After 15 years, the Tasmanian government
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After 15 years, the Tasmanian government has handed down a State of the Environment report. It doesn't look good
By Jano Gibson

Tasmania has built a brand off it's clean, green identity. But a new state of the environment report the first in 15 years paints a different picture.

So.. Most of Europe is flooded. The part that isn't flooded is up in flames.


Excited to share this of a of Relationship Between and Environmentally Relevant Behaviours

The review was led by Alice Roberts as part of her /#DClinPsy

More than 80% of the gas produced in Australia is exported or used to liquify gas (a hugely energy intensive process) so that it can be shipped overseas.

Australia exports about 35 times more gas than would be needed to cover any potential shortfall of supply on the east coast in coming years.

All our governments continue to allow it

Edited to add link

: A Full 23% of Members of Congress Are Climate Deniers, Resisting Efforts to Protect Our Planet from Crisis

Floods have ripped through central Europe, killing at least 17 people, with governments across the region taking emergency measures and preparing to spend hundreds of millions of euros on the cleanup.

2024 List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor

This year's additions span numerous industries, including consumer goods, electronics, garments, textiles, and manufacturing. The mining and metallurgical sectors are also areas of concern12 additions are minerals, which are essential to our clean energy future and national security e.g., Figure 2.


Research: 88% of Top Global Banks Unprepared for Climate-Related Disruptions

First-of-its-kind Report Ranks 50 of the World's Largest Commercial Banks on Climate Adaptation Maturity US and Australian Banks Lag Behind

17.09.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Notes on Discussions : When observations force us out of certain engineering boxes the results are usually productive. Recent increases in solar efficiencies at scale will eventually make major contributions to mitigating . Now imagine what we can learn from propulsion systems.
There are likely at least two or three modalities at work that you could use to turn a turbine (updating dinosaurs but still) How does our world change when we have delimited energy production ...

Fossil Phaseout Pledge at Risk as UN Climate Finance Negotiations Bog Down
Mitchell Beer
79 minutes

Petrostates preparing for this years United Nations climate summit, COP29, are pushing to roll back the signature commitment to phase out fossil fuels that countries adopted at the end of last years COP negotiations

After 15 years, the Tasmanian government has handed down a State of the Environment report. It doesn't look good
By Jano Gibson

Tasmania has built a brand off it's clean, green identity. But a new state of the environment report the first in 15 years paints a different picture.

Super, Mitte bis Ende September wieder 25-26+ C und damit, wie so oft, bzw. fast dauernd dieses Jahr, 8-10+ C ber den durchschnittlichen Tageshchstwerten seit 1970.

Oder wie es gerade wieder im (rbb88.8) geframet wurde: Oh, herrlich, so schn

(English alt-text embedded).

The Climate Clock reads four years, 307 days and some odd minutes until the carbon budget is depleted and global warming will cause devastating damage. The Climate Clock is based on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports about greenhouse gas emissions and keeping global warming under 1.5 C

Colonizing with balloon-based floating cities is completely possible and easier than colonizing with the tech we have now. Plus there's a better gravity and temperature situation. So no worries about . /s

The transition to electric vehicles faces significant hurdles, particularly in the realm of public charging infrastructure.

Miseries of the Balkhash

Beijing is a key economic partner for Kazakhstan but it is less keen to collaborate on water issues

Google and Microsoft recently admitted their emissions are soaring as they build data centers to power AI.

But analysis from The Guardian suggests the data center emissions of Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Apple are 662% higher than theyre reporting.

demand action on climate change - Victoria Times Colonist Which is why on Oct. 1 s and the International I will be joining hundreds of seniors in Victoria, and hopefully tens of thousands across Canada, to call for immediate and serious action on that reflects both the immediacy and the severity of the challenge we face.

Ddssiffrorna stiger i regnovdret Boris spr

Anita Goldman: Klimatapokalypsen r fatala brnder och versvmningar

Centuries-old golf course falls into sea as result of drastic coastal erosion: 'Another three years maximum and I think it'll be under'

The area has lost 230 feet in the last 30 years

The New York City Panel on Climate Change predicts that by the 2050s, flood-prone areas in Lower Manhattan could experience inundation as frequently as every five years.

Climate experts warn that the combination of rising sea levels and more severe storms could lead to catastrophic flooding events

More than 3,000 chemicals from food packaging have infiltrated our bodies

A new study shows the extent to which chemicals are finding their way into human bodies

Climate Change

Ive always love autumn. I love it because I hate the heat. And I sort of feel robbed so far this year It is 10 degrees warmer than it should be.

This is the best time for running of the year, after you get acclimated to summer heat and runs are so easy when it is in the 50s or 60s in the morning. Tomorrow at five it will be in the 70s.

This sucks. I hate climate change.

Consistent shift to warmer temperatures since 2000: OBWB

Temperature indicators for the Okanagan show a consistent shift to warmer average temperatures and more than double the number of extreme heat events than normal according to the Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB)

17.09.2024 - 02:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

Learn how teachers can use a comic collection and comic-making activities to engage students with climate activism. The discussion will include the power of student voice and youth climate activism.

Link to sign up below!

500 finance institutions call on governments to ramp up climate and nature policies ahead of COP29

The 2024 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis was signed by 534 financial institutions and delivered to governments and policymakers on Tuesday (17 September)

Extract from "Small is Beautiful" by E.F. written 1973. I wonder in what world we would be living now if at that time people like him talking common sense had the power to decide about the future, instead of what actually happened: allowing big corporate interests to put their own private profit over people and the whole planet. Probably the most egoistic psychopathic act in the whole human history. Specially since they also knew about .

Researchers have developed a type of concrete that uses discarded shells to trap water. It's now combating floods and food waste in urban gardens and along cycling paths.

I am on UW campus tonight for the latest in their TRuST series: Charting a Course in the Sea of Climate Misinformation.

Love Yellow Dot Studios. Their weekly weather reports are depressing

Table of solutions

4 min

Its almost like monoculture is a waste and plants and animals do better together or something

new north american drought monitor map just dropped.

pleased to see mexico got real relief.
but drought is expanding and worsening in the US and Canada

55 Democrats Urge Biden to Expand Arctic Protections
By Jim Thomas
45 minutes

A group of 55 Democratic lawmakers is calling on the Biden administration to enhance protections for the Arctic, citing the urgent need to address climate change and safeguard wildlife habitats

Climate change a more fundamental threat than terrorism, Lammy to warn

Three articles in one link:

Fighting wildfires is evolving into a year-round job

The Big Picture: How geothermal heating works

Rooftop garden produces healthier hospital meals, with climate benefits

Worried about the economy, health care, immigration Climate change impacts all of that

Climate change doesnt top the list of voter concerns, but its tied to much of what people care about. Voters, and politicians, should take note

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks