Americas richest 10% are responsible for
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Americas richest 10% are responsible for 40% of its planet-heating pollution, new report finds
Americas wealthiest people are also some of the worlds biggest polluters  not only because of their massive homes and private jets, but because of the fossil fuels generated by the companies they invest their money in.

The solution to is certainly already out there.

Instead of protesting the job is to go out and find the person who's already got the answers we'll so desperately need.

Where to look

All I know is that they'll be in deep shadow: abused, isolated and discredited.

Go find them kids.

Because is not , in the we have which "allow ordinary people to decide what is right and fair"

Enshrined in law for centuries is the absolute right of juries to acquit a defendant according to their

Imagine a country that threatens people with imprisonment for simply reminding of their

Imagine a country that imprisons because they say or in their defense

That country is the (although I expect this does not happen in Scotland!)

Time is runningout

The IPCC Synthesis Report shows that is a threat to human well-being and planetary health. There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable & sustainable future for all. The solution lies in climate-resilient development. It integrates adaptation and mitigation to advance sustainable development for all, and is enabled by increased international cooperation including improved access to adequate financial

Low emissions refrigerant options should be excluded from F-gas bans Promoted content

A Thought for the Day:
I wonder what it will take for me to move from armchair support to proper combating . At the moment I do/dont do things domestically, that affect only me and my family it is increasingly convincing to me that we must act externally, by which I mean acts of but also those that are illegal, and probably destructive of property.
Im not there yet, but Im getting closer. If one is convinced by the science and the arguments, one has a moral duty. If we are on a war footing then much that is uncomfortable, that might have negative personal consequences, becomes necessary.
It may require bravery I havent exhibited in the past.

I would suggest it also helps reduce climate change sustainably:

If we define climate change as human-induced changes, then educating women, and promoting first-world standards of family planning, contributes to reducing the rate of increase of the human population.

It's for everyone to do their own root-cause analysis of course, but I'm always gobsmacked that no one lobbies for this.

Climate Change
<a href="">mate Change</a>

Climate Change

: "A popular category of carbon offsets held by a number of major publicly traded companies is significantly more prone to greenwashing than previously feared, according to a new investigation of the financial instruments.

The conclusion is based on work done by a team of 14 researchers in association with the University of California, Berkeleys Goldman School of Public Policy. The study looked at so-called REDD+ credits, which represent roughly a quarter of carbon offsets issued globally.

Many of the researchers have been studying carbon-offset quality for many years, and even we were surprised, Barbara Haya, director at the Berkeley Carbon Trading Project and the lead researcher behind the report, said in an interview. We found problems under every stone we turned."

It's raining...finally. What a strange feeling... I never thought I would wait for the rain and be happy when it comes.

A recent study showed that the wealthiest 10 percent of Americans are responsible for 40 percent of harmful heat-trapping pollution released into our air.

It took a study to confirm what we already knew.

"Timing is Everything" ... especially when it comes to the rescue of an enormous system.

Dr. Hansen: "The climate system is characterized by *delayed* response (oceans absorbing 90% of the trapped heat) ... and amplifying feedback"

Rovere et al have a new paper out exploring the cause of the elevation difference in inferred paleo sea level between 120,000 year old fossil corals in offshore Great Barrier Reef in Australia and old coastlines inland from the current coast. The difference is over 20 m! They propose that dynamic topography (changes in the surface of the Earth due to mantle flow) is probably the largest cause.

This is worrying.

Star Energy is trying to reopen an oil field in the South Downs National Park!

This has bewildered myself and others working at WinACC (Winchester Action on the Climate Crisis) and despite the National Park Authority's clear refusal the development is going ahead.

If you can, please check out our campaign homepage here:

please share this post widely!

Upcoming Event

Climate Ambition Summit

Time: 10am - 5:30pm EST, 20 September 2023
Place: United Nations Headquarters, New York, US
Live Coverage:
More info:

This country is going mad.

3 weeks into springtime and the bushfire flames are already higher than houses, and much too close for comfort.

Stay safe .

People who work from home all the time cut emissions by 54% against those in office

European governments have systematically shrunk their and starved them of funding while pouring money into expanding network. For every 1 governments spent building railways, they spent 1.6 building roads.

Small investments into bike lanes and railways were heavily scrutinised, while investments in roads were taken for granted.

A Nantes, le plus grand hpital en construction d'Europe emploie du bton bas carbone - AFP

Government Changes to UKs Emissions Trading Scheme: More Evidence of Sunak Abandoning the Green Project.

An adjustment to the scheme will make it cheaper for companies to pollute, boosting their corporate profits.

The complaint v. documents thoroughly the Big Lies of and declares them a public nuisance. Cathartic read, and important.

Interesting take on the future of nuclear energy in - and how it could turn out to be a pipe dream.

are you listening

Sixth Assessment Report : of : IPCC

How could help save from devastation caused by : Tech Review

Is Spreading across the : Sci Am

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I am in Northern Hemisphere, so I do not pay that close of attention, but this would be the time of year that I would expect would you be getting Spring rains.

Sounds like precipitation has been well below normal for at least 6 months.

Is the Indian Ocean Dipole cutting off all of the moisture

Looks like it


A positive Indian Ocean Dipole is underway. The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) index is +1.25 C for week ending 17 September. This is its fifth week above the positive IOD threshold (+0.40 C). The longevity of this trend, combined with the strength of the dipole being observed and forecast, indicate a positive IOD event is underway. All models predict this positive IOD will persist to at least the end of spring. A positive IOD typically leads to reduced spring rainfall for central and south-east Australia.

When a positive IOD and El Nio occur together, their drying effect is typically stronger and more widespread across Australia.


Its possible. Restoring coral reefs. When want to.

incredible! The fact of not having to commute and leaving your car parked reduces carbon emissions! Who would have thought!
No it's not ironic. (Ok, maybe a bit)
But I'm surprised no one is actually raising this important aspect. As if employers don't care about climate...

How China Plans to Win the Future of Energy

But where, many are asking, is the modelling showing the cost of continuing to expand fossil fuels, as the Albanese government seems intent on doing What will Labors ongoing coalmine approvals cost us in the long run, in terms of both economic damage and environmental degradation

Heat-resistant Koshihikari rice variant "NU1" harvest --- Yield expected to be about 10% higher despite record heat and lack of rain(17 Sept 2023)
The variant was developed by Prof Toshiaki Mitsui et al at Niigata Univ.

"Harvesting of a new variety of rice tolerant to high temperature has begun"(15 Sept 2021)

Sad to see a CATASTROPHIC fire rating for the Far South Coast today - and so early in the season. A bad combination of higher than usual temps and high winds. Stay safe there

"Taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill for billions of dollars in damages wiping out entire communities, toxic clogging our air, deadly , record-breaking parching our wells."

California files lawsuit, claiming oil & gas companies deceived the public about the risks of fossil fuels.

"Nuclear is the parasite at the end of the world as we have known it for the development of this civilisation. Everything nuclear is over cost, out of time, and waste is a can that's been kicked down the road for over 70 years already. They will push this barrow just to avoid doing anything to preserve life on this continent that isn't making payday for them & their donors."


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