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Wimbledon probably the best tennis tournament on the planet have partnered with Barclays, Europes biggest fossil fuel funder. This is bad for the planet and bad for Wimbledons reputation.'
just not invested in , but also in the of the !

NASA analysis confirms a year of monthly temperature records

When will we start to take seriously


14 pilgrims die from sunstroke as Eid al-Adha celebrations begin for Muslims

Dutch tourist found dead on Greek island and 4 other foreign tourists are missing on 3 islands
as extreme heat tightens grip

It's going to be a hot, extreme and deadly Summer!

Crews battle wildfires near Gorman and Sonoma: Buildings, thousands of acres burn

Climate Change

"UK election: How can the next government get climate goals on track"

starting so early in the year. More people are using AC causing demand and to increase.

"The world has seen record-high temperatures this year, with more than three-quarters of the global population experiencing at least one month of extreme heat"

It's 2024 and the leader of political party is seriously arguing to go slower on climate change action.

What a fuckhead

Recent UN talks in Bonn were tense, with disagreements over paying for climate damages. But the potential return of Trump in the White House also cast a shadow, both as a concern and an excuse for inaction.

As in Baku nears, politicians will likely make more promises they won't keep.

The threat of climate change looms, but partisan politics and empty words persist.

This Is Your Brain on : How the Heating Planet Causes Psychological Changes

Living on our heating planet doesnt just affect our lungs, hearts, and immune systems but also can harm our brains, affecting our moods and behavior.

EU countries rubberstamp after months of deadlock!

"A majority of member states gave the final green light during a Council meeting in Luxembourg, marking the last step for one of the s most controversial files... The pioneering regulation will set legally binding targets to restore 20% of the EUs degraded land and sea by 2030 and all ecosystems by 2050."

Vote Red or Green or Hell!...

occurring around the planet.

"It was the fourth such environmental disaster in a year, following floods in July, September and November 2023 that killed 75 people in total"

California looks to seize profits from Big Oil in climate change lawsuit.

Consumer protection and advertising laws used to pursue civil suit.

Appel la Rvolution Bleue! L peut devenir un atout majeur dans la lutte contre le drglement climatique. Dcouvrez dans ce livre des solutions innovantes issues de la , pour un autre futur.
Plus dinfos

These board games want you to beat climate change.

What board games featuring climate changeincluding a new version of Catantell us about grand problems, and ourselves.

And the same goes for saying that and the SE of could be wiped out by and too. God, I'm gonna go sit in my car and really give it the beans for an hour right now if that is the result. Get that fucking drowned as soon as...

Warn that somewhere that people actually like might be under threat instead.

Time Magazine: Bogus Carbon Credits are a Pervasive Problem, Scientists Warn

A study covering almost 300 projects found that the industrys top registries have consistently allowed developers to claim far more saving benefits than justified.

Researchers led by Barbara Haya from the University of Berkeleys Goldman School of Public Policy assessed the methods underpinning forestry projects responsible for 11% of all ever issued. They found shortcomings in each that resulted in bogus credits.

Offsetting is a misnomer you cant offset your emissions, she said. We need alternative ways of supporting climate mitigation because the current offset market is deeply not working.

Can those ringing the perils of and , please, pretty please, stop using the whole "Florida could end up underwater" as their warning call.

That is not putting anyone off changing their lifestyle. Nobody fucking likes . Warning it'll be underwater is not encouraging us to cut back on , it is making people want to go out buy the biggest truck we can and rev it 247. Florida underwater in a century, we can't wait that long. Bring on the bunny.

David Obura giving the first plenary talk at the . Great intro and important messages. Probably among the most important:

"10: 40: 50 - rule of thumb
Live like the middle 40%,
raise welfare in the bottom 50%,
enable this by reducing impacts AND redistribution from the top 10%"

He explicitly had a slide to redistribute ressources from the richest 10% to the poorest 50%

Lake Constance (known as the Bodensee in German-speaking countries) is warming up.

Measurements show that while the average annual temperature in 1962 was 10.5 degrees Celsius it reached a record 14.1C in 2022.

I published this last year before some health issues knocked me out of action. This is just a test post to make sure my realignment to Medium was successful. Enjoy!

Our wealth is the forest: "How many times will we have to call a national strike or call upon presidents to abide by the law

As many times as it takes. This is not a game. This is not a pastime, a hobby or a phase. This is our home and our existence. This is the possibility of our childrens dreams. Our wealth is the forest. Our wealth is alive. Our wealth is the knowledge we carry and share through song. Our wealth cannot be reduced to ones and zeros and flung across the globe. Weve stopped the oil companies from stealing our future, and well stop them again." - Nemonte Nenquimo

Climate Changemakers (from your job postings) looks like a good org to volunteer with:

"Climate Changemakers focuses on smart climate policies that have already been proposed or passed by U.S. cities, states, or the federal government...Weekly Action Plans make it simple to block out the noise and just do what matters..."

I hear precious little from anyone other than the Green Party about Climate Change in the run-up to the UK general election.

When the planet's energy imbalance has doubled in the past 15 years, politicians seem intent only on burying their heads ever-deeper into the sand.

Opposition vows to scrap NSW offshore wind in Labor heartland
By Nick McLaren, Melinda James, and Tim Fernandez

During a rare visit to Wollongong, National Party leader David Littleproud confirms that, if elected, the opposition will scrap both offshore wind zones in New South Wales.


Greece heatwave: Warning for tourists after four dead and more missing in record temperatures

17.06.2024 - 08:00 Uhr
Chart des deutschen Strommix ber die letzten 6 Stunden.

's share price has just about quadrupled in twelve years.

makes around 4 billion euros annual profit.

But, you know, no money for EV Chargers at all petrol stations nor for major grid scale battery storage installations.

In other news it's very common in for politicians to work in parliament for a few years & then get a job on the board of, say, Iberdrola or Repsol.

The choice could not be more stark: How Trump and Biden compare on climate change.


Biden = bad
Trump = catastrophic

Time is of the essence here. The electricity sector represents the low hanging fruit of Australias decarbonisation effort in other words, the transition to renewables is relatively easy and cheap. Stripping emissions from other sectors will cost more and take longer.

Turn out the lights...
The party's over...
They say that all good things must end...
Call it a night, the party's over..

This sculpture of a Posthuman breathing from the last Tree on Earth is a fair warning to all of us. When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is polluted you will realize, too late, that you cant eat .

This Is Your Brain on Climate Change: How the Heating Planet Causes Psychological Changes.

Living on our heating planet doesnt just affect our lungs, hearts, and immune systems but also can harm our brains, affecting our moods and behavior.

Deadly heat waves in Mecca and Greece underscore climate crisis.

As the U.S. faces another potentially record heat wave this week, the Middle East and Europe's Mediterranean have endured extreme temperatures that have proven deadly.

reveals marine ecosystem shifts over 1 million years, highlighting impacts

"You cant be in the Paris agreement without a 2030 target. They Labor are walking away from the Paris agreement. That is their policy position. With no 2030 target, thats where you wind up."
Angus Taylor (then the energy minister) in parliament. 240221

"Thats totally false to think that by us not meeting our 2030 target, will see us kicked out of it the Paris agreement" Nationals leader David Littleproud, 090624. Josh Butler, Guardian, 160624. The LNP are shameless.

NYTimes: In Southern California, a Wildfire That May Foreshadow a Hazardous Summer
The Post fire northwest of Los Angeles has burned over 14,000 acres and illustrates the danger of built-up vegetation after rainy winters. By Jill Cowan

Stop Climate Change
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Global Warming sucks