A session with leaders discussed using
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A session with leaders discussed using such as & in the system to enable young people to learn more about . & need to be at the forefront to inspire hope.

Heres how 2023 became the hottest year on record
This year didnt just shatter records. It changed the scales.

As extreme weather events are on the rise worldwide and the is being held in Dubai, the is drafting a report on the impact of on cities, which concentrate half the worlds population

Hufvudstadsbladet: Hundratals fossillobbyister p klimatmtet mttes av motstnd frn FN-chefen

Man Announces He Will Quit Drinking by 2050.

A Sydney man has set an ambitious target to phase out his alcohol consumption within the next 29 years, as part of an impressive plan to improve his health.

The program will see Greg Taylor, 73, continue to drink as normal for the foreseeable future, before reducing consumption in 2049 when he turns 101. He has assured friends it will not affect his drinking plans in the short or medium term.

Taylor said it was important not to rush the switch to non-alcoholic beverages. Its not realistic to transition to zero alcohol overnight. This requires a steady, phased approach where nothing changes for at least two decades, he said, adding that he may need to make additional investments in beer consumption in the short term, to make sure no night out is worse off.

Overall, the richest people are causing because they fly on Jets or own shares in an oil company, for example

The richest people generally have far more influence in politics, the media & of course economics ("business as usual")

The richest countries "bully" poorer countries at to accept 'watered down' pledges. Pledges from the rich that the richer countries typically don't follow through on

Rich "climate leaders" is typically an oxymoron

The vulnerability of countries in the Global South to the effects of climate change is closely correlated with the risk of debt distress, shows recent research from the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington.

So why does the IMF persist in levying surcharges on loans to such countries

In the next few years we will pass 'peak' fossil fuels - it may have already happened. It will mean the world has reached its maximum use of coal, oil and gas and demand will begin to decline...

Oil company CEOs & share holders have a () bias towards making a profit from selling oil

A richer person can afford to buy & fuel a SUV. Wanting to fuel a SUV is a cognitive variable that has the typical effect of causing the SUV owner to experience cognitive dissonance when they hear information on why SUVs are harmful for people & the environment

SUVs are the opposite of what society needs to mitigate road kill, air pollution &

They like their SUVs!

UN targets global agriculture emissions amid food security challenges

Professor Kevin Anderson - A Big Success... Just Not For You!
"I speak with Professor Kevin Anderson about how the COP has failed humanity but actually is succeeding very well for the people running this colossal festival of carbon in the desert."

I cant understand why more people arent motivated to protest

UN aims to slash global hunger and emissions with an ambitious food system overhaul

fossil fuel pledges will not limit global warming to 1.5C, says IEA

The climate deniers playbook

Tensions and activism at Cop28 in the shadow of censorship

Climate Action needs Artists!

"If we want to engage people in the causes and consequences of , and empower them to enable solutions, we need to connect climate science with the humanities and see creativity, and artists, as critical to transformative action."


As climate negotiations at   begin to reach a critical point, lets check in on what's happened so far and the climate action we need now. - Greenpeace

Hardcore environmentalists have known that is BS because it's been captured by death-dealers.

COP28UAE's sole purpose now is to fuel propaganda used to pacify the public into inaction by reassuring them that "people are working on the ".
- Extinction Rebellion

38 years have passed since Carl Sagan testified before U.S. Congress about global warming. I must say, I feel conflicted about the optimism around nuclear, but the generational aspects of the problem and a need for a global consensus is still as relevant today.

Science news Sunday

I don't normally use the BBC but I've confirmed the stories.

This week

New species of moth discovered in west London park:

Fewer wild swans returning to UK in winter:

Food production is highly vulnerable to the effects of the climate crisis, with research suggesting that as much as a third of global food could be at risk from global heating.

Agriculture and livestock farming are also major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing roughly a 10th of global carbon output directly.

Paul Beckwith: Methane Migration & Venting from Ocean Seafloor Methane Hydrates Much Worse than Thought

No depot can switch off the sun or the wind. Thats the conclusion also of security and military experts - and we should have learned this lesson after Russias invasion of Ukraine. See this (German) op-ed on a research project by security think tanks and that I co-organised last year.

BloombergNEF: Electric vehicles and fuel-cell vehicles are expected to avoid almost 1.8 million barrels of oil a day in 2023, or about 4.1% of road transport sector demand

Two- and three-wheeled EVs account for about 60% of the oil demand avoided in 2023 due to their rapid adoption and large fleet, particularly in China, Southeast Asia and India.

The faster the world can transition to electric vehicles the better

IEA warns of inadequate climate pledges at COP28 amid fierce fossil fuel debate

To meet its emissions goal, Japan is eyeing a system to count carbon absorption by trees, seaweed and others plants.

As well as saving us from , a renewable-powered world is also one where energy is dispersed and democratised. Fossil fuels keep power in the hands of the few that happen to have them.

Total current technology-based CO2 removal removes just 0.01m tonnes of C02 a year, which is more than a million times smaller than current fossil fuel CO2 emissions.

Despite its small scale, voluminous carbon removal techniques are relied upon to avoid breaching 1.5C.

COP28 diplomats under pressure to unite on climate action as deadline nears

Good morning Fediverse!

Which one do agree with the most I like Econobscene best. Driven by "economists who hand arms and munition to the fossil industry", as Steve Keen put it in a talk last year.


Le design en low-tech

Low-tech : le got amer des choses simples larecherche.fr

Gnrer notre propre nergie Biosphre du dsert : la prpa d'une mission low-tech (4/5) ARTE

Global leaders prioritize agriculture in climate action at COP28

There are many dimensions of inequity so this report from on the gender gap in skills will unlikely surprise you.

But one thing it does emphasise is that even in an area as vital as dealing with & engineering a misogyny & continue to pattern society's responses.

That is still a vital aspect of was never in doubt, but it remains disappointing that in C21st we still have to point this out

"Coral reefs in peril in a record-breaking yearClimate change and its impacts on coral reefs have reached unchartered territory

One petro-state after another
Dangerous regressive trajectory.
Enough said.

Green Our Planet

COP28 drafts adaptation goals as climate negotiation tensions rise

COP28 shines light on agriculture's critical role in climate change

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks