A small, if temporary, victory.
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A small, if temporary, victory.

"Snowless winter in another sign of "

Dear Allergists,
Is this going to be the year my kill me because it is so warm and wet I usually begin reacting, come March, but it is going to be +15C this week - unusually warm for winter in

I am already showing signs of allergic response.
Yes, it was -14C two weeks ago.

Impacts of

Yet another case of being completely ignored when it comes to man-made . by YT channel, 'Be Smart'.

Tracy Brabin (West Yorkshire Mayor) is holding a climate change consulation on what local priorities should be. The survey's not super well designed, but it only takes 10 minutes to fill in:

Hinkley Point C woes threaten to break UK and Frances nuclear fusion

This is a key problem with nuclear power the cost and time it takes to build. We dont have the luxury of time. Renewables are cheaper and quicker to build

We cant engineer our way out of this: how to protect flood-hit Severn Valley

Die Stiftung hat einen groartigen Brief an alle demokratischen Parteien, besonders die im Bundestag geschrieben, indem sie die Parteien dazu auffordert zgig nachhaltige und sozialvertrgliche zu machen. Und zwar ber Parteigrenzen hinweg.

Ich teile den Brief hier in voller Lnge als Thread.


With some murmurings of mitigation doing the rounds, I thought this a cautionery tale of politics and entitlement vs the laws of physics.


We cant engineer our way out of this

>But today, as the towns and villages along the Severn valley clean up after the latest flooding, evidence across the country suggests that **despite tens of millions spent on human-made defences, the extraordinary impact of the climate crisis on rainfall, river levels and flooding means it is a matter of when not if the barriers will be breached**

>hydrological data emerging from across the country over the last 15 years offers stark evidence that no human-made defence is ever going to be enough to stop the water.

>We cannot engineer our way out of this. Raising existing defences wont be technically, financially or environmentally possible.


We'll do the nonsensical anyway I guess, after all it's why we're in this mess.

Climate Change

Alors que le problme de l'agriculture est lie avant tout au manque de vision de la profession, la libralisation du march des produits agricoles et aux lourdeurs administratives, le gouvernement avec l'appuie de la FNSEA est en train d'enterrer le peu de politiques climatiques et environnementales qui existaient dans ce pays, pour redonner une chance au climat et la biodiversit.

glaciologists wanted to capture samples from ice core drilling, which would be taken from 20 alpine glaciers & then stored in an ice cave at the South Pole.

but at one site, they could't drill the ice core samples, which were meant to be 20 meters thick, because they kept encountering really soft, watery layers down deep that were messing up the instruments.

they had to abandon the project at one glacier, which has now melted a lot.

The CO2 concentration is increasing all the time. If this trend continues, the CO2 tipping point of 478 ppm is very likely reached within 25 years.

We need to act now to reduce emissions!!!


313.2 ppm in 1954

In 1954, there were313.2 ppmcarbon in the atmosphere.

Today, there are422.58 ppmcarbon in the atmosphere.

That's an increase of
109.38 ppmduring my lifetime thus far (1/27/24).


Greta Thunberg joins protest against Farnborough Airport expansion to demand ban on private jets

#extinction #rebellion #xr #rebelforlife #climate #climatechange

The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people

But it does need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind.

It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable & humane.

David Orr

Discovered a fun veggie recipe app yesterday:
Today's message is to pass on the message that diet choices make a difference!

The Sundarbans dilemma: Islands swallowed by water, and nowhere else to go Climate Crisis Al Jazeera

Part 3 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 1 of 3

Exxon mobile has a greenwashing budget bigger than God.

Measures to deal with the effects of in Jordan.
Looks good - I would love to see more efforts to restrict individual traffic. Amman is a real car city.

Cities is sinking faster than sea levels are rising

"Our research with Tom Parsons of the U.S. Geological Survey found that most of New York City is sinking between 1 to 4 centimeters per year due to a combination of glacial rebound and the weight of its more than 1 million buildings. In a city where sea level is projected to rise between 8 and 30 inches by 2050, subsidence further increases its vulnerability to coastal storms."

Study shows flooding in San Diego amplified by climate change (video)

Report: Energy and Raw Materials User Needs and Requirements (EUSPA 2023)

#ClimateChange #Energy #Entrepreneurism #Entrepreneurs #EnvironmentalImpact #EUSPA #GNSS #Infrastructure #Materials #RawMaterials #Downstream #EditorSPicks #GroundSegment #IndustryReportsPapersAndEBooks #MarketDataAndAnalysis #PolicyLawAndRegulation #SatelliteApplications #SocioEconomic #SpaceEconomy #SpaceSegment #Upstream #UserSegment


Joe has ordered a pause in pending Liquefied Natural Gas exports pending further environmental review. Obama's rejection of the Keystone XL Pipeline is finally turning to coherent national policy.

This is an extremely unusual occurrence. hm, I wonder if this will always be the case Seems like a case of .

Jane Goodall on hope

I am at 38 N latitude. There is a moth flapping around my porch. The temperature was -5 C last weekend it is 25 C today. Did the moth survive the cold, or did it hatch prematurely today

people concerned about deforestation in the USA NOTE:
an Australian mill legally prevented from destroying our forest here is importing your hardwood from the north-east.
How do you feel about that

shared findings on airport operations already being effected by extreme heat: . I presented a paper on this topic w/ Loup-Giang Nguyen at 2021 : Long-Term Trends on Rwy Length Reqs of Transport Jet for Planning. This was part of a broader WSP-funded effort on the impact of on that we delivered last year.

prompts to halt new gas export facilities

Abigail Dillen, president of : "We applaud the Biden administration for taking this tremendously important step to align its decision-making on with US goals"

"Almost 30% of Canada's emissions footprint is from . That's 200 billion liters of fresh water used by 4 companies in the oilsands perpetuating the industry that's driving the emissions that are leading to climate change, increasing risk & leading to droughts"


everything is fine

A good starting point to flight

Dont be fooled: Debunking some of the most tempting greenwashing terms

"we need to fully transition from fossil fuels and into decentralized renewable energy solutions"

George Monbiot Calls Out Right Wing Dark Money

Climate change: when even ads that say Make this your ski home quit including photos with snow.

Sisters' 'lucky' encounter with a turtle is also a climate change 'wake-up call'
By Lily Thomson

Turtles aren't usually seen in Tasmanian waters, but climate change means sightings may become more common.

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks