lots of arguments and NOBODY really doing any of it.

It probably needs it all. And yesterday. Doesn't mean we shouldn't do any of it.

And just like with the meme, people are manipulated from outside forces with vested interests..

Climate Change

This is fucking stupid. Its the first fucking week of June, not August.

Impact of and natural disasters on fungal infections

A new study has found that the planets oceans are experiencing a triple threat of oxygen loss, extreme heat and acidification. The researchers discovered that, as global heating has worsened, increasing stress has been placed on marine species, with as much as 20 percent of the worlds oceans affected by these threats.

Underwater: or : Medium

Why is emerging as developers favourite : TNW

Explained: What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder () In Children, Teenagers And Adults : Misc

Check our latest

After the flood. We've had some heavy rain lately. This photo was taken on the North Esk in Midlothian after 100+mm rain in 36 hours.

07.06.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

UK Energy law and regulations

Its interesting that last year, in this country, the UKs Energy Bill had its third reading and was passed in the House of Commons. Did anyone know that Did anybody follow it How many people knew about it About three. It could have a massive effect on your lives in the days to come.

Wenn in 10 Jahren, wie prognostiziert, die Nordatlantikstrmung stoppt, werden wir am Ende der nchsten 20-30 Jahre! hchstwahrscheinlich verhungern.
Bevor wir erfrieren werden wir verhungern, Leute!

TiaIn 20 Jahren noch neue Verbrenner zulassen whrend in 10 Jahren die Nordatlantikstrmung stopptkannste Dir nich ausdenken:

On the risk of abrupt changes in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre
in CMIP6 models

My new climate model is scientifically accurate, if not precise:

- Switches in food and beverage product purchases can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Australia - "Switching between similar food and beverage products may reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe). ... Approximately 31 million tonnes of GHGe were attributable to products consumed at home in 2019, the three highest contributors of GHGe being meat and meat products (49%), dairy (17%) and non-alcoholic beverages (16%). Switching higher-emission products for very similar lower-emission products could reduce total emissions by 26%. Switches to less similar lower-emission products could lead to a 71% reduction." - Gaines, A., Shahid, M., Coyle, D. et al. Nat Food (2024).

Baking in the heat Check to see if you are you in a HEAT DOME!

I would say that this is the moment that future generations will look back on and say WTF were people thinking, but Im not sure there will be future generations looking back.

I guess I would tell them that we are fully occupied trying to keep much of the voting public from electing a criminal facist racist rapist traitorous convicted felon to run the country AGAIN.

The UN chief has called for a ban on fossil fuel advertising is the NZ industry listening

Vote Red or Green for me!

"Does federal law and the Clean Air Act override or preempt states and their courts from punishing the industry for the harm caused by greenhouse gases This is the end game for the oil companies. They want to get this in front of the conservative Supreme Court. Its an attempt to knock out all of these cases.

Scene: Im out with my mom, her friend, and the friends daughter.

The friend, commenting that she doesnt understand her daughters sense of humour, explains the last reel shared was a man, just screaming while playing the piano! What is there to scream about

Myself and the daughter (who just met), sharing the most millennial (TM) look, in unison, lots of things.

And for the record, the screaming piano video sounds HILARIOUS.

A renewable energy transition that doesnt harm nature Its not just possible, its essential

Just thinking about how back at the start of the pandemic, a bunch of people were like, it only kills 1% of people, nothing to worry about.

Which sounds a lot like the home school evangelical parent in the 2006 documentary Jesus Camp giving their kid a lesson about how has only heated the earth by 1 degree, nothing to worry about.

: New data shows surprising trend in underserved communities

"'s Inflation Reduction Act is attracting billions of dollars in investment in clean ... the majority of this investment has occurred in historically underserved districts... Nearly 75% of the investments made were in areas with median incomes below the US average"

Worlds Oceans Face Triple Threat of Oxygen Loss, Extreme Heat and Acidification, Study Finds

One of my strategies is not wearing clothing at home. Being able to have my open without my self being seen is my jam.

Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek must ensure Tamborans Shenandoah South fracking plan is scrutinised under new water trigger laws, after the NT Government signed off on the project without requiring further assessment.
World problem, not just
Pliberseks phone +61 (0) 2 6277 7920.
Staffer very polite-will pass on message.
Please call & boost. This is a bomb. Just what the water trigger needs to be used for.

'Copped an absolute flogging': dozens of rescues as Sydney, Illawarra smashed by heavy rain
By Nick McLaren and Tim Fernandez

The NSW State Emergency Services has carried out almost 50 flood rescues overnight as parts of the Illawarra and Sydney were drenched with more than 200 millimetres of rain.

"the front lines of climate change" indeed
(Video is from four months ago)
Extreme waves hit US Army base in the Marshall Islands

Depressing that it is a huge improvement for news publications to unequivocally write such rudimentary stories about and .

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks